Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

Scott Goetz Memorial Postponed & Weather Update

View from Lake Mendota Webcam on January 12, 2024. This is a good thing. Watch the live webcam for ice-making starting Monday.

Southern Wisconsin is currently weathering heavy snow and winds. The blizzard has prompted the postponement of Scott Goetz’s celebration of life, initially scheduled for Saturday, January 13, 2024. The family will likely reschedule when the weather is warmer.

Weather Underground temperature forecast.

We expect very cold weather next week and are hopeful for good ice sailing conditions in the coming days. The good news is that all Madison area lakes are open.  Maybe we’ll have ice like Lake Vanem in Sweden right now, pictured below! Keep your runners sharp, it’s coming to southern Wisconsin.

In the News: Peter Harken in Seahorse Magazine

Peter Harken Archives
Via Sailing Scuttlebutt:
Carol Cronin on an article she wrote about Peter Harken for Seahorse Magazine:

Just like his name, Peter Harken’s life story is so intertwined with the company he helped to build that I gave up trying to separate the two. And the fifteen-month delay between writing and publication meant I was enchanted all over again when I read through Part I. So many Hall of Famemagaz inductions… yet the humble Peter seemed quite surprised that I (and Seahorse’s readers) might actually be interested in his life story The editor has graciously given me permission to share the PDF with you, but that only covers up to the 1980s. To read Part II, you’ll have to subscribe. Well worth it for all the Rod Davis lessons! Thanks for following along, and let me know what you think of ‘Plodding along dropping white plastic balls‘.

Excerpt from Plodding along dropping white plastic balls by Carol Cronin for Seahorse Magazine:
The most famous of those ideas solved a classic iceboat problem: how to get enough purchase on the mainsheet without adding so much friction that the boom had o be pushed out downwind. ‘Iceboating, your reactions have to be really fast. When you let the sheet out a little bit it has to happen right away – or you’re going over!’ Read here.

Fond Du Lac Ice Yacht Club Readies for the Season

Dave Lallier with mother Carol in 2013 sailing their Johnson A Stern Steerer on Lake Winnebago. .

Carol Nichols ready to sail in 2013.

Fond Du Lac Ice Yacht Club members in 2023.

Our friends from Fond du Lac Ice Yacht Club recently shared a photo which features three original founding members – Dave Lallier, his mother Carol Nichols, and Karen Whealon. In 2013, Dave and his late brother Jeff had a fantastic day of sailing on their Johnson A Class Stern-Steerer with their mom, Carol. The Lallier family’s passion for ice sailing started with Dave and Jeff’s parents. “This iceboat thing started for me when I was a baby sitting on Mom’s lap in the back seat of MR. DASS, an old Don Ward D Skeeter still in the family. Jeff and I were lucky to have spent much time sailing with mom and dad when we were young.”
With the forecasted cold temperatures, here’s hoping that Lake Winnebago has a good freeze this season.
Tip of the Helmet: Julie Jankowski

2024 ISA & Renegade Championship Postponed Until Jan 19-21

2023 ISA on Lake Kegonsa. Photo: Will Johnston

Via ISA Regatta Chair John Dennis:

The International Skeeter Association Regatta and Renegade Championship has been postponed until January 19, 20, 21, 2024. Extreme cold temperatures forecasted for next weekend should give us more options for ice. The next update is on Sunday, January 14, 2024
John Dennis

Senior Shuffle Postponed

Chilling and grilling.

The first annual Senior Shuffle has been postponed. Light winds and 3″ of powdery snow caused the postponement of the 2024 Western Region Championship on Twin Lake at Phelps, WI.  We still plan to hold the Shuffle on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after the Western Region Championship, whenever that may take place.


2024 DN Senior Shuffle Called ON for Phelps, WI

DN fleet at the 2010 Northwest on Lake Winnebago. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

REGISTER: Click here to register for the regatta.

