Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

2025 Wisconsin Stern Steerers Regatta Called ON for Lake Winnebago, Fond du Lac – Feb 1-2

2025 Northwest. Photo – Jim Stevenson

Via WSSA Secretary/Treasurer Andy Gratton

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta for 2025 has been called on for February 1 and 2 for Fond du Lac, WI. The drive-on launch site will be the Garden Road ramp directly north of the BP gas station at N7015 Winnebago Drive. The race course will be about 2 miles north of Fond du Lac.


  • Comfort Inn, 77 Holiday Lane Fond du Lac WI Ice Boaters Special 82.00 night See Michelle 30+ rooms 920-933-1159
  • Holiday Inn Express, 55 Holiday Lane Fond du Lac WI 30+ rooms 129.00-155.00 920-322-0460
  • Hotel Retlaw, 1 North Main St Fond du Lac WI 920 204 0400 129.00 and up


  • Saturday, February 1
    11:00 AM: First Race
  • Sunday, February 2
    9:00 AM: First Race

2025 Northwest Ice Yachting Regatta Report

From tradition to innovation: George Gerhardt’s classic stern steerer parked beside JD’s high-tech Skeeter highlights the evolution of the NIYA. Founded in 1913, this regatta has embraced 112 years of ice sailing history, blending the old with the new.

Lake Winnebago, Fond du Lac

The 2025 Northwest Regatta delivered a thrilling weekend of racing on Lake Winnebago, with a mix of conditions that tested sailors’ skill and adaptability.


Perfect breeze and efficient racing. After a morning delay in waiting for the temperatures to increase, thanks to steady winds, we ran 12 races using the inline course and the Grand Prix (Bart in DN lingo) scoring system. The day ran smoothly, with everyone taking advantage of the ideal conditions. The annual meeting took place at the Fond du Lac Yacht Club.


As predicted, the winds built steadily throughout the morning. The Skeeters kicked things off with a wild and exciting race, with JD, Ken Whitehorse, and Jay Yaeso battling neck and neck for four laps. The Stern Steerers handled the increasing breeze, though Joe Terry’s regatta ended when a mast fitting broke loose.

The B Skeeters saw an equally close and exciting race. The DNs held on through the challenging conditions with some thrilling spinouts, and everyone made it around. Then came the Renegades, racing as the wind hit 30 mph, gusting to 35 mph. Ron Rosten led for two laps before battling mast inversion issues, allowing Mike Derusha to take the lead. After that, the Race Committee called it a day due to the extreme conditions.

Stern-Steerer sailor and Race Committee member George Gerhardt organized a fantastic banquet at TJ’s Harbor on Saturday night. It was standing room only, with our own building, a bartender, efficient waitstaff, and great food—a perfect way to cap off an intense day.


Sunday brought the lightest winds of the regatta, offering a completely different challenge. That’s what makes a great regatta: a variety of conditions. The day started with adjustments as we waited for the wind to settle and made some course changes. The first Stern Steerer race was black-flagged after the lead boat missed the time limit.

As the Skeeters and other fleets rotated through, the wind held just enough for competitive racing. The final DN race started at 12:37, and the Renegades squeezed in their last race at 12:59—just in time to meet the 1 PM deadline.

Then, it was time for the Northwest tradition: the Free For All. Three E Skeeters lined up for an eight-lap battle, with John Dennis again taking the win. (In case you are wondering, the eight-lap Skeeter race took 25 minutes and 51 seconds.) Seeing a large contingent of the young Minnetonka DN sailors join us for the regatta was exciting. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and we’re pretty sure they had the most fun of anyone this weekend.


The trophy ceremony was held on shore, marking the end of a memorable regatta. Huge thanks to the Race Committee—Jay Yaeso, Andy Gratton, George Gerhardt, Bob Cummins, and Jason Thompson—for keeping the event fun and efficient. A special shoutout to the Friendship Fishing Club for maintaining the crucial bridge and sharing their lake culture.

Seeing the Nite fleet holding their Nationals out of the same harbor was also exciting. Watching the Nites bang out race after race on this massive piece of ice added an extra layer of excitement to the weekend. The vast ice of Lake Winnebago has attracted the DN class, which has scheduled their World and North American Championships there next week, with racing set to begin on Sunday, February 2nd.

The Northwest Regatta continues to showcase the best of ice sailing, from thrilling races to the camaraderie on and off the ice. Until next time!


