Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

Spaight St. Syndicate Update: Daniel 2.0

The Daniel 2.0 

Daniel 2.0

If you are not smart like Pat Heppert, I would highly recommend getting yourself a Daniel 2.0. You see, Pat designed this slick sheeting system for our Mini Skeeters. Rather than pulling downward off the boom, our sheet runs underneath the deck, which allows us to trim with the full benefit of our legs and torso. Now Pat is plenty strong enough to sheet the traditional way, but his much older and weaker travel mate is a total wuss. The system was likely designed with this in mind, but Pat is too nice to say so. It also allows us to crouch down deep into the cockpit keeping our elbows in, reducing windage. Even Pat, with his superior musculature, can nearly disappear inside the cockpit.

My first attempted Mini build ended with my mast listing to leeward at about 30 degrees. I told everyone I was testing an on-the-fly adjustable stay system. I said it with such conviction that no one immediately pointed out that the Mini has a stay-less rig. Given the wreckage that was left on my deck, I doubt anyone bought it, but it was worth a try. I have made a living spinning tales for decades, so I just could not help myself. This configuration certainly was not fast!

The playa fact checkers uncovered that the spinmaster’s boat blew up on the second day of racing last May. Regatta Manager extraordinaire, Dennis Bassano, provided the “tow of shame” back to the pits, while interested parties gathered around to survey the wreckage. “That one’s not going to buff out,” one helpful observer offered. “Hardly a scratch I replied,” simultaneously wondering what I was going to do in the desert for the rest of the week? Fortunately, Ironman Renee Fields (for those not in-the-know, the adjective is gender neutral), graciously offered to withdraw from the Mini Class, to allow me to race Pete John’s spare boat. Renee routinely races in every class. Pete is still going fast nearing 90 years old. Two amazing people!

Truth-be-told, the builder was too much of a weight weenie, removing structure he considered unnecessary. Guess we all know how that turned out! Sorry John. Sorry Pat. In my defense, it worked for Senna. At least the hull was still in primer, so the eventual paint would hide my ineptitude.

Since I was performing major reconstructive surgery, I decided to move my ratchet block further forward underneath the deck. This, to give me more un-tapered mainsheet to clutch before reaching maximum block-to-block. And, to still have only the tapered sheet running through all eight blocks at race trim. If I were smart like Pat, I would have left a tracer line in my hull before closing it up. No matter how I attempted to contort my body, there was no way I could reach that far forward. And my access panel underneath, was not quite big enough. Enter Daniel 2.0. Dashel Daniel , my grandson. Among the greatest honors of my life, he was named after me.

Dash was happy to scurry into the cockpit abyss, skillfully rerouting my mainsheet through bulkhead bushings, around my ratchet block in the correct direction and back to my waiting hand. So, if you find yourself with a similar dilemma, let me know, and I will share contact info for his mom. Dash has yet to learn his marketable value, but rest assured he will. His “Pappy” (and his Dad) will see to that! For now, he is most satisfied to work for chocolate!

Iceboating: The Unsung Training Ground for America’s Cup Helmsmen

Link to video.
Previous: Ice Sailors to Represent USA in Youth America’s Cup
In this interview with Harken Blockheads, Harry Melges IV, one of the helmsmen representing the USA in the upcoming Youth America’s Cup, was asked which boat sails most similarly to the cutting-edge AC40. His answer? “Iceboating is probably the most similar.”

This comes as no surprise for those of us in the iceboating community. Ever since foiling boats began to dominate the America’s Cup, we’ve recognized the parallels between the speeds and control demanded by both foiling and iceboating. Harry’s insight confirms what we’ve known all along iceboating is the perfect training ground for mastering high-speed sailing.

As Harry and his team prepare to compete on the world stage in Barcelona, it’s exciting to see hard water skills being recognized as key to success in the Youth America’s Cup. Iceboating continues to play a role in competitive sailing, and we’re proud to see our sport contributing to the next generation of champions.

