Iceboating appeals to dreamers. This twin-masted bow steering iceboat comes from the Facebook page of the World Ice & Snow Sailing Association. One of their members in Canada built the boat. This is one of the more unusual twin-mast concept iceboats because the wings are on the plank. Here are two more twin-masted iceboats, one in the from of an oil painting by Harry Whitehorse, and the other from Brian Reed who saw it ten years ago on Orange Lake in New York.
Photo: Brian Reed. Orange Lake in New York.
Twin-masted stern-steerer with the DEUCE in the background. Oil painting by Harry Whitehorse.
Elmer Millenbach rounds the weather mark in RENEGADE I on Geneva Lake. Note the film crew standing bravely at the mark.
Elmer Millenbach was one of the most influential iceboat builders in North America. Hamilton, Ontario ice sailor, Rob Intini, went so far as to stencil “We All Plays Elmer’s Tune” on his Class-A Skeeter boom as a reminder of Elmer’s iceboat innovations. Elmer designed the bow-steering Renegade and along with his wife, Cora Lee, created a successful one-design class. Cora Lee also served for many years on Race Committees and spent hours on the ice handling scoring duties.
Elmer designed the Renegade because the newly created DN Class couldn’t make up their minds on specifications.
From Renegade Reflections, an interview with Elmer Millenbach:
…. We no sooner got comfortably started when the Detroit Ice Yacht Club rescinded the allowable changes and reverted to the originally modified plans. That was it, as far as I was concerned! The three of us were stuck with sails and material for 3 boats, but I just couldn’t bring myself to build to the original plans. I told my two companions in the project that I was going to design my own boat and left it to their choice to do as they chose. Read the entire article here.
Cora Millenbach, Elmer, and Bill Mattison (in red jacket).
Elmer Millenbach (red leather helmet) getting trophy, his wife Cora. Paul Krueger with camera in the background.
Elmer, who was born in a blizzard and had his first iceboat ride at 9 months, celebrates his birthday.
NOTE: There are two steps to view photos at full size. 1.Click on photo, another page will open. 2. Click on the photo again and you will be able to see the full sized version. Pegel Slide Collection Series Webpage
The Skeeter IBC 85th annual trophy dinner took place on May 5th.
Winner of the various completed series were presented their trophies.
Boe Craft B Skeeter:
Championship Series – Steve Schalk
Saturday Morning Series – Rick Pappas
Wednesday Series – Steve Schalk
DN Saturday Series – Pat Fitzgerald
The Nite fleet did not have a completed series, but Kyle Navin was recognized
as the winner of the races that had been sailed.
Two former Commodores were granted Life Membership status –
Chuck Kaye and Steve Schalk. They both have performed outstanding
service to the Club as equipment maintenance men, ice checkers, rescue team, and as members of the sailing committee.
The current existing Life Members who were present to express their welcome to Chuck and Steve included
Burly Brellenthin, Bud Melges, and Jane Pegel. Life Member Spark Lundberg was unable to attend the event.
Hooray Hooray, the First of May, Outdoor Ice Checking Ends Today
The idea sounded like a good one – ice sailing on May Day! The Minnesota ice sailors tried their best to make it happen today but Lake Minnetonka ice had deteriorated. Mike Bloom reported that they walked on the lake and found “lots of sketchy areas. Once again, Mother Nature proves who’s boss.”
690: L. Wohrle, 445 Bob Cave, 378 Eric Sternkoff, 294 Lou Lonnecke
Today’s subject is DN iceboats from the late 1950s to early 1960s. This class has changed with the times and allows for more modern materials such as carbon fiber in the masts.
Bob Cave and Lou Lonnecke, pictured above, remain active racers in the DN class. NOTE: There are two steps to view photos at full size. 1.Click on photo, another page will open. 2. Click on the photo again and you will be able to see the full sized version. Pegel Slide Collection Series Webpage