Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

SOLD! November 13, 2023: Stern Steerer in WI

SOLD! Gee Whiz II
Are you looking for a fast boat? Then the Gee Whiz II is just what you are looking for. This is a Class D Stern Steerer. Has won many championships. Includes trailer with full box that will hold 1 sail and the boom, 2 Sails, 2 sets of runners, and any necessary rigging equipment.
$2000 obo
$1000 obo

Regatta Watch: Northwest Postponed

The Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta is postponed to February 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2024. There will be a new update from the Race Committee next Sunday January 28th, 2024.

Steve Schalk


Northwestern Ice Yachting Association

Regatta Watch: ISA & Renegade Championship Called ON for Jan 26 – 28 on Lake Monona

Steve Schalk sailing a B Skeeter on Lake Kegonsa at the 2023 ISA. Photo: Will Johnston

The International Skeeter Association regatta and Renegade Championship have been called on for January 26, 27, 28 on Lake Monona in Madison, WI. Final confirmation will be posted by noon on Wednesday, January 24. The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club held racing on Lake Monona today in all fleets. There is 8″ of ice.  Next update: Wednesday, January 24.
John Dennis ISA Regatta Chair

Regatta Watch: WSSA Postponed

Fred Stritt bought the late Marv Luck’s Stern-Steerer. Fred set her up on Lake Delavan this weekend where she was the belle of the ball.  Photo from Midwest Hard Water Sailing Facebook page.



The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to February 3-4. The next update will be Sunday, January 28. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

SOLD December 21, 2023: Nite in MI

SOLD! Nite #74
One sail in good condition
2 ea planks – One regulation and one for high winds or two people
2 ea masts
2 set of Sarns runners
One Sarns sharpening jig
2 covers – One brand new
One new set of cables for the mast
Several misc. extra parts
3 ea stands
Trailer with spare tire  – newer tires
2 ea helmets
Boat is ready to sail. Previous owner was Bub Rose from Michigan. More pictures available
Asking $4350

4LIYC Racing Called on For Jan 21, 2024

Olin Park landing on Friday, January 19, 2024.  

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing has been called on for January 20 – 21, 2024 on Lake Monona. We are postponing Saturday’s racing because temperatures will be below 10 degrees F for most of the day. Racing begins on Sunday, January 21. The first race is at 10 AM.
Ice checkers looked at Lakes Monona and Kegonsa. Kegonsa had 5″+ of hard, somewhat dimpled ice with about 5/8 inch snow. Lake Monona measured in at 5-6″ with 1/2 inch of snow. Thank you to all those who checked ice in the past few days.
What to Know:
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Racing
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Time: First race at 10 AM
Location: Lake Monona
Launch:  Olin Park
Do not drive on the ice!
Permit: You must have a Lake Access Permit. Click here to purchase one or buy a daily permit at the landing.


Ken Whitehorse Nominated for 4LIYC Honor Roll

Photo: Sean R. Heavy

Ken Whitehorse Archives
4LIYC Honor Roll
Ken Whitehorse has been nominated for induction in to the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Honor Roll by Greg McCormick and Daniel Hearn. Congratulations, Ken, and thank you for contributing so much of your time and effort to this club and the sport of iceboating. The club will vote on the recent Bylaw proposal and Ken’s induction into the Honor Roll at our February 15, 2024 business meeting.

Never in the history of competitive iceboating has the name of a boat more clearly reflected the heart and character of its skipper. This is especially true in the case of Kenny Whitehorse, sailing his A skeeter WARRIOR. Kenny’s tenacious and competitive spirit was never more evident than when he won the 1977 Northwest regatta, claiming victory in an epic battle over the Skeeter Iceboat Club’s Sparky Lundberg. Kenny won the regatta on the last leg of the final race, with the lead changing right up to the finish. Those in attendance witnessed one of the sport’s most epic battles. Kenny’s cousin, Greg Whitehorse, reflected on his many years of racing Ken and stated, “I could never manage to beat him in the close ones.”

Kenny’s indomitable spirit could also be observed off the ice, squaring up with Buddy himself in one of Fontana’s favorite haunts: “Chucks.”
Details can get lost over time, but one thing is perfectly clear: somebuddy poked the bear.