DATES: January 8 – 10, 2024
LOCATION: North Twin Lake, Phelps Wisconsin
North Twin Lakes Landing Road, Phelps, WI. Roll trailers on please.

Best Western Derby Inn
US-45, Eagle River, WI 54521

Days Inn by Wyndham
844 N Railroad St North, Eagle River, WI 54521

Coady’s Point of View Resort
3932 Point of View Trail, Phelps, WI 54554


  • Saturday: 5 PM CT online registration closes.
  • Monday: 9:00 AM CT Skippers Meeting. 10:00 CT First start. Senior Fleet will start first (if multiple fleets).
  • Tuesday: 10:00 CT First start.
  • Wednesday: 10:00 CT First start. Races can start as late as 1 PM or at the discretion of the Race Committee.


Eight Bells: George S. Hendrie Jr.

George S. Hendrie, Skipper of the BULL. Photo from the Carl Bernard Collection. (This photo is likely George S. Hendrie Sr.)

The opening line of an obituary often sets the tone for a life well-lived, and when it begins with the mention of sailing on the famous stern-steerer FERDINAND THE BULL, you know you’re about to dive into the story of a true sailing legend. George S. Hendrie Jr., an avid iceboater hailing from the Detroit, Michigan, area, passed away on January 1, 2024, at the remarkable age of 96.
Fair winds and following seas, George.

 George S. Hendrie Jr., 96, died Monday, Jan. 1, 2024. He was a loving husband and father.

George was president of Color Custom Compounding prior to selling the company in 1984. He also was an avid sailor and iceboater. At age 16, he was the trimmer for his father aboard Ferdinand the Bull, when they won the Stuart Cup in 1943. The Stuart Cup was considered the world championship of iceboating in the unlimited class in that era. George and his father repeated as Stuart Cup victors aboard Ferdinand the Bull in 1944.

His involvement in sailing on Ferdinand the Bull ended in January 1945, when he joined the U.S. Navy to fight in World War II. Upon his return from the war, he continued racing iceboats. He was a past commodore of the Detroit News Ice Yacht Club and Detroit Ice Yacht Club in the late 1940s and early 1950s. On or around 1961, he won the national championship for the Arrow class of iceboats. Continue reading.

Letter to Carl Bernard from George S. Hendrie Sr.

Regatta Watch: 2024 DN Senior Shuffle Called ON

The 2024 Senior Shuffle


Dates: January 8 – 10,  2024, after the DN Western Region Championship
Location: Two locations under consideration for the DN Western Region Championship: Lake Osakis in Minnesota or Vilas County in Wisconsin. Final confirmation of location by 5 PM CT Thursday, January 4, 2024.

Get ready for North America’s take on the European DN Grand Masters Regatta.
It’s the first, maybe annual, no-running regatta for the “more seasoned” DN sailors. It will take place the three days following the Western Regional Championships, on the same ice.


  • January 8 – 10, 2024, the three days after the DN Western Region Championship, which is scheduled for January 6 – 7.


  • Open to Seniors (50-59), Masters (60-69) and Grand Masters (70+) who will race under Shuffle Rules with one start.
  • Open to “aspiring” Seniors (49 or younger) who will also race under Shuffle Rules with a separate start.


  • No running. Not at the start. Not during a race. No track stars allowed in a Shuffle race!
  • Starting positions will be determined, in advance, by random draw for every race. No one is advantaged or disadvantaged with a starting position based on their previous race performance. It’s all luck of the draw.
  • Racers must start with one foot on their plank, and are limited to five kicks.
  • Racers must stay in their boats unless they come to a complete stop during a race. In that event, a racer will have one additional 5-kick opportunity to complete a race. A second stop is an automatic DNF.
  • No more than 4 races which count on any one day. Scrub racing may continue after official races for any who are interested.
    Maybe we’ll award prizes…maybe we won’t. But what we do know, is that this is all about fun and camaraderie.
  • Oh, yeah. And that means no protests. We’re going to race like a Wisconsin intersection. “You go. No, you go. Ohhhh, please, I insist der my friend. Oh, cripes, tanks, der good buddy!”