Cheers to 50 Years – Nites Celebrates Half a Century of Nationals

Get ready for a weekend of full-on iceboat talk and camaraderie. The Nite Class is hosting a party celebrating 50 years of Nite Nationals on Saturday night, October 26, 2024, at Harken Headquarters in Pewaukee. All iceboaters are welcome to join in on the festivities.

Why not make a full weekend out of it? The Southern Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet is happening the next day, on Sunday, October 27, so you can enjoy a weekend dedicated to thinking ice. The Nite Class has even reserved hotel rooms at a discounted price to make it easier for you to join the fun.

Come celebrate, swap stories, and gear up for the season. If you plan to attend the cocktail party, RSVP to Nite Commodore Maureen Bohleber at 920-279-1506

HOTEL INFO – Ask for the Harken Party
2840 N Grandview Blvd
Pewaukee, WI
2 Queens or 1 King $85.00 Book by 9/26

2101 Meadow Lane
Pewaukee, WI
2 Queen $120.00 1 King $110 Book by 10/19

A Sail Slide’s Story

Ruben Snodgress with COLD WAVE. Photo courtesy of Catherine Firmbach

PREVIOUS: Ole Evinrude’s Iceboats
A small object can reignite another dive into ice sailing history. Recently, Henry Bossett sent me a photo of a sail slide with the iconic Evinrude name stamped on it. For most people, Evinrude is associated with boat motors. However, for ice yachting enthusiasts, it evokes memories of the company’s venture into ice yacht manufacturing.

The sail slide that Henry shared belonged to Ruben Snodgress, who owned the stern steerer COLD WAVE, and he sailed it on Mecox Bay in Long Island, New York. While I’m unsure if COLD WAVE was an Evinrude-built ice yacht, it certainly used Evinrude sail slides. Interestingly, there are mentions of ice yachts named COLD WAVE in old magazines, but I’m not sure of the history of Ruben’s boat. I suspect Henry can fill us in.

But the story doesn’t end there. Ruben Snodgress wasn’t just an ice sailor but a true adventurer. His adventures even took him to a Russian DN regatta before the Cold War ended. To learn more about Ruben’s trip to Russia, read the full story here:
Siberian Adventure Part One
Siberian Adventure Part Two

Sometimes, the small things, like a simple sail slide, remind us of the history and connections within the world of ice yachting.

Photos of Ruben Snodgress and COLD WAVE courtesy of Catherine Firmbach.

Mattison – Ripp Week: Celebrating Two Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Legends

Bill Mattison Archives
Jack Ripp Archives

As promised last August, it’s time for the second annual Mattison Ripp Week, when we honor the incredible legacy of two Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club sailors—Bill Mattison and Jack Ripp—who were fierce competitors and lifelong friends. This August, both Bill and Jack would have turned 96 years old.

This post features one of my favorite photos of them, capturing a moment before they headed to the 1962 International Skeeter Association (ISA) regatta on Lake Geneva. Jack Ripp entered the regatta as the defending champion, but 1962 was Bill Mattison’s year to shine, winning the ISA just 2 points ahead of Jack.

While the newspapers of that time only offered a little coverage of the regatta, we are fortunate to have Jane Pegel’s excellent day-by-day report in the ISA News and Views. Her detailed account allows us to relive those days’ excitement and celebrate the remarkable achievements of these two sailing legends.

August 7, 2024: DN in WI

Recreational DN
Sarns blades, Bowers sail, Gougeon wood mast, boom, & runner plank. Quick and responsive, fun to sail.
Northeast WI
Dick 920-421-2421

A Good Day On the Ice – 1970 ISA Memories

The recent passing of Gloria Melges reminded Don Sanford of a film clip from Bill Mattison’s collection taken at the 1970 International Skeeter Association Regatta, which was sailed on Lake Mendota from February 27 to March 1. Don shared this clip which shows a happy day on the ice for the Melges family and other assorted characters. It also brought back memories because I was there to watch my dad, Dave Rosten, and Buddy Melges tie for first place in that event.
Link to Video

Here’s how the News and Views reported the regatta:

For Midwest iceboaters, this was anything but a dream season. Light air, snow on new ice, flurries that drifted into mountains, bitter cold and rain showers all tested the iceboater’s determination to enjoy his “Thing.”
When the I.S.A. Championship was finally convened at Madison on February 27, it seemed as though the pain was to continue. The wind was non-existent and when it did come, it was light. As the regatta progressed throughout the three days, some of the races failed to make the time limit. Attempts were made to re-sail the abandoned races. But not all could be completed. Nevertheless, the competition was keen and some deserving champions were crowned.