A note from Ken Whitehorse: “What a blessing and a privilege to be among God’s creation of ice, wind, and blades of steel! Thank you to the entire iceboat family for assistance and caring for one another.” Photo: Shane Lewis


January 27, 2025: DN Mast & Plank in PA

Composite Concepts (Sherry) ” Standard” DN Mast. Brand New $1900 or best offer.
Northwind Iceboats Custom DN Plank for 200# skipper with glued-on Kent Chocks. $1500 or best offer
Currently set up for a Polish Hull with single-hole mounting. Stud plates must be added for traditional mounting.
Contact Ben Shaevitz @ 7245561551 or
Can see in person at 2025 DN World Cup Regatta

Regatta Watch: 2025 International Skeeter Association Regatta Postponed to Feb 7 – 9

Pat Heppert in his C Skeeter DRIFTER at the 2025 Northwest on Lake Winnebago, Fond Du Lac, WI. Photo by Jim Koepnick. See all Jim’s photos here.

Via ISA Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk

The 2025 ISA Championship Regatta is postponed to Friday February 7th, 8th, and 9th 2025.

A week is being put in between the completed NIYA and the ISA.

With lots of ice thickness, warming temps may open up more locations. Next update is Sunday, February 2 2025.

Steve Schalk


International Skeeter Association

Northwest Saturday Jan 25 PM Update

2025 Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta on Lake Winnebago. Photo: Jim Stevenson js170b

NIYA Regatta Update – Saturday, January 25, 2025

We wrapped up today’s racing after an E Skeeter, Stern Steerer, B Skeeter, and Renegade race. As the winds quickly built and exceeded the NIYA safety limits, the Race Committee decided to postpone further racing until Sunday morning, January 26. Racing will resume at 9:30 AM, starting with the Stern Steerers.



The sequence for race 6 uses race 5 order above.

Section 9. On the last day of the regatta, a race shall be sailed to determine the Regatta Champion. The entries shall be limited to the skippers of the first and second place yachts in each race for classes A, B, C, D, E, Renegade and DN. The defending champion is also eligible. For this race, qualified skippers may sail a yacht from any of the above mentioned classes, except DN. The N.I.Y.A. is under no obligation to secure yachts for qualifying skippers.

Section 10. The length of the races for Classes A, B, C, D, E, and Renegade shall be eight (8) miles.

The length of the DN races shall be approximately two-thirds of the above distance.

The Championship Race shall be not less than fifteen (15) miles, or more than twenty (20) miles in length.

Section 9. On the last day of the regatta, a race shall be sailed to determine the Regatta Champion. The entries shall be limited to the skippers of the first and second place yachts in each race for classes A, B, C, D, E, Renegade and DN. The defending champion is also eligible. For this race, qualified skippers may sail a yacht from any of the above mentioned classes, except DN. The N.I.Y.A. is under no obligation to secure yachts for qualifying skippers.

Section 10. The length of the races for Classes A, B, C, D, E, and Renegade shall be eight (8) miles.

The length of the DN races shall be approximately two-thirds of the above distance.

The Championship Race shall be not less than fifteen (15) miles, or more than twenty (20) miles in length.

Reminder: Banquet Details 
TJ’s Harbor
7098 S US Hwy 45, Oshkosh, WI 54902
Social Hour: 5:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM

We’re looking forward to great conditions tomorrow. See you on the ice!

Day One Recap: 2025 Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta

Lake Winnebago, Fond du Lac
What an incredible start to the regatta. The fishing clubs on Lake Winnebago deserve a huge shoutout for their efforts. The Friendship Fishing Club installed a metal bridge over a heave near the shore, making it possible for us to reach the good ice. Their updates on Facebook keep everyone informed, and their commitment creates a sense of community for all who enjoy the lake.

The ice was rock-hard and exceptionally slick—so much so that even driving was challenging. Cars spun out quickly if you went too fast, but having the ability to score the regatta from a car was an extravagance I’ve missed. Lakes like Winnebago, Geneva, and Lake Michigan out of Menominee are a few where that’s possible.

Before racing began, Northwest Race Committee member Andy Gratton joked with me about the traditional Northwest course length. It’s meant to be 8 miles, and he pondered setting a single lap course with marks 4 miles apart, a nod to the stern steerer days. Sure would make scoring easier!