  • $50 registration fee to cover prizes and extras
  • All registration will be online. If you’re tech-challenged, ask a youngster for help.
  • Because we’re so green, race documents will only be published online.


SOLD January 3, 2024: DN Program in WI

SOLD Race Ready Sherry “Clone ” hull
Built by the Pewaukee Syndicate.
Loenneke built ‘glass wrapped ash and cedar strip
plank with Struble chocks.
Sherry Carbon Quil spar with
Forstman boom and Harken blocks,
and tapered sheet.
Boat comes with 2 sails ,…1 FO-1 and 1 Speed
Also included, 1 set 1/4″ x 36″ Carbon inserts
Boat is Race Ready and in beautiful condition,
located in Lake Geneva.
Price is $ 6450.00

Buddy Melges Documentary Feb 6 @ Union South

If you’d like to attend this viewing, act now to secure your space in this 300-seat theater. This event is open to the public.

Date: Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Location:  Marquee Cinema at Union South
1308 W. Dayton Street #245
Madison, Wisconsin 53715
Time: 6:15 p.m., followed by a short discussion.
Cost: $10

Regatta Watch: 2024 WSSA Postponed

WSSA Home Page

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to January 27 and 28 due to lack of ice and cold weather. The next update will be Sunday, January 21. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.

Andy GrattonWSSA Secretary/Treasure

Regatta Watch: 2024 Renegade Championship Postponed to Jan 12 – 14

Mike Ripp & Jeff Russell at the 2023 Renegade Championship on Lake Kegonsa. Photo: Will Johnston

Renegade Home Page
Via International Renegade Ice Yacht Racing Association Regatta Chair Don Anderson:

The 2024 Renegade Championship Regatta originally scheduled for January 5 – 7 has been postponed until January 12 – 14. Check back on Sunday, January 7, 2024 for the next update.

Eight Bells: Scott Goetz

Read Scott’s Obituary
With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Scott Goetz, an invaluable member of our Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club. Scott passed away on December 24, 2023. He left behind a selfless legacy of service to the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club and the ice sailing community.

Always ready to go the extra mile, Scott offered assistance wherever and whenever needed. Jim Nordhaus referred to Scott as a “boat brother” who was part of a group that met every Tuesday night at Jim’s shop to work on iceboats and enjoy the camaraderie. Whether helping with race committee, building or repairing iceboats, or simply being a friendly face at our gatherings, Scott was a true friend to all. Scott’s departure serves as a reminder of how one person can impact a community.

Details to come on celebration of life. See Cress Funeral Home for details on arrangements. Family and friends are invited to join us to celebrate Scott at the Cress Center, 6021 University Avenue, Madison, on Saturday, January 13 from 1-4 pm.

The Iceboaters Universal Challenge

Henry Bossett discovered a vintage cartoon panel that may only make sense to an iceboat builder. When I was a kid, my dad and his fellow 4LIYC members built Skeeters in our basement. Extracting the finished hull out of the basement was a carefully orchestrated affair requiring the removal of doors and windows to navigate the boat out to the waiting trailer. Iceboats are sometimes built or repaired in a dining or living room that has been transformed into a workshop for iceboats.

The cartoonist Quin Hall had a successful career, including a stint at the New Yorker Magazine, but I couldn’t find any connection to iceboating. Perhaps he had a neighbor who faced the same problem when living in New Jersey, near Red Banks.
Tip of the Helmet: Henry Bossett

Just like in the cartoon, these kids are having a blast in their home-built iceboats.

