Welcome to iceboat.org

The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club is one of the most active iceboat clubs in North America. We’ve been building and racing iceboats for over 100 years in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Ice Is Never 100% Safe.

Our ice reports are strictly for iceboat racers. Recreational iceboaters, kite boarders, cross country skiers, and ice fishermen should not rely on our ice reports. We have safety equipment. Do you?

Buy or Sell Your Iceboat

One of the best pages in North America to buy or sell iceboats and their parts. There’s also a complete list of vendors who will supply iceboats, sails, and their components.

Common Questions:

How can I get started? How fast can they go? How much do they cost? Is it safe?

Regatta Watch

Information about the ISA, NIYA, WSSA, Nite, and DN regattas.

Iceboat Classes

Learn about Skeeters, DNs, Stern Steerers, Renegades, Nites, and Ice Optimists.

The Rules.

The purpose of iceboat racing rules is to prevent collisions.

Ice Yacht Clubs

The best way to learn about iceboating and make life long friendships is to join a local club.

Why We Sail.

“If all our ice were glass, slightly wet, and all our air reasonably steady with lifters just where needed, sailing would be perfect. Sometimes we do find this, and it is worth waiting years to have. Meanwhile we must accept the more ordinary ice conditions, ordinary weather and wind, and gracefully accept snow, sometimes for weeks. Our ideal comes from time to time, the Great Maker gives only so much of the very best.” Charles H. Johnson.

Iceboating for Kids

Ice Optimists were created specifically as a youth trainer, designed to be easily built using commonly available materials, and to keep costs to a minimum.

4LIYC Meeting : February 26, 2025. Location to be determined.
DN World & North American Championship: Feb 2 – 8 More information
International Skeeter Association Regatta:
Postponed until Feb 14 – 16. Next update Feb 9
Northwest Regatta: Sailed @ Winnebago January 24 – 26. More information
Senior Shuffle DN Regatta: Postponed More information
4LIYC Shipstore: Order custom iceboat shirts, hats, and gear. More information.
 Order your 4LIYC Burgee
Pay Your Dues Online

A Big Thanks to NIYA & ISA Ice Checkers

A message from NIYA & ISA Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk:

The Race Committees for the Northwest and ISA regattas, would like to acknowledge all the efforts of our ice checkers who have been scouting and sailing potential regatta sites. Pat Heppert and Chris Wiberg spent an entire weekend driving the width of Minnesota setting up their boats and test sailing multiple lakes. Terry Reynolds and Mike Peters sailed Little Bay De Noc, and Jim McDonagh drove up to Lake Osakis on Wednesday at dawn sailed his DN all over the lake, then drove back in a whiteout. We all owe them a big thank you for the huge efforts made to find a place for us to have an event. Many thanks to you guys.

Steve Schalk



Feb 15 – 4LIYC Meeting Tonight on Zoom

Happy day-after Valentines Day. Our normally scheduled meeting should have been last night, but to keep everyone on good terms with their significant others and out of the doghouse, we scheduled for tonight. Club members in good standing should have received an email with the Zoom link.

Club members in good standing will vote on two items, a dues increase and the induction of Ken Whitehorse into the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Honor Roll.
Ken Whitehorse Nominated for 4LIYC Honor Roll

A By Laws Proposal has been submitted by Daniel Hearn and Lars Barber. The club will take a vote on the proposal at the February 15, 2024 4LIYC Business Meeting.

Proposal to change Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Bylaws, Article 3, Section 4
Section 4 – Effective 11 /1 /96 dues shall be as follows:
• Senior member – $20.00
• Junior member – $5.00 (3/27/96)

Change to

Section 4 – Effective 11/1/2024 dues shall be as follows:
• Senior member – $30.00
• Junior member – $5.00 (3/27/96)

Reason: Expenses have increased significantly since 1996.
Submitted by: Daniel Hearn and Lars Barber

Regatta Watch: 2024 WSSA Postponed to Feb 24-25

The “P” word strikes again.

The 2024 Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to February 24 – 25. The next update will be Sunday, February 18. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Feb 14, 2024 Regatta Watch: Postponement for ISA & NIYA


The Northwestern Ice Yachting Association Race Committee has postponed the 2024 Regatta to February 23rd, 24th, and 25th. A combination of incoming snow, snowy travel, 5.5 rated surface with high winds forecast led to the postponement.

