About the Renegade Iceboat
The Renegade is an excellent boat for those seeking spirited on-design racing. It has been a winner and trend-setter ever since its unveiling in 1947, providing many of the design features found in today’s Skeeters. The Renegade bears 67 square feet of sail on a bendy wing spar, making it a powerful racing yacht in a small package. It is compact and light enough to be car-topped. The local Renegade fleet has seen tremendous growth as many skippers move to perhaps the fastest of the one-designs. For more information on the Renegade class, contact the Renegade Association. Detailed plans are available on this webpage in the links above or from the IRIYA (for a mere twenty bucks).
2018 Renegade Championship Results
The results from the 2018 Renegade Championship have been posted. See them here.
A special shout out of appreciation from Renegade Race Committee Chair and 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson to the regatta PRO, John Hayashi, for his extra efforts to get the regatta in. His hours spent checking ice, organizing the race committee, providing equipment, keeping the troops rallied and informed, and his overall positive attitude throughout the regatta in tough conditions were appreciated by all the competitors.
2018 Renegade Championship
The 2018 Renegade regatta is in the books. Saturday was a bust with no racing because the wind never arrived.The day was not wasted though because sailors took advantage of the beautiful day to tune their boats and exchange information. Patience paid off on Sunday when the first race started at 11:12 AM on Lake Puckaway near Green Lake, WI in tricky light air. Three races later, Greg McCormick won the regatta. Stand by for results. George Gerhardt and Tim McCormick were tied for second.
2018 Renegade Championship ON for Dec 15-16, 2018 @ Puckaway
The 2018 International Renegade Ice Yacht Racing Association championship regatta has been called ON for Lake Puckaway (near Green Lake, Wisconsin) December 15-16, 2018. This is a 5 race regatta series. 3 races will take place on Saturday and 2 races will take place on Sunday.
The lake currently has 9 inches of good ice with a thin film of slush maybe a 1/4 of an inch at most. The lake has now been sailed for about two weeks. The main landing we will be using is at Apucckawa Park off of Toepper Drive.
We will be running starts for both the Renegades and also the local Nites. The first starts will be for the Renegade Championship starting at 10:30 AM CT
Our races will be run by PRO John Hayashi, with scoring by Maureen Bohleber and Mimi Hayashi. We have assistance with others but welcome any and all help.
If you have any questions you can contact either Donny Anderson 608-577-8527 or John Hayashi 608-575-8033
Apuckawa Park Access
Mecan River Outfitters:
(920) 295-3439
The Renegade Association has rented a cabin as a gathering spot here. If anyone wants to stay in the cabin, it will cost $25. There is another cabin available for rent for $120 plus tax (will hold 6 – 8 people.)
There are 4 hotel rooms left (2 people per room) for $99 plus tax
Acorn Ridge Motel
Heidel House Resort
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Registration at the launch: 9:30
Racing begins at 10:30 AM
Banquet at 7:30 Mecan River Outfitters, order off the menu.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Racing begins at 9:30 AM
Prize giving to follow
2018 Renegade Championship Tentatively Called On
The 2018 Renegade Championship regatta has been tentatively called on for December 15-16, 2018. Primary site is Lake Winnebago at Fond du Lac, WI and secondary is Lake Puckaway near Green Lake, WI. Final confirmation will be made on Thursday, December 13, 2018 by 1 PM CT.