Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

Regatta Watch: WSSA Cancelled for 2022

HAYWIRE with Clay, Jason, and Jay Yaeso

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association annual regatta for 2022 has been cancelled due to lack of cooperation on the part of Mother Nature. Our last hope was Escanaba but a large amount of rain and snow is forecast for this week with potential for more rain next week. We will need a barge to get to the ice. Work on your boats this summer and check back late December 2022 for 2023 regatta info.

Andy Gratton
WSSA Secretary/treasurer

4LIYC: The Final Scores

Daniel Hearn’s C Skeeter flies by a Renegade at the 2022 ISA championship on Lake Monona. Photo: Will Johnston

4LIYC Season Scores

March brought the Fat Lady’s warmth and rain, signifying the close of the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing season. Lake Monona provided some exceptional conditions this season, and it was reassuring to be back on home ice. After a two-year pandemic hiatus, we are looking forward to resuming our annual spring trophy awards banquet in April. All the pieces are falling in place, Tim McCormick has tabulated the scores, and our trophy chair, Damien Luyet, will be organizing the hardware. We’ll have more banquet news coming soon.


HWS Update: Try Again in 2023

Photo: Pat Heppert

Ice Sailors:

With regret, we must announce that the Hard Water Summit will not be happening this year. Mother Nature decided she wanted an extended period of warm days, lots of sunshine and nights barely below freezing. The snow is, indeed, gone, but this weather pattern is leaving us with lots of slush that will likely only get deeper.

We appreciate your enthusiasm for this adventure and we may decide to give it a go again next year. We’ll have to consider whether doing the event in the same season as a DN Gold Cup in the US makes sense. If you have any input on this question, we’d love to hear it. From a timing standpoint, we may also move up our target week to the first week of March. This would steer us clear of any conflict with land sailing events and possibly increase the likelihood that we’d have the ice and weather we need. Again, feel free to let us know what you think.

Of course we are a bit disappointed, but then again, we are blessed to not be hiding from Russian artillery as we go about our daily lives. Keep the Faith!

Your HWS Team,

Daniel, Sean and Deb

4LIYC Meeting Reminder for March 16, 2022

What a season!

Please join us tonight for the last meeting of this season. We will resume meetings in November 2022. We will be meeting via Zoom only and not in-person.

Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Time: 6:30 PM CT
ZOOM MEETING ONLY (No in-person meeting this week.)
Didn’t get an email with a link? Get in touch with Deb.

Lake Monona Skeeters are Speed Special

Matthew Sheehan “takes a look at the need for speed” on this episode of Planet Sail, and he doesn’t forget ice sailing. Using drone video from 4LIYC racing a few weeks ago, Skeeter sailors Mark Isabell and Rob Evans provide the example of the fastest sailing on the planet in contrast to the beauty and slower pace of Henry Bossett’s drone video of a South Bay Scooter. Link to YouTube video.

There is a serious need for speed out there right now. From state of the art super sleek foiling Moths that will go upwind at 20knots, to ice yachts that will hit 80mph and more – both of which we cover in this episode.

SOLD! March 6, 2022: Yankee in MI

SOLD! Yankee Class Iceboat
20 ft. fuselage, 25 ft. mast, 6 ft. springboard, 18 ft runner plank, 75 sq/ft full batten Boston sail, Sharpnack blocks. Two sets of runners. New runner set is made from chrome vanadium tool steel, hardened and Blanchard ground with sharpening jig,
Trailer has new tires. Stored inside, I need the space for another project. Good condition.
Located in Mount Clemens, Michigan
Price: $2000.00 negotiable

Regatta Watch: Nite Nats Called On for March 18-20

Nite Website
Via Nite Commodore Chad Rechcygl

Nite Nationals has been tentatively called on for March 18-20
Going north may be our best answer to finish out the season. Green Lake has beautiful ice underneath the cover of snow that will be melting down this week. The word has it that Escanaba and Menominee look great too.
So get those Nites ready and let’s hope it all falls into place. Final call will be Wednesday March 16th.
Our Commodore Chad will be MIA due to a family ski trip. Also Lars and Brian will be unavailable. All 3 will be missed. Vice-Commodore Maureen and our Tech Advisor Mike will be running the show.

Sail Safe, Sail Fast,

Commodore Chad Rechcygl #322

DN Western Region Championship Update

Pat send them off.

Provisional Results
A quick update about the DN Western Region Championship in Clear Lake, Iowa. 4LIYC Commodore Daniel Hearn found the shifts and grooves to take three bullets today. There were three races before the winds built too much to sail on the rougher ice safely. 4LIYC Junior sailor, Thor Rosten, missed the second race because of a rig change. Tomorrow’s winds look better. Follow the provisional results tomorrow because they are updated quickly by Ann and Bob Foeller in Toledo.

Regatta Watch: DN Westerns On for Clear Lake, IA

“If you scout it, they will come…”

Finally, there’s some good regatta news to report rather than what seems to be perpetual postponements. The DN fleet is heading west this weekend to Clear Lake, Iowa, for the DN Western Region Championship. On Thursday, Belle Plaine DRIFTER, Pat Heppert, sailed his freeskate windsurfer around Clear Lake and made a detailed map. Ice thickness is 20″ except for the open water from the two large permanent aerators on the lake which are detailed on the map. He rates it a 4.5 and says it’s rough, though sailable. See the IDNIYRA website for more information and registration.


SOLD! February 24, 2022: C Skeeter in NJ

SOLD! C Skeeter.
First iceboat built with cockpit forward and mast behind by Tom Nichols in about 2005.Stainless runners, wood hollow mast, front spring suspension, and three sails – one newer high aspect sail, and two low rig. Must sell declining health.
$2,500 firm

Regatta Watch: ’22 Nite Nationals Postponed

Nites line up at the 2022 ISA regatta on Lake Monona. Photo: Will Johnston

Nite Website
Nite Nationals has been postponed to March 18-20, 2022

Well it’s that time of year, will we or won’t we? Mother Nature is making us wait again. We are all still hopeful that a sheet of ice will come into play. So maybe the luck of the Irish will be with us and we can all get together and play next weekend.🍀

Sail Safe, Sail Fast,

Commodore Chad Rechcygl #322

Regatta Watch: 2022 Northwest Postponed to March 18-20

Jay Yaeso and Steve Orlebeke in Class A Skeeters hiking around the weather mark at the 2016 Northwest on Lake Monona, Madison, WI. Photo: Joe Stanton

Via Northwest Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk:

The Northwestern Ice Yachting Regatta is Postponed to March 18-20, 2022.

There are still locations with thick ice that just need smoothing out of old drifts and bumps. Next update Sunday, March 13.

Steve Schalk

NIYA Secretary/Treasurer

HWS: On Hold…Still Hopeful

On Hold…Still Hopeful

As of this morning, the Hard Water Summit remains on hold. The weather on the Fort Peck Reservoir has remained cold, so the drifts are still too large and stiff. Warm weather is coming the week of March 13. We’ll monitor the weather that week to see if we get the melt we need to clean up the snow, and the below freezing temps at night to keep the ice firm. Please stand by. We intend to make a final call one way or the other on Thursday, March 17.

Think Ice!

Your HWS Team,
Daniel, Sean and Deb

Regatta Watch: 2022 WSSA Called On for March 12-13

Photo: Gretchen Dorian

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta for 2022 has been tentatively called on for March 12 – 13. Final confirmation will be made by 1 PM Thursday, March 10. Check back here after that time. If the Northwest Ice Yacht Association has scheduled their regatta for the same weekend, that regatta takes precedence.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer