Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

ISA Called ON for Jan 13 – 15, 2023 on Lake Kegonsa

Photo: Will Johnston


The ISA Race Committee has called the 2023 Championship Regatta on starting Friday January 13th at Lake Kegonsa.

The host club is the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club.

The Sailing Conditions and Instructions are posted on Registration is on line at that site. The regatta fee and dues (if not already paid) should be paid on

The primary launch site is at Amundson Landing off of Quam Road on the south shore of Lake Kegonsa. There is an additional launch ramp on the north side of the lake at the Town of Pleasant Springs launch. Pleasant Springs requires a launch fee.

Trailers must be backed on and pushed out or pulled out by the ATVs. No driving on the ice. Parking is available on the local roadsides at the Amundson Landing. No trailers are to be parked on the roadsides.

Steve Schalk


International Skeeter Association

The 2023 International Skeeter Association and Renegade Championships have been called ON for Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton, WI for January 15, 16, 17. This is a three day regatta for A, B, and C class Skeeters, Nites, and Renegades.

Dates: January 13, 14, 15, 2023
Location: Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton, WI


DO NOT DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE ON THE ICE! ATVs will be there to help take trailers to the ice.
Amundson Landing
1928-2264 Quam Dr, Stoughton, WI 53589

You can call the hotel or just use the booking link and reserve their rooms at your special rate online.
Clarion Suites at The Alliant Energy Center
2110 Rimrock Road
Madison, WI 53713
(608) 284-1234
Ask for the ISA Regatta rate.

ISA Notice of Race
ISA Sailing Instructions & Conditions
ISA First Race Starting Positions
Once racing starts, competitors should check the results online for their starting positions. 

Starting positions will be posted online by 9:30 AM on Friday, January 13, 2023. Here is the link.
Late entrants will start at the end of the start line.

Friday, January 13, 2023
Race Schedule:
• The first race will be at 10:00 AM local time on Friday, January 13, 2023


1. A Skeeters
2. B & C Skeeters
3. Renegades
4. Nites
• Races will be held for A, B, C Class Skeeters, Nites and Renegades should Renegades choose to hold their national championship regatta in conjunction with the ISA Championship Regatta.
• Nine races are scheduled for each division. Three are necessary for a complete regatta.

Saturday, January 14, 2023
First race will be at 9:30 AM
Banquet: 6:30 PM
Fat Jack’s BBQ
6207 Monona Dr, Monona, WI 53716
$20 for family style BBQ chicken, ribs, fries, coleslaw, and garlic bread. Beverages are extra.
Pay at the door

Sunday, January 15, 2023
First race will be at 9:30 AM

The ISA Annual Meeting will be held on the ice after racing on Friday, January 13, 2023
The Renegade Annual Meeting: 6:30 PM, Friday, January 13, 2023 at the Four Lakes Yacht Club
6312 Inland Wy, Madison, WI 53713

Springer’s On The Lake is the best place to watch, have  some food, and your favorite beverage. You don’t even have to go on the ice. The iceboaters often sail to Springer’s for lunch.
3097 Sunnyside St, Stoughton, WI 53589

Kegonsa From a Yellow Super Cub

DNs wait for wind on Lake Kegonsa, January 7, 2023. Photo: Jeff Russell.

It was iceboat central here in Four Lakes on January 7 – 8, 2023. The DN Western Region championship and the 4LIYC each had a course on Lake Kegonsa. Saturday’s lack of wind may not have been ideal for ice sailing, but it was a perfect day for landing a Super Cub. Renegader Jeff Russell stopped by to say hello to the DNs and then hopped over to join his fellow Renegaders at Springer’s.


Regatta Watch: WSSA Postponed

ECLIPSE on Lake Monona. Photo: David Travis

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to January 21 and 22. We still need more thickness. The next update will be Sunday, January 15. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Regatta Watch: ISA Called ON for Lake Kegonsa

Photo: Will Johnston

ISA Home Page
Via ISA President John Dennis

The International Skeeter Association Regatta & Renegade Championship have tentatively been called on for Lake Kegonsa near Madison, WI, January 13 – 15, 2023. Final confirmation will be on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 by noon CT.

