2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information
March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota
SOLD! October 20, 2023: Renegade Sail & Runners in WI
NIYA Notice of Dues for Iceboat Clubs
The annual dues for each club are $20.00 for 2023-2024 payable to the Northwestern Ice Yachting Association
Mail to:
Secretary/Treasurer, Steve Schalk,
W6001 Brick Church RD, Fontana, WI 53125
New agenda Items for the 2024 meeting must be received by December 1st 2023. Please be sure to send an update if you are no longer the contact for your Club.
First! Converges with GLIYC Swap Meet

Kai Linde, the first iceboating sailing in the world in Sweden and Dash’s first iceboat trailer rescue.
Ice sailors from Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, and New York gathered at the Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet in Green Lake, WI, on Sunday, October 22, 2023. Meanwhile, 4,000 miles away in Sweden, Norwegian DN sailor Kai Linde had the 2023-2024 season’s first iceboat ride in the world. Who will be first in North America? New York DNer Paul Chamberland, who came for the Swap Meet, will try for that milestone when he visits family in Alberta, Canada, in a few weeks. Paul is optimistic about the upcoming week of ice-making temperatures and hopes to find some sailable ice.
The Green Lake Ice Yacht Club delivered perfect fall weather for the event and organized the raffle, a tradition started by the Skeeter Iceboat Club’s Jane Pegel.
Of course, this being iceboating, a trailer situation presented some problem-solving opportunities right off the bat for new DN Junior Sailing Secretary Sam Bartel. Speaking of Jane Pegel, she generously donated her trailer to the DN Junior program a few years ago. Sam collected the trailer from Madison on Saturday night, but unfortunately, the axle broke on his way to Green Lake near Beaver Dam. As we know, trailers can always be unpredictable. Daniel Hearn, Dale Gordon, Dash, and I swung by Don Anderson’s to borrow a flatbed trailer and rescued the DN trailer on the way home from the Swap Meet with an assist from trailer specialist DNer Matt Meyer.
Thanks to the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club for a fantastic Swap Meet with perfect conditions.
SOLD! October 17, 2023: DN Runners in MN & Green Lake, WI Swap Meet
I will bring the following to the Green Lake Swap meet.
DN Runners:
-Sherry stainless blunts/snow plates. Never sailed. $1400
-Sherry carbon 440c 3/16 inserts w/ Stiffeners. $1900
-Nite Sarns plate runners. Older, but no sign they have ever been used. $650
-Sherry slipper steering runner. $450
I also have misc DN hardware.
Minnesota and Green Lake, WI Swap Meet, October 22, 2023
2023-2024 4LIYC Meeting Schedule
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Meeting News
Our first meeting of the season is Wednesday, November 8, 2023 on Zoom at 6:30 PM CT.
We’re gearing up for an exciting ice sailing season, and it’s time to plan our Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Meetings. Here’s an important announcement regarding our meeting schedule:
1. Zoom Kickoff Meeting:
We will start our season with a Zoom meeting, providing a convenient way to connect and discuss our favorite subject.
Date and Time: Wednesday, November 8 at 6:30 PM CT.
Zoom Meeting Link: We will email the link the day of the meeting.
2. In-Person Meetings:
While we like Zoom’s convenience, we also understand the value of in-person interactions. As the season progresses, we’re exploring opportunities to meet face-to-face a few times.
Keep an eye out for future announcements and updates about these in-person meetings.
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Time: 6:30 PM CT
Zoom link will be emailed to you on November 8, 2023.
If you haven’t already done so, please pay your dues online here.
2023-2024 4LIYC Meeting Schedule
November 8, 2023
November 22, 2023
December 6, 2023
December 20, 2023
January 3, 2024
January 17, 2024
January 31, 2024
February 14, 2024 (pending – we may change this)
February 28, 2024
March 13, 2024
Iceboat Swap Meet Round Up

