Class A Skeeters hiking out at the 2016 Northwest on Lake Monona, Madison, WI. Photo: Joe Stanton
There will be no club racing this weekend Feb. 11-12. Ice checkers found 2-3“ of stiff snow with a layer of water underneath before reaching hard ice. Hopefully the warm temps and sun will turn the top snow to liquid and then we’ll get a hard freeze. Keep’m sharp!
4LIYC Commodore Daniel
Bucky Badger on the MARY B at the Frozen Assets Festival on Lake Mendota.
The Wisconsin Memorial Union is having a winter fest this weekend, February 11 – 12, 2023, and the 4LIYC has been invited to display iceboats. The MARY B will be there, and I believe, INSANITY. Looking for others who would be willing to display boats from other classes. This will be excellent exposure for our club and sport. Not to mention, that there will be many attractive coeds looking to meet a big, strong, iceboatin’ man. As an added incentive, there’s a free case of beer chilling for the skipper of every displayed boat. You’ll probably meet several coeds with whom you could share it. Wow! Please let me know if you’re willing and which boat(s) you’ll bring. Thx! Commodore Daniel
Results DN Sweden Community Facebook Page for Live Reports
I’ve been in Rattvik, Sweden, on Lake Siljan, helping with the fourth annual 2023 DN Grand Masters Regatta, a three-day event for sailors 60 years and older. Hal Bowman US1277 and Mike Bloom US123 are the first Americans to ever participate in the regatta.
Lake Siljan is 137 square miles, formed 377 million years ago by a meteor. It’s almost as big as Lake Winnebago at 215 square miles.
There were three Skeeters that came out to watch yesterday. I was too busy to be able to get a closer look. I’ll try to get better pictures today, the last day of the regatta.
A group of top DN sailors gathered at 4LIYC Commodore Daniel Hearn’s office during the recent World Championship to answer questions about iceboat racing. Thanks Sam Bartel for shooting the vide, editing, and posting to YouTube. Link here.
2023 Nite National Results
Congratulations to father and son Dave and Kyle Navin for their one and two finishes at the Nite Nationals sailed on Lake Geneva February 4-5, 2023. (I’ve been waiting over 20 years to write that alliterative headline, “Navin Nabs Nite Nats – even better having to add the s to make it Navins -Ed.) 4LIYC Commodore Daniel Hearn took 4th in the Gold fleet, while Brett Hulsley took 7th in the Silver fleet.