The day was cold but sunny, with steady winds that allowed us to complete a five-race rotation in just two hours. We completed two full rotations for all fleets by pushing hard and keeping things efficient. Watching the clock carefully, we squeezed in a third rotation for the DNs and Renegades, ensuring no starts happened within 45 minutes of sundown. Everyone was ready at the line, racing efficiently in the conditions we dream abou. Photographers were out all day capturing the action, and we’re looking forward to seeing their work..

This weekend promises to get even bigger, as the Nite fleet is also holding their regatta here. The social aspect of the Northwest is always a highlight—last night, many gathered at the Fond du Lac Yacht Club for the annual meeting, and others made the pilgrimage to the iconic South Side Ice Yacht Club. The camaraderie for this sport make events like this so special.

Preparing for the skipper’s meeting. Apologies for the lack of photos—car windows aren’t the best lens!

2025 Northwest Regatta Called ON for Fond Du Lac Jan 24-26

DN Class

The 2025 Northwestern Ice Yachting Regatta is on for Lake Winnebago northwest of Fond Du Lac. Dates are January 24th, 25th, and 26th.
The launch site is drive on the ice at the foot of Cemetery Road off of Highway 45. Cemetery Road is 1.4 miles north of the Wayside launch on the west shore of the lake. It is 5.8 miles from the center of downtown Fond Du Lac. Racing will start with DNs at 11 AM sharp on Friday January 24th. The skipper’s meeting for all classes will be held at 10:30 AM near the starting line. The annual meeting will be held at 6 PM Friday evening at the Fond Du Lac Yacht Club. A dinner is scheduled for 7 PM at TJ’s Harbor Restaurant, located 2 miles north of the launch at Cemetery Road where County Z crosses Hwy 45.

Online registration is mandatory. Please register here:


Date: January 24 – 26, 2025
Location: Lake Winnebago, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
Launch: Foot of Cemetery Road off of Highway 45. Cemetery Road is 1.4 miles north of the Wayside launch on the west shore of the lake. It is 5.8 miles from the center of downtown Fond Du Lac.

Comfort Inn, 77 Holiday Lane Fond du Lac WI Ice Boaters Special 82.00 night See Michelle 30+ rooms 920-933-1159
Holiday Inn Express, 55 Holiday Lane Fond du Lac WI 30+ rooms 129.00-155.00 920-322-0460
Hotel Retlaw, 1 North Main St Fond du Lac WI 920 204 0400 129.00 and up

Online registration is mandatory. Please register here:


Eligibility Requirements for the Northwest Ice Yacht Association Regatta

To participate in the Northwest Ice Yacht Association (NIYA) regatta, all competitors must be members of a club that belongs to the NIYA. Below is a list of current member clubs. Please ensure you are a member of one of these clubs before registering:

  • Boecraft Association
  • Fond du Lac Ice Yacht Club
  • Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club
  • Green Lake Ice Yacht Club
  • Hudson River Ice Yacht Club
  • Lake Springfield Ice Boat Club
  • Menekaunee Ice Yacht Club
  • Minnesota Iceboaters
  • Neenah Ice Yacht Club
  • Oshkosh Ice Yacht Club
  • Pewaukee Ice Yacht Club
  • SIBC
  • South Side Ice Yacht Club
  • Toledo Ice Yacht Club
  • West Michigan Ice Yacht Club
  • Windjammers/United Skeeter Association
  • WSSA

During registration, please indicate your club affiliation in the appropriate field on the form. If you are not a member of one of these clubs, you will not be eligible to compete.

Schedule of Events

Friday, January 24

  • 7 AM: Online registration closes
  • 11 AM: First Race – Race start has been postponed to 11AM to allow for warmer temperatures.
  • Rotation*
    • DN
    • Renegade
    • E Skeeters
    • A, B, C, D Stern Steerers
    • ISA B & C Skeeters
  • 6 PM Northwest Annual Meeting at the Fond Du Lac Yacht Club 705 Mohawk Ave, Fond du Lac, WI 54935

Saturday, January 25

  • 9:30 AM: First Race
  • Banquet
    TJ’s Harbor 7098 S US Hwy 45
    Oshkosh, WI 54902
    Social Hour: 5 PM
    Dinner 7 PM

Sunday, January 26

  • 9:30 AM: First Race

*2nd and 3rd round of races Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will start at a time announced by the Race Committee.
**If all classes have at least 3 races complete at the end of the day Saturday, Stern Steerers (A, B, C, D) will start first on Sunday.

