4LIYC Tune Up: There’s Much To Be Learned

There was no racing today but some beam reaching. We had ice and relatively warm temperatures, but the racing breeze was absent. Bill Mattison used to say, “there’s much to be learned” on days like these. It was a good to day to set up your boat for the first time and make sure everything was working.
Sunday’s Schedule: 4LIYC Holiday Series for Sunday, January 1, 2023. Flag drops at 10 AM. Plus the infamous Bloody Mary 10-lapper.


4LIYC Racing News for 31 Dec & 1 Jan


12-31-2022: Racing is called on. Waiting for wind.

The 4LIYC Tune-Up (for Saturday) and Holiday series (for Sunday) have been tentatively called on for December 31, 2022, and January 1, 2023, on Lake Kegonsa. Ice checkers will scout and sail Kegonsa on Saturday morning. We’ll confirm by 11 AM.

We received reports that Kegonsa is a consistent 7″ and is a solid sheet. We saw ATVs crossing the lake today and a few fish houses. The ice did not wet out because the snow was dry and powdery. Temperatures were relatively cold today, in the 30s.

The first race will start on Saturday, December 31, 2022, at 1 PM on Lake Kegonsa. Push trailers on the ice. DO NOT DRIVE ON THE ICE!

Ice checkers found 7″ of ice on Lake Monona on the west side,, but some open areas in the middle of the lake made Kegonsa a better choice. Mendota has 3″ of ice.

4LIYC Tune-Up & Holiday Series
December 31, 2022 and January 1, 2023
First Race: 1 PM, Saturday, December 2022
Sunday Start: 10 AM
Lake Kegonsa
Amundson Landing
Please be courteous to all who use the landing: Do not drive on the ice. Roll trailers on. Drop your trailer and park.
Don’t block the landing.

Amundson Landing

Got Ice

“My work here is done…”

One week ago today, the high temperature was -2F. Contrast that to yesterday’s high of 55F. That’s almost a 60-degree swing in the Zamboni direction. Ice sailors have been taking advantage of the thaw on Pewaukee and Delavan this week.

4LIYC members will check Mendota, Monona, and Kegonsa today to learn what we have. A concern for us is the thickness and drain holes. We will report back tonight with more information.

Other Possibilities:
Via the Nite Facebook Page:
“Pewaukee is shaping up with a freeze predicted Friday night/Sat Morning. The PIYC is planning a 10am start Saturday and possibly Sunday. 4lakes, Green Lake, etc… all are welcome to get your 1st laps in of the season! Launch at Gina’s Sports Dock. Do not drive your car on. Walk trailers on and park across the road.”

Via the Puckaway Ice Sailing Squadron Facebook Page:
“We are calling on a NEW YEARS Regatta for Sunday. For lack of a better name and with consultation with Donny we are going to call it the Grand Slam for January 1st. The final call will be Saturday afternoon.”

“How Would You Know?”

Paul Krueger M165, Ken Whitehorse M197, and Bill Mattison M143. Class A Skeeters, c. 1980s

The subject of sailing on Lake Koshkonong, about 30 minutes south of Madison, came up recently on the 4LIYC Facebook page. Koshkonong looks inviting as you drive past. It was a reasonable question to ask, why not Koshkonong?

Well, 4LIYC members and other ice sailors just “know,” and here’s how:

C Skeeter sailor Pat Heppert remarked, ” When I lived in WI, I spent years driving by and checking it. So tempting many times when it looked like glass ‘from the road.’ But whenever you walk it, all sorts of WTF problems show up. I finally gave up and concluded Koshkonong is just not meant for iceboats. The root source of the problem is the highly variable water level, which causes all the subsequent problems.”

The definitive proof came from a Mattison-Krueger-Whitehorse adventure on Koshkonong back in the 1980s.

Ken Whitehorse:

Ken, Bill, and PK

There was a big setup area. PK and I went tearing out to the lake. We saw spring bubbles to port and starboard. It was a gauntlet of spring water bubble-ups, like aerators. There were so many we could only turn around once we found a big area. As we sailed back to shore, we couldn’t follow our old runner tracks too closely because we had already busted through the ice on the way out. Bill Mattison said he was ready to push off and shook his head. ” I tried to tell you guys about this place, but you guys shamed me into it. “But How Would You Know”

We had a 24′ rake back mast, so we only needed 3 to set up the Skeeters. We considered ourselves so fortunate to get out of there that no one said a word about it as we went into the smoky tavern for a dipper.

Lake Hopatcong Ice Yacht Club Tune Up Night

Lake Hopatcong in New Jersey has a long ice sailing history and is building on its tradition by hosting a Tune-Up Night. You can find more information on their new Facebook Group.

We hope to see folks who like to race and folks who enjoy cruising in any kind of iceboat. It’s also for people who want to know more about iceboating and our long history of sailing on Lake Hopatcong.
We rented a church parish hall, big enough to set up – a couple DN’s (new and vintage) inside so we can talk about setups and tuning. Big enough to lay out a mini-course and catch up on rules basics.
Plus…we’ll have a runner sharpener on site and some guys who know how to use it. Bring your runners and stuff to sell or trade if you want. Heck, bring your boat and we’ll set it up inside.(Please bring pads to protect the gym floor)
And we’ll have chili, snacks, beer and soda.
All are welcome. No charge.
Friday 12/30
6:00 to 9:00 PM
St. Judes Church Parish Hall. 40 Maxim Dr, Hopatcong, NJ 07843 (Parish Hall is behind the church)
More information on the Facebook Page