5 classes sail in the ISA & Renegade Championship:
A, B, and C Skeeters

SOLD! January 3, 2023: Arrow in IL

SOLD! Vintage Arrow
Color: Hot Canary Yellow
2 Passenger Cockpit with Custom Fit All Weather Cushion
Must Pick Up in Illinois
Original Fiberglass Hull
18 foot Aluminum Mast
9 foot Aluminum Boom
Original Sail (Needs to be replaced)
Three (3) DN Plate Runners in good Condition
12 foot Original Wood plank
4 foot extended bow plank for front runner (smoother ride)
Hull DIMMS: 16 ft long x 39 inches Wide
No trailer included
Needs some TLC; Priced Accordingly

Mary Jane Schalk: Ready For Some Time Away

Steve and Mary Jane Schalk

Via Mary Jane Schalk, Fontana, WI

Hey Ice boat racers,

I just want to thank all of you for so many years of helping me with one of the coolest things I have ever done. We have all been through so much together.

I think I started scoring ice boat regatta’s back in the 90’s. Remember way back then and I did all the tabulating with a pencil and a very long sheet of paper. There were some interesting stories and memorable situations back then! It took a while but so worth it to graduate into computer scoring.

I had so many great people to work with. First of all many of you sailors were my callers, and then I had Renate Intini, Julie Jankowski, and then Deb to work with. As you know Deb and I had some pretty good and crazy times together. We could figure out ways to entertain ourselves during a postponement, and had way more fun that we probably should have!!! Thanks Deb for all the fun times. I would also like to thank Shari Lundberg for teaching me in the beginning all about scoring and tabulating.

I stopped scoring from the ice to help take care of my mom and then we had so many cats that needed care like insulin shots twice a day, fluid under the skin, and medicine that – that kept me from coming back. But I was then able to do the tabulating from home.

I was still a helper by arranging hotels, banquets, and meetings for regattas. I drew for your starting positions from home and called them into Deb. Deb would take a picture of your finishes and call them in or send them to me. Now with me being able to post to the web page on a good day I could score the race and get it posted before the last finisher got out of his boat. That is way cool.

But I am ready for some time away. I have lots of plans for some fun activities while the regattas are on. Maybe I’ll just go down and visit some other retired ice boaters like Gary and Kenny Kessler. Now that would be fun!!! Deb asked one of the DN tabulators, Ann Foeller of the Toledo Ice Yacht Club, if she would score the ISA and NW regattas and she agreed. I wouldn’t leave without a replacement.

I am so happy to have met so many really cool and fun ice boaters. We have had lots of fun times, and made great memories. I can hardly wait for a regatta to come to Geneva Lake, as then I can hang with you all on the ice, and not be stuck at home in front of the computer.

Have fun everyone, be careful on the ice, and sail fast,
BTW I am sharing my favorite version of Steve’s iceboat song. I’d say it a pretty good one! LINK

Via Jane Pegel:

Mary Jane was a significant member of the Lake Geneva YC race committee. She also is a competitive sailor. She handled the front end of Steve’s E scow and his J-24.

She trimmed jib on my class M scow and helped me win Inland Lake YA championships and Blue Chips. She is no doubt, an exceptional woman who is happy to be “involved”.


Mary Jane Schalk has been a crucial part of North American iceboating racing, and she’s decided to take a well-earned retirement. You may have seen her smiling face on the ice of Lake Geneva, but she was deeply involved behind the scenes in every Northwest, ISA, Renegade, and many Nite regattas for 30 years. She took care of numerous organizational details so that you ice sailors could book a room, attend a banquet, see your regatta scores, receive your trophies, and pursue your passion for iceboat racing.

