William Bernard’s YELLOW KID at the 1913 Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta in Menominee, Michigan.

While checking out archive.org for new iceboat-related content, I came across a striking February 1926 cover of Ainslee’s Magazine illustrated by Ethel McClellan Plummer. The artwork depicts two elegantly dressed women aboard a stern-steerer, the boat in a bit of a hike—yet they appear completely unfazed. Naturally, they’re improperly dressed for iceboating, and not exactly sailing the boat—but that’s artistic license of illustration.

Plummer was a well-known illustrator during the Golden Age of Magazine Illustration. Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1888, she later lived in New Jersey, where she may have seen ice yachts firsthand. Her work for Ainslee’s Magazine connected her to a publication with an incredible stable of writers—W. Somerset Maugham, P.G. Wodehouse, O. Henry, and more. But there’s a deeper iceboating connection hidden within the history of this magazine.

Ainslee’s Magazine began as a humor publication called The Yellow Kid, named after the famous cartoon character in the first-ever comic strip published by Hearst newspapers. This character, created by Richard F. Outcault, appeared in Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World before William Randolph Hearst lured Outcault away to publish the strip in his New York Journal paper. This newspaper war led to the rise of sensationalized tabloid reporting, which became known as “yellow journalism”—all because of a comic strip.

Now, the Madison iceboating connection: In the early 1900s, William Bernard, Madison’s well-known ice yacht builder and sailor, owned a stern-steerer named YELLOW KID, no doubt named after that very same cartoon. And let’s not forget Hearst’s own link to ice sailing—he sponsored the Hearst Trophy, one of the most prestigious ice yacht races.

So, from a 1926 magazine cover featuring an iceboat back to a Madison stern-steerer named after the magazine’s original namesake and circling back to Hearst’s own involvement in iceboating, it’s all connected. From here to there—or there to here.