Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

Regatta Watch: 2022 Northwest Called On for March 11-13

2013 Northwest on Green Lake in Wisconsin. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Northwest Home Page

Via Northwest Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk:

The 2022 Northwestern Ice Yachting Association Regatta is on for March 11, 12, 13, 2022. Potential locations are Green Lake, Madison, and Petenwell Lake.

The final call will take place Wednesday March 9, 2022 before noon CT.

Steve Schalk


Regatta Watch: Nite Nationals Tentatively on for March 11-13, 2022

2022 ISA regatta on Lake Monona, Madison, WI. Photo: Will Johnston

Via Nite Commodore Chad Rechcygl:

We have regatta ice at Geneva, Green, Pewaukee and Madison. Lakes north of Green lake are not ready yet unfortunately. We are eyeing a storm that can bring some rain or a few inches of snow. We will know what lakes are affected in 24hrs. The temps look favorable for the rest of the week to bring us our regatta. Keep your trailers ready and your runners sharp. We’ll give you final call Wednesday night 9pm.

Sail Safe, Sail Fast,

Commodore Chad Rechcygl #322
Nite Class website

Succeeding the Last Time

From left, Maureen Bohleber and Lars Barber in Nites, Mike Ripp, Skip Dieball, and Daniel Hearn in Renegades

Skeeters, Renegades, and Nites gathered on Friday for what possibly was the last day of racing on Lake Monona. Saturday’s record 1.2″ of rain, high winds, and forecasted warm temperatures may have put an end to the season here, but we’ll check to make sure of that.

Ken Whitehorse and Paul Krueger raced nine times in close match racing style. Ken told me, “Paul wanted to go for a record-breaking ten races, but I was the voice of reason and said we have to get the boats home.” Thanks Ken and Paul for getting us out there on Thursday and Friday .Always a pleasure to see the familiar red Renegade #11, with Mike Ripp at the helm, back on Lake Monona.

Taking advantage of our proximity to downtown Madison, Scott hauled us in the ATV trailer to the shore. We clambered up the sea wall, walked across the street, and had iceboaters lunch.

Lake Monona has been perfect for us this season, generating more interest in our sport and reintroducing Madisonians to the reality that we’ve been sailing these hard waters since the 1870s.

4LIYC Sailing March 4: The Last Hurrah?


Via Greg Whitehorse, “I think Iceboating lends itself well to Photoshopping some photos. Played around with this one from today’s setup, on Lake Monona, on my phone. Ken Whitehorse M-197, Paul Krueger M-165.”

Skeeter sailors Ken Whitehorse and Paul Krueger rallied the 4LIYC troops to Lake Monona on Thursday for some spring sailing. Renegaders Mike Ripp and Greg Whitehorse joined them, and more boats are setting up this morning for what could be the last day of sailing on Lake Monona. 61F on Saturday with a half-inch of rain could take out the landings. So get out there today to enjoy the best lake we’ve had this season.

New HWS Target Week March 21 – 24

Adjusting Our Sails

New HWS Target Week: March 21 – 24

Unfortunately, snow has covered the ice at Fort Peck. Mother Nature decided she didn’t want us during the target week, and until she decides what she wants to do, we are on hold. Weather models show a significant warming trend next week. We want to put everyone on standby with hopes to hold the HWS on the third target week of March 21 – 24.

Ice sailors are eternal optimists, and we are holding out hope that the snow will disappear. We will continue to keep you informed about conditions. We understand it may be challenging to adjust your schedules, but we will still try to make this happen if Fort Peck ice comes in. All the pieces are in place, and the snow will soften out with a bit of luck.

We will keep you in the loop and send a weather update on Monday, March 7.