Ice Sailors to Represent USA in Youth America’s Cup

Iceboaters, we have a horse in the Youth America’s Cup race starting in Barcelona on September 17, 2024. Just down the road from Four Lakes, Fontana, WI, home of the Skeeter Iceboat Club, has the highest concentration of Youth America’s Cup sailors in North America, all with a background in ice sailing. Kyle Navin, Harry Melges IV, and Finn Rowe have been selected to represent the USA in this prestigious event. Their iceboating experience has prepared them well for the high speeds and intense competition of the AC40 boats, which can reach 45 knots downwind (almost as fast as an iceboat.)
When: Begins September 17, 2024
Event website
How to Watch
About the Team
Photos courtesy of Nite sailor Dave Navin


Remembering Gloria Melges

Gloria Melges with her husband, Buddy, at the 2007 Northwest Regatta at Menominee, MI. Buddy won the Skeeter title that year.

The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club and ice sailing community extend our deepest sympathies to the Melges family on the loss of their matriarch, Gloria Melges. Via Sailing Scuttlebutt:

Gloria Melges, 93, a beloved member of the sailing community and an esteemed race committee officer, passed away peacefully on July 20, 2024. Born in New Jersey on May 27, 1931, Gloria was raised spending summers aboard a Great Lakes cruising sailboat out of Chicago, where her father served as Commodore of the Columbia Yacht Club. This unique upbringing instilled in her a lifelong passion for the water and sailing.

Gloria pursued higher education at Northwestern University Dental School, where she graduated with honors. During her time at Northwestern, she met and fell in love with Wisconsin yachtsman Harry C. “Buddy” Melges Jr. Their relationship blossomed, but their time together was interrupted when Buddy went to serve in the Korean War. Despite the distance, their love grew stronger through the heartfelt letters they exchanged while he was away.

Upon Buddy’s return, he proposed to Gloria, and they were married shortly thereafter. Their deep bond and unwavering love for sailing became the foundation of their 69-year marriage, a passion they passed on to their three children: Laura, Harry III, and Hans. During their seven decades together, Gloria was a steadfast supporter of Buddy’s illustrious career, cheering for him both on and off the water.

Gloria’s legacy extends beyond her family. She was the first female Commodore of the Lake Geneva Yacht Club on Geneva Lake in Wisconsin, a testament to her trailblazing spirit. Continue reading.

Gloria and Buddy on the plank of Buddy’s Skeeter MICKEY FINN, talking to Bill “Curly” Perrigo and his son Will. 

July 18, 2024: DN in NJ

Complete DN race package. Karol Jablonski’s hull,  P55 plank, Jeff Kent mast. All three 1D sails with carbon battens. Too many runners to list and many many extras
Also available 14 footbox trailer.
New Jersey
Call Captain Dave for more details,
732796. 2060

Chi Mac Update: Tales to Tell & Iceboaters Take Section 1


Rick Hennig and crew on DEUCE

Read full report here.
In case you missed it, the Chicago to Mackinac race took place over the weekend. First, the good news: Keith Haas checks in with the news that MEDICINE MAN, owned by Rick Hennig—who also owns the world’s largest iceboat, DEUCE—took top honors in Section One. Keith writes, “Rick Hennig took first place in Section 1 of the Chicago MAC race aboard his boat MEDICINE MAN. The crew consisted of notable iceboaters Rick Hennig, Todd Knop, Abby Knop, Jay Yaeso, Eric Sawyer, and Richard Sawyer.” Congratulations, Rick and crew.

However, as Great Lakes sailors know, Lake Michigan can quickly turn dangerous. A storm hit in the dead of night, which resulted in two serious situations: a dismasting (USUAL SUSPECTS – Ron Sherry & Skip Dieball) and man-overboard (CALLISTO – Steve Orlebeke), Skip and Ron have shared photos and stories on their Facebook pages. Skip shared the following story from USUAL SUSPECTS owner Eric Wynsma:

“Tough night for the Usual Suspects as we were dismasted early this morning about 35 miles offshore during the Chicago Yacht Club Race To Mackinac. Ripping along comfortably at 15 knots with an A2 and a Genoa staysail, a small cell popped up and whacked us with an 80-degree wind shift at 30+ knots, knocking us flat and breaking our mast in 3 places. We worked frantically to cut the rig away so it wouldn’t hole the boat as we jumped around in the waves attached by a million halyards and control lines. Everyone kept their act together, and nobody panicked as we just went into what we knew needed to happen. Very proud of our group.

Nobody was hurt. I had all three of my kids aboard, and it was my 25th Chicago-Mackinac race! While not as good as our 52-class win last year, I am satisfied that we returned 13 suspects to the dock disappointed but unharmed! Thank you all for the support; this truly sucks for all
of us, but we are keeping things in perspective. We consider ourselves fortunate under the circumstances! Sincerest thanks to some amazing sailors on board; the display of teamwork and seamanship in this situation was absolutely outstanding.”

Meanwhile, Steve Orlebeke and crew on CALLISTO had to deal with a man overboard situation that thankfully turned out OK. Phoebe Wall Howard’s excellent reporting about the race stated, “Disaster was averted after Madcap, a Santa Cruz 52 owned and skippered by John Hopkins, responded to a man overboard report from Callisto, a J/125 owned and skippered by Jim Murray. Both boats resumed racing the 333-statute mile (289 nautical mile) race without injury.”

2024 Chicago to Mac – For More Glory

The 115th annual Chicago to Mackinac race is taking place today, and among the competitors are several iceboaters trading the hard water for soft water. While the race’s website makes it challenging to see all boats and crew on one page, we know that ice sailors Steve Orlebeke (DN & A Skeeter), Ron Sherry (DN & Renegade), Skip Dieball (DN & Renegade), Dave Elsmo (DN and A Skeeter), and Ben Witman (DN and C Skeeter) are participating.

Steve Orlebeke is sailing on the J125 CALLISTO, Ron Sherry and Skip Dieball are crewing on the TP52 USUAL SUSPECTS, and Dave Elsmo and Ben Witman are aboard the TP52 LEGACY. All are in the same division and vying for the Mackinac Trophy.

Ron and Steve have a long history of intense competition. Their unforgettable duel at the 2020 DN North American Championship in Montana is one of the greatest battles, beautifully captured in a video by Sean Heavy. As they gear up for the challenges of the Mackinac race, it’s a perfect time to revisit that legendary moment. Watch it here.

Follow the Chicago to Mackinac race here.



“Wisconsin’s Frozen Legacy”

Here’s an article written for the Wisconsin Maritime Museum’s magazine about the history of ice sailing in Wisconsin and the champions, innovators, and legends who have shaped the sport. Read it here.

The Wisconsin Maritime Museum in Manitowoc is absolutely worth a visit. A few years ago, they hosted a fantastic exhibit dedicated to the Inland Lakes Yachting Association, featuring scows, trophies, and a wealth of history. Perhaps one day, they might consider creating a similar exhibit for ice sailing.

It’s Fourth of July!