2023 International Skeeter Association regatta on Lake Kegonsa, Madison, WI. Aerial Photo: Ethan Brodsky
Find your next ride and meet other ice sailors at your local iceboat swap meet. Here’s the complete list.
Minnesota Iceboat Swap Meet
Hosted by: Tim Carlson and Sailcrafters Loft and Rigging
Date: Saturday, November 4
Time: 9 AM – Noon
Location: 7450 Oxford Street St. Louis Park, MN 55426
The annual iceboat swap meet is a great opportunity to buy and sell used iceboat gear. Or, maybe, just spend time meeting local iceboaters and asking questions about our sport. Anyone interested in iceboating is encouraged to attend. Thank you Sailcrafters ( https://sailcrafters.com/) for supporting the local iceboat community. Sailcrafters is an official UK Sails dealer, bringing world-class designs and manufacturing to the Midwest. It is a full-service loft known for its complete rigging services and for making and repairing mooring, traveling and/or storage covers. Tim Carlson can be reached at (952) 540-7474.
Menekaunee Iceboat Picnic & Swap Meet
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Location: Menekaunee Harbor Park, Ogden St, Marinette, WI 54143
Weather Permitting, complete Iceboats on exhibit. No charge to display or sell.
Buy, sell, upgrade or trade complete iceboats, parts. Upgrade your current rig. Enjoy the start of a new season, learn about iceboating. Everyone is welcome to attend. Commodore Jason Fifarek will be BBQ hamburgers and hotdogs. Food is free but this is a BYOB event, some water will be provided but you are encouraged to bring your own.
Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet – Hosted by the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club, Green Lake, WI
Date: Sunday, October 22, 2023
Time: 9 AM – Noon
Location: Town Square Community Center, 492 Hill St., Green Lake, WI
The Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet is the perfect place to check out iceboats and components for sale. The Iceboat Swap Meet is a chance to meet and learn from experienced iceboaters who are more than willing to share their insights into the sport.
More information
Delavan Yacht Club Swap Meet – Hosted by the Delavan Yacht Club
Date: Sunday, November 5, 2023
Time: 10 – 2
Location:1501 Cedar Point Dr, Delavan, WI 53115
Western Michigan Ice Yacht Club Swap Meet
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2023
Time: 9 – 1
Location: Richland Pub, 8253 N 32nd St, Richland, MI 49083
New England Ice Yachting Association Swap Meet & Lunch
Date: Sunday, November 19, 2023
Time: 10 AM
Location : Thompson Speedway Golf Course, 205 E Thompson Rd, Thompson, CT 06277
More information.
Canadian Ice Force Swap Meet
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023
Time: Noon – 4
Location: 470 Bay St. North, Hamilton, ON.
Buy, sell. Fast ice discussions. Burgers and beer. Bring your runners for sharpening. Let us know you are coming so that we have enough food. Reply to the Canadian Ice Force Facebook page or by email to Les at dldruiven@gmail.com. Park at the Leander Boat Club and walk up the path (about 50 meters).
SOLD! September 28, 2023: Sitka in WI
2023-2024 International Skeeter Association Notice of Dues

2023 ISA Championship on Lake Kegonsa. Photo: Will Johnston
- Pay Online here
The annual dues are $25.00 for the 2023-2023 season,
December 1st, 2023 is the deadline for new items to be placed on the 2024 agenda.
January 12, 13, & 14, 2023 (Friday, Saturday, & Sunday) is the first scheduled weekend for the 2024 Regatta.
SOLD! October 21, 2022: Parts in WI
SOLD! Boom $150-11/16x11x78
Parts $ as marked
Iceboating Meets Woodstock
Ice sailing enthusiasts know that the Hudson River and its Stern Steerers are where it all started in North America. A short film about the historic Stern Steerers still sailing the Hudson is being showcased at the Woodstock Film Festival. A group of talented high school students from the Hudson River area created the film.
Via Brian Reid’s Facebook post:
Nathan Burger & several classmates made a short film on ice boating for their American Studies class at FDR High School in Hyde Park, last spring.
It was accepted at the 2023 Woodstock Film Festival, going on this week. film summary Link here:
The teen shorts showing will be Sunday, October 1, 2023 6:30 PM at the Woodstock Community Center. ticket link here.
https://woodstock2023.eventive.org/…/teen-shorts-youth… you can buy a virtual ticket which allows you to stream until midnight Sunday.
Nathan is 3rd generation ice boater in the Burger family; The film is also a beautiful tribute to his grandfather Emerson.
Congrats to Nathan Burger, Mia Ferrara, Frances Gorres, and Kalighan Pelish, for their film!!
Notice of Dues: Join the 4LIYC With New Online Payment Option
It’s time to start sharpening runners and renew your Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club membership for the 2023-2024 season. We are excited to introduce our new online payment option. Whether you are a first-time member or renewing your membership, we’ve streamlined the process by offering online payments. However, if you prefer to make payment by check and mail, you will still be able to access and print our membership form. Your support is instrumental in advancing the sport of ice sailing. By joining, you’ll get the coolest yacht club membership card in sailing in electronic or hard copy.
2023 Annual Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet Hosted by the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club
Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet – Hosted by the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club, Green Lake, WI
Date: Sunday, October 22, 2023
Time: 9 AM – Noon
Location: Town Square Community Center, 492 Hill St., Green Lake, WI
Map Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZV4newyeK9DatiaW9
The Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet is the perfect place to check out iceboats and components for sale. The Iceboat Swap Meet is a chance to meet and learn from experienced iceboaters who are more than willing to share their insights into the sport.
The Green Lake Ice Yacht Club is hosting this year’s meet and will start with a party on Saturday night for early arrivers and club members.
Questions? Contact Joe Norton nortonboatworks@gmail.com
Social gathering from 4:00 – 7:00 at Bierman’s Boat Palace
W3360 Orchard Ave, Green Lake, WI.
The Green Lake Ice Yacht Club members will provide appetizers. Please bring your own beverage of choice and a chair. Weather permitting, we’ll share ice boat stories around the fire pit. Questions? Contact Debbie Bierman debralakereal@gmail.com
Water Street will be blocked off so that long trailers are easy to park.
Vendors and sellers use the Mill Pond Terrace lot.
Town Square Tap will be open for breakfast and beverages.
The GLIYC will continue with Jane Pegel’s classic raffle tradition. Bring your raffle items.
Green Lake Inn – W1970 S Lawson Dr 920-294-3417
Heidel House – 653 Illinois Ave 920-807-0300
Green Lake Suites – 488 South St 920-393-9944
Bayview Motel – 439 Lake St 920-294-6504
SOLD! August 12, 2023: Vintage Skeeter in WI
SOLD! Vintage Skeeter
Includes trailer with full box that will hold 1 sail and the boom and any necessary rigging equipment.
Ready to hit the ice.
Asking $2000 obo
$1000 obo
1949 Four-Runner Iceboat Newsreel

