Hundreds of people watch as fireworks launch into the night sky above an inflatable replica of the Statue of Liberty’s head, arm and torch on frozen and ice-covered Lake Mendota during the conclusion of the Wisconsin Union’s Winter Carnival on Feb. 11, 2023. The event was held along the shoreline of the Memorial Union Terrace at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The Lady Liberty tradition began with a prank in 1979 by the Pail and Shovel Party which made a campaign promise. Read more
Madison Celebrates on the Lake Mendota Ice this weekend.
This weekend, Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club (4LIYC) sailors are shifting gears a bit to focus on promoting the sport of iceboating while taking advantage of great conditions. Instead of official club racing, we’re focusing on a fun sailing day on Saturday, February 8, as part of the UW Winter Carnival and Frozen Assets celebrations at The Memorial Union and Edgewater. It’s also a good opportunity to see the MARY B set up at the Edgewater. Stop by and say hello to 4LIYC members from the Iceboat Foundation who help preserve this boat.
If you want to sail on Lake Mendota, you can set up at Lot 60 or Brearly Street and sail toward The Edgewater and the Union to give spectators a close-up look at the sport. If conditions remain favorable and the snow holds off, we may also hold 4LIYC club racing on Sunday, February 9, on Lake Mendota. We’ll have more information on possible 4LIYC racing on Saturday, February 8.

Bucky’s new ride, the MARY B