The Hard Water Summit Website

Season Approaches…Montana Calls

With the chill in the air and the shallower lakes starting to change form, no doubt many of you are dreaming of the ice sailing season ahead. If you haven’t already, now is the time to mark your calendar for the 2022 Hard Water Summit in Montana, this March. If this event is news to you, check out the details at


The event will take place during one of the first three weeks of March–


March 14-18 Target Week
March 7-11 Earliest Option
March 21-25 Latest Option


As we get closer to these dates and conditions are known, a call will be made. So, keep your schedules loose and be ready to go. We’ll be headed to “The Middle of Nowhere”, from all over the country and other parts of the world. All ice sailors are welcome. There are 73 already registered!


If you’re interested in being on our list for ongoing information, please subscribe by filling out the short survey on our website.


The city of Glasgow, Montana is looking forward to hosting our group with great enthusiasm. So much so, that the Glasgow Tourism Board has awarded us a sizable grant to help make the event spectacular. In addition to epic ice sailing, plans are underway for nightly social events, daily adventures for ice sailors’ guests who prefer other activities, and much more.


If you’re headed to the Great Western Challenge next week, bring your local knowledge questions, as Sean Heavey, Glasgow, Montana resident and ice sailing photographer/videographer extraordinaire will be there. Sean is bringing all his hi-tech gear, including his new video-equipped racing drone that is fast enough to keep up with any iceboat. You’ll see from Sean’s website that he is also a storm chaser, so this guy knows how to shoot extreme!


Stay safe everyone and hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving.
Daniel Hearn