A Century Ago: The 1925 Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta

As we prepare for the 2025 Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta, it’s a good opportunity to reflect on the 1925 event, which was held 100 years ago. The 1925 Northwest was supposed to be held on Madison’s lakes, or so the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club (4LIYC) thought. However, a twist of fate, or rather a ‘joker’ (as the Wisconsin State Journal put it) in the bylaws, changed everything. According to the Wisconsin State Journal (Feb. 3, 1925), the Northwest bylaw stated that if a regatta is canceled one year, it must be held on the same lake the following year. As a result, Pewaukee Lake retained the hosting rights, much to the disappointment of Madison sailors. The newspaper noted, “The general feeling among the local club is that Madison has not had an even break.”

Despite this setback, Madison sailors brought home significant victories:
1925 Northwest Class Champions
Class A Stern Steerer: – DEFIANCE – M.D. Bernard, P. Bernard (4LIYC)
Class B Stern Steerer: – LIBERTY – W.P. Bernard, E. Tetzlaff (4LIYC)
Free-for-All Winner: MISS MILWAUKEE Class A1, Camp Van Dyke, Pewaukee Ice Yacht Club

Interesting Notes from 1925
Class A1 Stern Steerers:
MISS MILWAUKEE, the free-for-all winner, competed in the now-defunct Class A1 division, which was for boats with a bigger sail area than Class A Stern Steerers. Built by Camp Van Dyke for $5,000, MISS MILWAUKEE was designed specifically to win the prestigious Stuart Cup but never managed to claim it. The Class A1 division was abolished in 1926, making this one of its last notable appearances in the Northwest.

Junior Division Announced:
The 1925 regatta saw the Northwest announce plans for a Junior Division to debut in 1926, open to sailors under 16 years old with boats limited to 150 square feet of sail area. However, it’s unclear whether this division ever came to fruition—stay tuned to the 2026 NIYA for that story!

100 Years Later
The Carl Bernard scrapbooks have been an invaluable resource for uncovering the history of the 1925 Northwest. Carl attended the regatta at Pewaukee and captured photos of his father’s winning boat, DEFIANCE, as well as the giant MISS MILWAUKEE. Most importantly, he preserved one of those  special regatta moments by having someone snap a photo of him with all his pals on his stern-steerer.

Here we are, a century later, carrying on the tradition of the Northwest regatta on Lake Winnebago out of Fond du Lac. Ice sailors will once again compete for top honors—who will become the next champions in the Class A and B Stern Steerers? We are lucky to still be sailing the Northwest and honoring the legacy of those early champions and their stories.

2025 Nite Nationals Called ON for Lake Winnebago

2023 ISA on Lake Kegonsa. Photo: Will Johnston

Nite Nationals is Officially Called ON for Fond Du Lac, WI on Jan. 25-26, 2025
Must be a member to register:
9 am CDT Skippers Meeting Saturday Jan. 25
10 am 1st Race Saturday Jan. 25 2025

Lake: Lake Winnebago, Fond Du Lac WI
Address: 6081 Cemetery Road Van Dyne, WI 54979.
We will be sharing the Pit area with the Northwest regatta sailors. To get to the Pit are, you need to cross an ice bridge. To do so, only 1 vehicle at at time and drive slowly. Please do not rush. These bridges are owned and operated by a local fishing club.

Max 8 races
Gold (experienced) Fleet
Silver (beginner) Fleet

This will be a unique opportunity to share the ice with the Northwest Regatta.

Comfort Inn – 77 Holiday Lane Fond Du Lac, WI ICE BOATERS Special $ 82.00/ night
Talk to Michell 920-933-1159
Holiday Inn Express – 55 Holiday Lane
Fond Du Lac, WI $129.00 920-322-0460

4LIYC Meeting for Jan 22 – Hybrid – In Person or Zoom


Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Meeting Tonight!
The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club is meeting tonight, and we’re going hybrid! You can join us in person at S/B Marketing (Daniel Hearn’s office) or via Zoom.
January 22, 2025
Location: S/B Marketing, 1352 E Wilson St., Madison, WI
Time:6:30 PM
Zoom: Club members in good standing should have received an email with the Zoom link.
There’s lots to talk about with all this incredible ice and upcoming regattas—don’t miss it!

