12-pack to go
Time to start digging out iceboats and spare parts you want to sell. If you are new to the sport or looking for your first ride, iceboat swap meets are the best place to find what you need and meet the ice sailing community. The Skeeter Iceboat Club has scheduled the Southern Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet for Sunday, November 6, 2022. This year’s event is at the Delavan Yacht Club in Delavan, WI. Stay tuned for more details!
Speaking of swap meets, The ice yacht clubs of Michigan will be holding their swap meet on Saturday, November 5, 2022.
Save the Date:
Saturday November 5th…our tradition of the first Saturday in November for the 2022 Annual Iceboat Swap Meet.
This year we are on our home Lake, Gull Lake, near the South Bay off M-89 at
The Dock ( at Bayview) from
10 am to 1 pm
12504 E D Ave
Richland, MI 49083
Swap, sell, buy, trade. Catch up with friends and make many more who enjoy our unique sport of Ice Yachting.
Sponsored by:
Gull Lake Ice Gull Lake Ice Yacht Club
West Michigan Ice Yacht Club
and Grand Traverse Ice Yacht Club
MINNESOTA: To be announced.
NEW ENGLAND: Saturday, October 29, 2022 @ Thompson Speedway Golf Course, Thompson, CT. More information.