Ice Riders on the Chesapeake Bay by Charles Wysocki

Here’s a collection of various photos that have been previously posted to celebrate the July 4th holiday. It’s a perfect opportunity to remember that two of the founders, Ben Franklin and John Adams, were acquainted with ice sailing. Ben even ordered a set of plans!  But one ride in the Netherlands was quite enough for John Adams. He wrote to a friend, that iceboating “as again endangered my Health and my Life.” Enjoy the holiday – it’s getting darker earlier every day.
When Ben Franklin Ordered Iceboat Plans
Ben Franklin’s Iceboat Drawings

Photo: Gretchen Dorian

JD’s EAGLE, Class A Skeeter. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Shown here from left to right doing their best to make the ordinary extraordinary are: Don Ermer, Don Sanford, Steve Arnold, Lady Liberty, Ty Reed and Ken Kreider. Ty Reed and Ken Krieder.

Patriotic Pete Johns

Iceboat Swap Meet – Save the Date

Save the Date!

It’s the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club’s turn to host the Southern Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet, and the Nite Class has an event worth celebrating. The 4LIYC and the Nite Class invite you to kick off the season in October with an iceboating doubleheader extravaganza, the Southern Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet and a celebration of 50 years of the Nite National Championships. Our good friends at Harken in Pewaukee will host both events during the October 26 – 27 weekend. Stay tuned for more developments.

What to Know:
50 Years of Nite National Championships
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024
Time: 4 pm – 7:30 pm
Round table discussion followed by a social hour
Location: Harken Inc.
N15W24983 Bluemound Rd.
Pewaukee, WI
More information

Southern Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet
Buy, Sell, and Learn About Ice Sailing
Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 9 am – Noon
Location: Harken Inc. Parking Lot
N15W24983 Bluemound Rd.
Pewaukee, WI
More information

The Unpredictable Adventures at the Current Champions Fast Iceboat Shop

If you drop in on the Current Champions Fast Iceboat Shop, best to be prepared for anything, as Menekaunee Iceboat Club member Mike Derusha discovered yesterday.

Ken Whitehorse shares, “It was a momentous day at the Current Champions Iceboat shop. Our Renegade Champ Mike lent a hand with repairs on the DN Western Region ATV and equipment trailer, then loaded up 100 feet of Sitka Spruce, and finally, joined forces with Skeeter Champ Ken to construct a wigwam.”

Speaking of wigwams, I’m going to take the opportunity to plug what’s been keeping me from posting here as much as I’d like —helping to organize the first Harry Whitehorse International Wood Sculpture Festival, which will take place June 14 – 22 at San Damiano on Lake Monona. During the week-long festival, twelve artists from around the world will create wooden sculptures. Ken and Mike began constructing an educational longhouse frame that will serve as an exhibit space for Ho-Chunk cultural demonstrators and a wooden canoe. Hope to see you there!

If you’d like to visit or volunteer, more information is available at this link.


Andy’s Visit to the WI State Historical Society

WSSA Secretary Andy Gratton recently explored the extensive history of iceboating preserved in the William Bernard scrapbooks at the Wisconsin Historical Society. These late 1800s and early 1900s scrapbooks provide insight into the world of ice sailing and are a go-to source for those interested in its history. Among the treasures that caught Andy’s eye was a photo featuring a Studebaker motor-propelled sleigh showcased at an exhibition around 1913. Even in the early days of ice sailing, William Bernard and other ice sailors were already on the lookout for race committee vehicles.

[UPDATE – edited to reflect it was Mike Kroll’s stern-steerer, not Mike Peters] I perused the scrapbooks with three young friends, time went quickly and we learned a bunch, but I still haven’t figured out for certain if Mike Kroll’s boat is the Princess 3 or not. I have been in communication with Peter Fauerbach about this, too. I will need to go back and study two books in more detail.

I did come across this very interesting photo in William Bernard’s “1913” scrapbook. It may be the first “Skeeter” on the ice. There was no article with the photo of the vehicle. It appears to be a Studebaker car with chains on the driving wheels and some sort of runners at the front and rear, possibly with wheels under the covers. I’m not sure whether the vehicle is one long frame or a trailer attached with more bench seats. It looks like the choice seats are at the very rear as that is where the extra windshield is positioned. I hope the heater works well.
Andy Gratton