Regatta Watch: 2025 Northwest – Updated Information

Renegade: Mike Derusha

Northwest Home Page
UPDATE: Launch information has been updated
Via Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk:

The 2025 NIYA Regatta is called on for Fond Du Lac, January 24th, 25th and 26th, with the final call at noon Wednesday January 22nd. Launch ramp will be finalized prior to Wednesday noon. It will be in the southeast corner of the lake somewhere between the Fond Du Lac Yacht Club and the Sunset Bar. Stay tuned for launch site updates on Wednesday, January 22.


The ice condition is excellent and the wind and temperature appear to be cooperating – pretty much optimal in all respects for an epic Northwest Championship.

Connecting the Dots of the 1930 Hearst Trophy Regatta

Photo: Oshkosh Museum

The Oshkosh Public Museum recently shared a photo on its Facebook page that immediately caught the attention of Lake Winnebago stern-steerer sailor Andy Gratton. He quickly identified the boats:

“The closest boat is the MISS MADISON from Madison and still exists at the Iceboating Foundation in Madison with two other historic boats. I am fairly certain the second boat is the PRINCESS II, also from Madison, owed by Emil Fauerbach. The furthest boat is the FLYING DUTCHEMEN, originally owned by the Van Dyke brothers of Milwaukee. John Buckstaff acquired the boat at some time and frequently raced it. That boat is currently on the ice in front of the Fond du Lac Yacht Club. owned by Dave Lallier and Dave Whealon.”

Through further digging, ice sailing history expert Henry Bossett tracked down a newspaper article that aligns with the era and context of the photo. It’s likely from the 1930 Hearst Trophy Regatta on Lake Winnebago. In this event, Buckstaff and his crew, sailing FLYING DUTCHMEN , defended and won the trophy in light air conditions. MISS MADISON appears largely unchanged and has now joined the collection of historic iceboats at the Iceboat Foundation. As for PRINCESS II, the mystery of her fate remains unsolved.

It’s amazing how these historical pieces resurface and connect in unexpected ways.
Further reading:

Remembering Tim McCormick Through Art

Pencil Sketch of Tim McCormick by Greg Whitehorse

Speaking of Tim McCormick in the previous post, this beautiful pencil sketch, created by Greg Whitehorse, captures Tim sailing his Renegade AIM on Lake Monona. Thank you, Greg, for this thoughtful piece of art that keeps Tim’s memory alive.


4LIYC Racing Report from Saturday, Jan 18, 2025

Via Ken Whitehorse M197 Facebook post:

What an incredible day of racing! High winds high speeds! Monster thanks to Daniel Hearn and Don Anderson. Many iceboat clubs and and boat divisions fronted up! Great to see the German DN racers, Anja and Holger! Thanks to all the iceboat pilots that helped pronouns M165 and M197 getting us on and off the ice!

4LIYC Scoring
4LIYC Renegader Damien Luyet has graciously volunteered to take on the role of club scorer. Let’s take a moment to remember Tim McCormick, who managed the club scoring for many years with dedication. Tim’s contributions to the club were invaluable, and we deeply feel his absence. We are grateful to Damien for stepping into this role and continuing the tradition of maintaining our race results. Scores from recent races should be posted soon—stay tuned!

January 20, 2025: DN Runners in MI

DN Runners for sale in Michigan.
-1 full set of minimum Ts (3) 36 inch long sides at 100 degrees, and a 30 inch steering runner 90degrees (no brake) + bag. $700
– 1 set (2) 36 inch 440c stainless inserts, 95 degrees with 19 inches of flat. Steel is from composite concepts. Great runners!! $800

Can deliver to GC/NAs
Text me if interested (248)762-5030.

Regatta Watch: 2025 WSSA Postponed to Feb 1-2

Via Wisconsin Stern Steerer Association Secretary/Treasurer Andy Gratton:

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to February 1 and 2. The next update will be Sunday, January 25. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Regatta Watch: 2025 Nite Nationals Tentatively Called ON for Jan 25 – 26

2023 ISA. Photo: Will Johnston

Via Nite Commodore Maureen Bohleber:

Nite Nationals has been Tentatively Called ON for January 25-26, 2025
Your Nite Board will be looking at a few different venues this week to make sure we have the best possible ice for our regatta.
We will be continually watching the weather patterns and we will make the final call by Noon on Thursday . At that time we will provide further launch, hotel and regatta details.

Continue to monitor Facebook Group, the Nite Website, and your email for further communication.