The International Skeeter Association Race Committee has postponed one week to February 23rd-25th. If the Northwest is held that weekend the ISA will defer.

Steve Schalk

Regatta Watch: 2024 WSSA Tentatively Called On for Feb 17 – 18

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta for 2024 has been tentatively called on for February 17 and 18. The possible site selected is Lake Osakis, MN. Final confirmation will be made by 1 PM Thursday, February 15. Check back here after that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association has also tentatively scheduled their regatta for the same weekend, that regatta takes precedence.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Regatta Watch: NIYA Or ISA Called ON for Feb 16-18 in MN or WI

The 2024 Northwestern Regatta is on for Lake Osakis Minnesota for February 16th, 17th and 18th. The final call with details on the launch site located off Lake street in downtown Osakis will be made on Wednesday by noon.

The 2024 ISA Regatta and Renegade Championship is also called on for a location to be determined in Minnesota or Wisconsin. If the Northwest is confirmed on Wednesday, the ISA will defer and postpone.

NEXT UPDATE: Wednesday, February 14 by 12 PM CT.

Steve Schalk

DN World Championship Photo Gallery from Parnu, Estonia

A very quick update from Parnu, Estonia where the 2024 DN World, European, and Junior World Championship is taking place. The course a bit over 4 miles from the launch, quite a hike on this big ice. Took a few pictures on the way in yesterday of a Gold fleet race from a view rarely seen. Back with more later – it’s a whirlwind of activity at a regatta as you all know!
DNIYRA European Website for official information
IDNIYRA Europe Facebook
IDNIYRA Europe YouTube for daily reports
Gilles Morelle Images – Professional Photographer

The Right Path

Winnebago ice sailor Andy Gratton checks in while we wait for the ice to return.

Here are a couple shots of rough ice on Winnebago from last Monday, Jan 29. The ice is sailable with a small maneuverable boat if one follows the right path. The boat was sailed to that position.

Mosquito Season Comes Early

Video Link

Mosquito Season Comes Early
By Pat Heppert

Despite the vast postponing of most regattas due to warm weather this weekend, the first annual “Minnesota Mini-skeeter Mayhem” regatta was completed as scheduled on 2/3/24. The warm humid weather sure does bring out the skeeters! The small fleet size of three Minnesota boats, piloted by Bruce Wegger, Tom Kvale and Pat Heppert were fully dialed in and wound up around a 0.5 mile course on tiny Lake Riley, Eden Prairie, MN. The small lake size in a metro area seriously did make for a lot of tactical decisions with plenty of shifts, gusts, and shoreline effects, which was super fun. The mini-skeeters shared the course concurrently with about 10 boats total from around the lake including DN’s, Nite, JX-14, and Skimmer. The PRO, race committee chairman and venue provider John Bushey took great care in ensuring a safe, fair competition among a competitive fleet. The 12” of flat black ice with zero obstacles stayed hard until 2 PM, which was plenty sufficient to get the regatta completed in one day. Boat speeds were so blazingly fast that I thought the loud “crack” I heard was me breaking the sound barrier, but it turned out to be a broken bulkhead apparently from builder error. No problem, kept sailing. The scoring team had incredible difficulty writing finishing numbers at the speed and tight formation of this group, but the conclusion of the day was that everybody was a winner, and the trophy awarding is being held off until next year.

Renegade B Roll

During the nationally televised Purdue v Wisconsin basketball game yesterday, Greg McCormick glided across the screen in his Renegade sailing on Lake Monona.

Online Ship’s Store

Regatta Dates 2025


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National Iceboat Authority Web Page

Click for 4LIYC Meeting Dates


  • January 2 THURSDAY Honor Roll Nominations
  • January 15 Deadline for By-Law or Racing Rules Amendment Submission
  • January 29
  • February 12 Business Meeting 
  • February 26
  • March 12 Last Meeting of the Season

Location: In person at the Elks Lodge 711 Jenifer St, Madison, WI 53703

Time: 6:30 PM


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Lake Access Permits

A year-round permit required for designated launch sites in the City of Madison and Dane County Parks. Locations include:

    • Lake Mendota Warner Park Mendota County Park
    • Lake Monona Tonyawatha Tr. Olin Park
    • Lake Waubesa Goodland Park

Purchase Lake Access Permit Online.