Screen shot from USA: ICE YACHTING ON FROZEN RIVERS IN ILLINOIS (1949) British Pathe. Harry Melges sails a 4-runner Skeeter.
Previous: Iceboat Tech That Never Caught On
Early ISA 1941 – 1942 Video
Watch the 1949 Newsreel here
Iceboat researcher Henry Bossett has unearthed yet another interesting discovery: a 1949 newsreel chronicling the International Skeeter Association regatta held on Fox Lake in Illinois. This vintage footage, accompanied by newspaper clippings, documents the presence of a four-runner iceboat helmed by Harry Melges, who happens to be Buddy’s father and a member of the Skeeter Iceboat Club. Observe that the fourth runner was positioned at the stern, deviating from the standard practice seen in other configurations where two runners were typically placed at the front. Adding her own memories to this historical account is Jane Wiswell Pegel, a high school student at the time.
Jane Pegel remembers:
I think the 4-runner boat belonged to Bob Ferris. I was in high school. My first iceboat race was at the Fox Lake ISA. I was first at the windward mark in the ladies’ division in a 20 foot Mead (skeeter.) But I did not know how to sail downwind and ended up second in ladies overall. It snowed for the drive home.
Alcort Skeeter Restoration Progress Report
PREVIOUS: From Skeeter Iceboat to Sunfish Dinghy
Dan Heaney has made steady progress with his Alcort Skeeter restoration project in Neenah, WI. As some of you may remember from a previous post, it’s worth noting that the Alcort Company of Connecticut, which initially gained fame for developing the Sunfish, has roots in iceboat manufacturing.
Via Dan Heaney:
The boat is a work in progress as it required some repair and tender loving care. I hope to have it on the ice this winter. A photo shows the remains of the original “Alcort” identifying decal. The decal is located above the steering wheel. The boat has a 75 SqFt sail.I completed the following work:
New Deck
New Bottom
Added a Springboard
Adding foot steering
MARY B & INSANITY On Display at E Scow Nationals

Photo: Anna Suslova
Firs of all, welcome to all ice sailors competing in the 2023 E Scow Nationals on Lake Mendota. The MARY B appears ready to lift off at Marshall Park in Madison, WI, where she’s on display along with the famous Class A Skeeter INSANITY. The Mendota Yacht Club is hosting the 2023 E Scow Nationals 100 Year Celebration. The racing begins today. As of this morning, just a few boats shy of the 130 boat record from the 1999 E Scow Invitationals on Mendota are registered and will race in one line. Event website here.
SOLD! July 12, 2023: DN & 2 Iceboats in Iowa
SOLD! 3 Iceboats With Trailer
One DN, One Skimmer-style iceboat, and a Windstar iceboat. One 12’x8’ Interstate cargo trailer to haul them all in.
DN includes 3 sets of runners, 2 Kenyon, one Polish fiberglass mast with T hound, and two sets of shrouds. Skimmer-style can fit two passengers. Lots of extra parts.
Sold as package in Iowa City, Iowa
$2500 OBO
2023 Minnesota Swap Meet Scheduled

Minnesota ice
Here’s another Iceboat Swap Meet for your calendar. Here’s your chance to get into the sport if you are in the Minneapolis area.
Hosted by Tim Carlson at Sailcrafters Loft and Rigging.
Date: Saturday, November 4.
Time: 9 AM – Noon CT
Location: 7450 Oxford Street
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
Mike’s Marquee

Mike’s hometown, Menominee Michigan, shares the good news.
Renegader Mike Derusha is no stranger to the winter podium, having won numerous Renegade Championships, but one championship has eluded him until now. Congratulations to Renegader Mike Derusha for winning the 2023 Ensign Nationals. Results.

Mike Derusha pushes off at the start of the race at the 2022 ISA on Lake Monona.
Save the Swap Meet Date: Oct 22, 2023 @ Green Lake, WI

Ron Sherry inspects the Class A Skeeter LOST KAUS at last year’s swap meet at the Delavan Yacht Club in Delavan, WI.
2023 Annual Wisconsin Swap Meet Hosted by the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club
Date: Sunday, October 22, 2023
Time: 9 AM – Noon
Location: Town Square, Green Lake, WI
Our Green Lake Ice Yacht Club friends are preparing for their turn at the yearly iceboat swap meet. This event was initially established by Bob and Jane Pegel of the Skeeter Iceboat Club and was held in Williams Bay, WI for many years. Nowadays, the swap meet rotates between the Skeeter Iceboat Club, Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club, and Green Lake Ice Yacht Club.
Stay tuned for more details!