The 2023 NIYA Regatta is postponed to the first thick enough ice in December of 2023. If no such ice develops, the Regatta will be cancelled on December 31, 2023.
SOLD!“Rainbow 2nd” is a Marconi Rigged Class “A” Ice Boat.
Originally gaff rig built in 1898. Very nicely restored & rebuilt
with West System.
35’ back bone
35’ mast
18’ plank
2 main sails, 1 jib, 2 sets of runners with boxes, full set of travel covers
and cushions.
Comes with a road worthy 31’ tandem axle trailer. $10,000 obo $8,500 obo
Located in White Bear Lake, Minnesota.
We are pleased to announce that the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club will officially conclude the season at Springer’s On The Lake, the home of some of the best ice sailing in the United States this year. Please save Saturday, April 22, and join us once again on Lake Kegonsa to celebrate ice boating. Stand by for the details. What: Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Awards & Social Event When: Saturday, April 22, 2023 Where: Springer’s On Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton, WI
Emil Fauerbach and possibly Andy Flom in the PRINCESS in front of the Fauerbach Brewery on Lake Monona, Madison, WI, c.1910s.
The 2023 Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to March 25 and 26. The next update will be Sunday, March 19. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.