Ice checkers this morning found that the ice on Lake Monona is surprisingly good. All of the snow is gone. The surface is hard and getting smoother by the minute as nature’s Zamboni is doing its work. There will be some wet spots on top of the hard ice. It will not take much breeze to make it go on this racetrack.
The Skeeters have decided to club race starting tomorrow; their races will be scored. Other Fleet Captains should poke their members and notify Deb if they intend to race for points one or both days.
Club equipment will be on the ice Saturday morning.
4LIYC racing is scheduled for Lake Monona on January 27-28, 2024. As we did last weekend, we will postpone racing until Sunday, January 28, due to the forecast for Saturday, which predicts fog and minimal wind. However, ice checkers will inspect the ice on Sunday morning to determine if we can race. We advise all club members to wait until the ice is inspected before sailing. If the ice is sailable, Sunday’s first race is at 10 AM.
On Sunday, January 21st, Dave Delap skillfully captured the action of our day of club racing on Lake Monona. Follow @aspiring_astro_boy on Instagram. Many thanks to Dave for sharing. Scores from Sunday’s racing have been updated.
Rob Evans sails his A Class Skeeter on Lake Monona, January 15, 2022. Photo: Joe Berger
The 2024 International Skeeter Association and Renegade Championship have been postponed until February 2, 3, 4 because of foggy conditions and a poor wind forecast in the Madison area. Next update is Sunday evening, January 28, 2024.
John Dennis ISA Regatta Chair
UPDATE: January 24: Scores have been revised. Thank you for your patience.
DNs, Nites, Skeeters, and Renegades each sailed three races on Sunday, January 21, 2024. Preliminary scores posted here. We are missing some names in the DN fleet. Please let us know who you are. Thank you for joining us on the race course. If you’d like to become a member of the 4LIYC, just click here and pay online. It’s only $21 and helps to keep our equipment maintained.