MJ and I share many good memories. One of my best was driving on Geneva back to the Fontana landing towards the sunset. We were singing a silly, fun song at the top of our lungs that we had made up about the late Renegade sailor, Arlyn Lafortune, to the marching chant O-Ee-Yah! Eoh-Ah from the Wizard of Oz. (Yeah, you had to be there…) We both probably enjoyed too much red wine later that night but were always ready for the next day. I know she’ll continue to be the first person I call when I have a funny story to share. – Deb Whitehorse

2023 Northwest Regatta Documents

Stern Steerer ROSEMARY

Northwest Home Page
2023 Northwest Race Documents, via Northwest Ice Yacht Association Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk

The  Northwest regatta is tentatively scheduled for January 20, 21, and 22, 2023. Stay tuned for the next update on Sunday, January 15, 2023 by 8 PM.
Ice Yacht classes that sail the Northwest:
A Stern Steerer
B Stern Steerer
C Stern Steerer
D Stern Steerer
B Skeeter
C Skeeter
A Skeeter

4LIYC Meeting News – Jan 4: Let’s Meet In Person! (Or Zoom)

Chris Berger US5166 & Greg McCormick R310 on Lake Kegonsa, January 1, 2023.

Friendly reminder, we have a 4LIYC meeting tonight, January 4, 2023 at 6:30 PM. Let’s meet in person tonight at S & B Marketing.  If you can’t make it or you are out of town, please join us on Zoom. You should have received an email with the link. Contact me if you haven’t received it.

Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Time: 6:30 PM CT
S&B Strategic Marketing
1352 E Wilson Street
Madison, WI 53703

Regatta Watch: WSSA Postponed to Jan 14-15

Andy Gratton and Mike Kroll on Lake Winnebago, January 1, 2023. Photo: Michael Cooney via Discover Oshkosh Facebook page

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to January 14 -15, 2023. The next update will be Sunday, January 8, 2023. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.

Ice is 8″ on Winnebago and Puckaway, 10″ on Petenwell but only 4″ over the channel. We need another cold week.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

4LIYC Holiday Series Update: Still Much Learning

Perfect day to sail an iceboat for the first time.

Same as Saturday, the breeze wasn’t there for racing, but perfect for pleasure cruising and introducing a 9-year-old to iceboating. “I can do this!” he yelled to his dad as he sailed past him. After taking many laps, he asked, “can I keep going?”

The Past Champions Iceboat Shop trailer has been loaded and in the ready-position. Ken Whitehorse and Paul Krueger brought their Class A Skeeters to join the fun, but rolling on a two-boat Skeeter trailer can be challenging.

Ken explains, “I was backing down the ramp as per the club website instructions. Suddenly, and with great vigor, PK yells, ‘STOP!’ I asked, ‘what’s going on?’ PK says, ‘my New Year’s Resolution is not to bust up more boat launch ice ramps!’ Yes, we headed straight back to the boat barn. Yes, PK is the front-runner for sportsman of the year 2023!”

Many thanks to all who pitched in including Paul McMillan, Jerry Simon, Don Anderson, and Pat Heppert. Thanks to those from out of town who joined us for the weekend.


4LIYC Tune Up: There’s Much To Be Learned

There was no racing today but some beam reaching. We had ice and relatively warm temperatures, but the racing breeze was absent. Bill Mattison used to say, “there’s much to be learned” on days like these. It was a good to day to set up your boat for the first time and make sure everything was working.
Sunday’s Schedule: 4LIYC Holiday Series for Sunday, January 1, 2023. Flag drops at 10 AM. Plus the infamous Bloody Mary 10-lapper.


4LIYC Racing News for 31 Dec & 1 Jan


12-31-2022: Racing is called on. Waiting for wind.

The 4LIYC Tune-Up (for Saturday) and Holiday series (for Sunday) have been tentatively called on for December 31, 2022, and January 1, 2023, on Lake Kegonsa. Ice checkers will scout and sail Kegonsa on Saturday morning. We’ll confirm by 11 AM.

We received reports that Kegonsa is a consistent 7″ and is a solid sheet. We saw ATVs crossing the lake today and a few fish houses. The ice did not wet out because the snow was dry and powdery. Temperatures were relatively cold today, in the 30s.

The first race will start on Saturday, December 31, 2022, at 1 PM on Lake Kegonsa. Push trailers on the ice. DO NOT DRIVE ON THE ICE!

Ice checkers found 7″ of ice on Lake Monona on the west side,, but some open areas in the middle of the lake made Kegonsa a better choice. Mendota has 3″ of ice.