Whole Lotta Boinging Goin’ On

Here’s the latest Spaight Street Syndicate Update on the baker’s dozen Nite mast project:

Whole Lotta Boinging Goin’ On

Yesterday was boinging day at the Spaight Street Syndicate. With a baker’s dozen of Sitka Spruce Nite Racing Masts nearing completion, it was time to determine the boingosity of each. Freshly back from the American Magic camp in Barcelona, the smart person job was handled by Kyle Navin, while the old man (the reigning Nite National Champion) recorded the data. “Funny, but every time the weight needed to be hoisted onto the sling, the two old guys had “business” to conduct on their phones,” commented the junior Navin. Little did Kyle know, but this was actually a training session on the fundamentals of business management–the day’s focus being on delegation and empowerment.


Precise boing data was collected with a top secret amount of weight (it was 80 lbs.) suspended at the mast center, with readings taken at the bottom third, halfway and two thirds points. The builders were pleased to note that the boing was remarkably consistent from side to side, even prior to final tuning. Over the range of masts, centerpoint boingosity was recorded from 3.2″ to 5.8″. In the days ahead, comparisons will be made to other existing masts that have performed well on the ice in the past.


Key questions–
1.) How much boing is ideal?
2.) How much is too much boing before mast failure?
3.) Since we now have the option to lose the lead, are softer masts more practical? Inquiring minds want to know.

Beer Barons & Ice Sailing – The Ruppert Brewery of NY

Oshkosh ice sailor Rosie McDonald getting ready to tap a Fauerbach beer on Lake Monona c 1955. Note the Fauerbach Brewery in the background. Photo: Carl Bernard slide collection.

Vassar Brewery, Iceboating’s First Iceboat Bar
Fauerbach Brewery Archives

After a day pulling sheet, there’s nothing quite like the camaraderie of fellow iceboaters reliving the day’s races over a cold dipper.

In 19th and 20th-century America, a unique correlation emerged among a specific industry – second-generation German beer brewers who had a passion for sports, all things fast, and ice sailing.

Besides the Vassar Brewery in New York (which had English roots), Pabst* in Milwaukee, and Madison’s favorite Fauerbach Brewery, Henry Bossett told me about another famous brewer who loved ice sailing: New York brewer George Ruppert. Furthermore, Jacob, George’s brother, owned the New York Yankees and famously signed Babe Ruth in 1919. In addition to being Vice President of the Yankees and president of the Ruppert Brewery, George was an active officer of New Jersey’s North Shrewsbury Iceboat and Yacht Club. In 1938, he organized a meeting at the brewery where 170 ice sailors attended and formed the Eastern Ice Yachting Association.

The newspapers of the time are full of stories about George and his fast, stern-steerer, PIRATE. In 1938, he jumped on the Skeeter bandwagon, one of the first in the East to acquire a front-steering iceboat from the Midwest, THE DARE. (See Skeeter Summit for Skeeter history.)

I couldn’t find any photos of PIRATE or THE DARE, but Brian Reid’s invaluable “White Wings and Black Ice” has pictures of another of Ruppert’s stern-steerers, DASH. In place of a picture of PIRATE, we’ll use a photo of Rosie McDonald getting ready for a cold dipper of Fauerbach beer on Lake Monona with the brewery in the background to represent the connection between breweries and ice sailing.

Learn More:
Jacob Ruppert’s Brewery
A Tour of the Ruppert Brewery in 1939
Jacob Ruppert Wikipedia Page
North Shrewsbury Iceboat & Yacht Club

*Soon to come, a post about the Pabst family and ice sailing. 

SOLD! September 14, 2023: Stern-Steerer in WI – RUM RUNNER

Classic class B Stern-steerer. 32′ Keelson, 17’plank, 32′ spruce mast. Originally a
Detroit boat, I rebuilt it in 2001. Stainless rigging, Fully battened Dacron main and jib.
2 or 3 sets of runners, Cast Irons and snows.
Aluminum Gin Pole with 12 v. winch. Custom tandem axle trailer with the boat.
$2000 or best offer.