The Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta is called on for Lake Waconia, Minnesota for February 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2024. The final call will be made by noon on Wednesday January 31st.
The International Skeeter Association and Renegade Championship are also called on for the same location and date. If the Northwest is called on Wednesday, the ISA & Renegade Championship will be postponed. If the Northwest postpones on Wednesday, the ISA Race Committee will determine if the ISA & Renegade Championship can proceed or be postponed. That decision will be announced at noon on Wednesday January 31st as well.
Dave has shared another batch of photos with us, shot on Sunday, January 21 on Lake Monona. Thank you, Dave. You can find his work on Instagram under his handle, @aspiring_astro_boy.
Attention Attention Attention
Official 4LIYC racing has been cancelled for January 27-28. However, club members will scrub race on Sunday, January 28 on Lake Monona from the Olin Park Launch.
4LIYC members will be scrub racing tomorrow, Sunday, January 27, starting at 10 AM. The Skeeters packed up and removed their trailers late morning, concerned about the weight of their trailers. Surface condition and thickness appear to be fine, but make your own call. This is strictly an unofficial gathering. All are welcome.
Daniel Hearn 4LIYC Commodore
Ice checkers this morning found that the ice on Lake Monona is surprisingly good. All of the snow is gone. The surface is hard and getting smoother by the minute as nature’s Zamboni is doing its work. There will be some wet spots on top of the hard ice. It will not take much breeze to make it go on this racetrack.
The Skeeters have decided to club race starting tomorrow; their races will be scored. Other Fleet Captains should poke their members and notify Deb if they intend to race for points one or both days.
Club equipment will be on the ice Saturday morning.
4LIYC racing is scheduled for Lake Monona on January 27-28, 2024. As we did last weekend, we will postpone racing until Sunday, January 28, due to the forecast for Saturday, which predicts fog and minimal wind. However, ice checkers will inspect the ice on Sunday morning to determine if we can race. We advise all club members to wait until the ice is inspected before sailing. If the ice is sailable, Sunday’s first race is at 10 AM.