4LIYC Tune-Up & Holiday Series
December 31, 2022 and January 1, 2023
First Race: 1 PM, Saturday, December 2022
Sunday Start: 10 AM
Lake Kegonsa
Amundson Landing
Please be courteous to all who use the landing: Do not drive on the ice. Roll trailers on. Drop your trailer and park.
Don’t block the landing.

Amundson Landing

Got Ice

“My work here is done…”

One week ago today, the high temperature was -2F. Contrast that to yesterday’s high of 55F. That’s almost a 60-degree swing in the Zamboni direction. Ice sailors have been taking advantage of the thaw on Pewaukee and Delavan this week.

4LIYC members will check Mendota, Monona, and Kegonsa today to learn what we have. A concern for us is the thickness and drain holes. We will report back tonight with more information.

Other Possibilities:
Via the Nite Facebook Page:
“Pewaukee is shaping up with a freeze predicted Friday night/Sat Morning. The PIYC is planning a 10am start Saturday and possibly Sunday. 4lakes, Green Lake, etc… all are welcome to get your 1st laps in of the season! Launch at Gina’s Sports Dock. Do not drive your car on. Walk trailers on and park across the road.”

Via the Puckaway Ice Sailing Squadron Facebook Page:
“We are calling on a NEW YEARS Regatta for Sunday. For lack of a better name and with consultation with Donny we are going to call it the Grand Slam for January 1st. The final call will be Saturday afternoon.”

“How Would You Know?”

Paul Krueger M165, Ken Whitehorse M197, and Bill Mattison M143. Class A Skeeters, c. 1980s

The subject of sailing on Lake Koshkonong, about 30 minutes south of Madison, came up recently on the 4LIYC Facebook page. Koshkonong looks inviting as you drive past. It was a reasonable question to ask, why not Koshkonong?

Well, 4LIYC members and other ice sailors just “know,” and here’s how:

C Skeeter sailor Pat Heppert remarked, ” When I lived in WI, I spent years driving by and checking it. So tempting many times when it looked like glass ‘from the road.’ But whenever you walk it, all sorts of WTF problems show up. I finally gave up and concluded Koshkonong is just not meant for iceboats. The root source of the problem is the highly variable water level, which causes all the subsequent problems.”

The definitive proof came from a Mattison-Krueger-Whitehorse adventure on Koshkonong back in the 1980s.

Ken Whitehorse:

Ken, Bill, and PK

There was a big setup area. PK and I went tearing out to the lake. We saw spring bubbles to port and starboard. It was a gauntlet of spring water bubble-ups, like aerators. There were so many we could only turn around once we found a big area. As we sailed back to shore, we couldn’t follow our old runner tracks too closely because we had already busted through the ice on the way out. Bill Mattison said he was ready to push off and shook his head. ” I tried to tell you guys about this place, but you guys shamed me into it. “But How Would You Know”

We had a 24′ rake back mast, so we only needed 3 to set up the Skeeters. We considered ourselves so fortunate to get out of there that no one said a word about it as we went into the smoky tavern for a dipper.

Lake Hopatcong Ice Yacht Club Tune Up Night

Lake Hopatcong in New Jersey has a long ice sailing history and is building on its tradition by hosting a Tune-Up Night. You can find more information on their new Facebook Group.

We hope to see folks who like to race and folks who enjoy cruising in any kind of iceboat. It’s also for people who want to know more about iceboating and our long history of sailing on Lake Hopatcong.
We rented a church parish hall, big enough to set up – a couple DN’s (new and vintage) inside so we can talk about setups and tuning. Big enough to lay out a mini-course and catch up on rules basics.
Plus…we’ll have a runner sharpener on site and some guys who know how to use it. Bring your runners and stuff to sell or trade if you want. Heck, bring your boat and we’ll set it up inside.(Please bring pads to protect the gym floor)
And we’ll have chili, snacks, beer and soda.
All are welcome. No charge.
Friday 12/30
6:00 to 9:00 PM
St. Judes Church Parish Hall. 40 Maxim Dr, Hopatcong, NJ 07843 (Parish Hall is behind the church)
More information on the Facebook Page