Remarkably, Kenny’s most lasting contributions to the sport may not be on the ice but in the countless hours of painting, welding, building, tuning, and repairing club equipment and competitors’ boats. Ken has fixed or repaired four-wheelers for both the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club and the DN Western Regional Association. Without skilled sailors like Kenny lending their time and talent, safe and competitive racing would not happen.

Ken Whitehorse has competed and won against the legends of the sport, including Mattison, Melges, and Kruger. One of those legends is Kenny’s trailer and shop partner, Paul Kruger. Their teamwork has enabled them to sail recreationally and competitively into their 7th and 8th decades—a remarkable achievement. Ken has proven to be a fierce competitor and loyal friend and truly deserves to be inducted into the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club’s Honor Roll.
Submitted by Greg McCormick and Daniel Hearn

By Laws Proposal & 4LIYC Zoom Meeting Tonight @ 6:30 PM

Zoom meetings from a Skeeter cockpit are fast.

We will be meeting remotely tonight via Zoom. Club members should have received an email link. If not, please let me know.
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM CT

A By Laws Proposal has been submitted by Daniel Hearn and Lars Barber. The club will take a vote on the proposal at the February 15, 2024 4LIYC Business Meeting.

Proposal to change Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Bylaws, Article 3, Section 4
Section 4 – Effective 11 /1 /96 dues shall be as follows:
• Senior member – $20.00
• Junior member – $5.00 (3/27/96)

Change to

Section 4 – Effective 11/1/2024 dues shall be as follows:
• Senior member – $30.00
• Junior member – $5.00 (3/27/96)

Reason: Expenses have increased significantly since 1996.
Submitted by: Daniel Hearn and Lars Barber

Four Lakes Aerial Ice Checking

Lake Monona froze over in the early morning hours of January 15, 2024. Photo: Ethan Brodsky

On Monday, January 15, Ethan Brodsky, one of our favorite pilots, toured the lakes in Madison. Lake Monona appeared to be completely locked and covered in white frost, which is not snow. We have been blessed with ice due to the brutally cold temperatures. However, we are waiting for the ice to thicken and for the temperatures to be a bit warmer before we start scouting. This is sure to be a topic of discussion during our Wednesday night 4LIYC Zoom meeting.  As always, respect the ice and be safe. 

There’s still plenty of open water near Middleton, but by the “rowboat” definition, Lake Mendota froze last night. Monona is frozen solid – it was was wide open yesterday (January 14.). Lake Wingra is also frozen solid – it had a small open patch in the middle yesterday. I have to laugh at all the people who were predicting the lakes wouldn’t freeze this year. – Ethan Brodsky

Regatta Watch: 2024 ISA & Renegade Championship Postponed to January 26 – 28, 2024

Photo: Will Johnston

The 2024 International Skeeter Association Regatta and Renegade Championship has been postponed until January 26 – 28. We are waiting for recently frozen ice to build. Next weekend’s extremely cold forecasted temperatures are also a factor in postponement. Next update is on Sunday, January 21, 2024.
John Dennis, ISA Regatta Chair

Think Ice Globally – Sail Mongolia!

The sport of ice sailing has expanded to Mongolia. From the land of horses, yurts, and vast open spaces, Ganaa Davaa recently contacted Nite Commodore Maureen Bohlebher and me to talk ice sailing. Ganaa related that the conditions in Mongolia, similar to the dry landscapes of Montana, are perfect for our sport, with ice from December to April. Ganaa urgently needed iceboats for a January 12 winter festival, so John Hayashi of Windward Boatworks, got on the road and drove two boxed Lockley Skimmers to a Chicago shipping firm, which ensured their timely arrival. The 4LIYC’s Lars Barber helped out by giving his Skimmer sail to John so that the boats would be complete.  Expect to see more iceboats in Mongolia as they continue to build their fleet.
Meanwhile, the first-ever international DN regatta is taking place in Jinzhou, China. Minnesota’s Mike Bloom is there, along with several Europeans and Russians. Follow the regatta in the DN website and Facebook page. It is remarkable how this sport brings together people from around the world.