Bucky Badger on the MARY B at the Frozen Assets Festival on Lake Mendota.
The Wisconsin Memorial Union is having a winter fest this weekend, February 11 – 12, 2023, and the 4LIYC has been invited to display iceboats. The MARY B will be there, and I believe, INSANITY. Looking for others who would be willing to display boats from other classes. This will be excellent exposure for our club and sport. Not to mention, that there will be many attractive coeds looking to meet a big, strong, iceboatin’ man. As an added incentive, there’s a free case of beer chilling for the skipper of every displayed boat. You’ll probably meet several coeds with whom you could share it. Wow! Please let me know if you’re willing and which boat(s) you’ll bring. Thx! Commodore Daniel