DN Great Western Challenge
Breeze and hard, fast ice arrived on Lake Puckaway just in time for the 2019 DN Western Challenge. This regatta will be remembered by many of us for years to come.
Breeze and hard, fast ice arrived on Lake Puckaway just in time for the 2019 DN Western Challenge. This regatta will be remembered by many of us for years to come.
The right way to start the week, a video from Jim McDonaugh from the weekend sailing on Buffalo Lake in Minnesota, potential site of the Western Challenge DN regatta.
The Great Western Challenge is “ON” for December 13-15, 2019.
Primary location is Lake Buffalo in Buffalo, MN., sailing out of Sturges Park.
Check back for update on Wednesday and for hotel information.
Think ice!
Via iceboating.net:
The 2019 Western Challenge is Postponed.
We will try again on December 13-15, 2019, at a location to be determined.
Think Ice!
Condolences to the family and friends of Gull Lake Ice Yacht Club, Michigan sailor Randy Johnson who recently passed on. His passion for ice sailing made for an extraordinary and beautiful funeral where his DN set up was set up in remembrance.
Ice sailors, in March 2020 you have an opportunity to take the trip of a lifetime. Sailing on the largest freshwater lake in the world in one of the most remote areas of the planet is an adventure you’ll never forget. Below, German DN sailor Jörg Bohn G-737 shares his love story to Baikal.
Baikal: What To Know for 2020
By DN G-737 Jörg Bohn
It’s time to start thinking seriously about ice! The Minnesota Ice Sailors have announced back to back
fun-regattas (non-sanctioned events) for December 2019. Both regattas will take place on the best ice in Minnesota, location to be announced. Information will be posted on the Minnesota Ice Sailing website, iceboating.net.
December 6-8, 2019
Location: TBA, best ice in MN
Mini-Skeeters are also invited to attend and join the party!
December 14-15, 2019
Location: TBA, best ice in MN
Classes: A, B, and C Skeeters