The 4LIYC member card: Don’t hike your Skeeter without it!

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Meeting Schedule
Like sharpening runners, a notice of dues is another hopeful sign that the ice sailing season is weeks away. The 4LIYC remains committed to promoting iceboating and continuing to bring you all the news from our Four Lakes to the ice sheets of the world. Your dues support, the Buy and Sell page, the 4LIYC ATV, and the equipment to run club races and regattas.  It’s more crucial than ever to pay your dues by mail this season. You will not be able to hand our treasurer, Jerry Simon, your $20 membership fee at a 4LIYC meeting because we are temporarily moving to Zoom. You’ll receive this nifty membership card in the mail when you pay your dues. Club members will also receive an email with a link to our Zoom meetings where you will continue to learn the latest about the iceboating scene. Please make sure to include your email address with your dues.
THANK YOU for helping to support the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club.

Annual Dues:
Senior (Regular) Member $20
Student Member $10
Under 18 Years Old $10

Jerry Simon, Treasurer 4LIYC
3788 Highridge Road
Madison, WI 53718
Click here to download and print the membership form.