Your HWS Team,

Daniel, Sean and Deb

Hay Making on Lake Monona March 3 – 4

Sean R Heavey: 2022 DN US Nationals &emdash; Heavey__1223717

Today and tomorrow (March 3 – 4) are good days to call in sick “iceboating” and get to Lake Monona. 4LIYC Skeeters and some Renegades are launching out of the Olin Park landing today for what may be the last two days of sailing for the season here. They will take boats off on Friday because of the rain forecasted for Saturday. Ken Whitehorse reports that you can easily back trailers on the ice, and the landing is level. (The club does have a week day racing series, so please keep track of the scoring.)

Regatta Watch: 2022 Nite Nationals Postponed to March 11 – 13

Nites racing at the 2022 ISA regatta on Lake Monona. Photo: Will Johnston

Due to temps in the 60s, rain, thunderstorms high winds and temps above freezing at night, we unfortunately cannot call on Nite Nationals for this weekend. We have hopes that Mother Nature’s Zamboni will clear off the snow on our more northern lakes and bring us something beautiful for the weekend of March 11-13. We will give you an update Sunday (March 6th) night by 9pm.

Sail Safe, Sail Fast,

INCA Commodore Chad Rechcygl #322

Regatta Watch: 2022 Northwest Postponed to March 11 – 13

Via NIYA Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk

The Northwest Regatta is postponed to March 11 – 13, 2022.

We have 20 to 24 inches of ice in several locations. Mother Nature’s Zamboni is taking over the ice for this weekend and may leave us with regatta conditions for March 11th. Next update is Sunday, March 6, 2022.

Steve Schalk


HWS Update: Polishing the Playground

Polishing The Playground
We can officially report now that the inaugural Hard Water Summit will not be taking place during our early option week. All signs are “Go” for our target dates of March 13 – 18.

Here are a couple shots from yesterday, March 1. Over the next 10 days, there is hardly a dusting of snow in the forecast and it’s going to be warm during the days. That means our playground will continue to get polished, setting us up for an epic event! If you are not yet registered, don’t delay any longer. Register here. Hotel rooms and event commemorative vest, both which are limited, are being offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Your HWS Team,

Daniel, Sean and Deb

The 1958 Northwest Regatta

While we wait for Wednesday’s announcement about the 2022 Northwest Ice Yacht Association Regatta, this newspaper clipping posted by Chris Smith of Michigan on the Iceboating Facebook group, is a timely reminder of this historic regatta, first sailed in Menominee, Michigan in 1913. The video link below his comes by way of Shirley Cross Fortune, from her father, Detroit Ice Yacht Club’s Wally Cross. Jack Ripp is pictured next to Jane Pegel and represented the 4LIYC with his second place in the Free-For-All.

1958 Northwest Regatta,
January 17, 18, 19
Gull Lake
From Kalamazoo Gazette

Elmer Millenbach of Detroit, favorite in the Renegade class, won his third and fourth straight heats Saturday to practically assure himself of a Northwest Assn crown. Gull Lake’s Bob Smith has a good lead in Class B over three Gull Lake foes and is a heavy favorite to sew up his division title today in his speedy “Alcoholic” after winning his fourth straight heat Saturday. Remi DeBlaer of Detroit has a substantial lead in the DN 60 class with three firsts and a second. C. H. (Skip) Boston of Detroit dropped out of contention after a first and two seconds when he disqualified himself in the fourth heat race. Weather continued perfect for the event with fast ice and a fine following wind for the fast boats — they reach speeds of 100 miles an hour or more — to cover the 1.3 mile racing course. There are several boats that dunked in a pressure crack near the island on Gull Lake Saturday and several relatively minor mishaps. One boat was badly damage, but none of the pilots were injured.

Final class Races to Open Program
Fate will play a big hand in determining at least two championships in the annual Northwest Ice Yacht Assn. regatta which winds up today at Gull Lake. Although the final heat race and the championship free-for-all race, matching the two top finishers in each heat race of the six divisions, still remain on the agenda, much of the doubt about class titles has vanished.
The heat race is at 10, the free for all about 1:30. The title contenders suffered boat failures Saturday in heat races to drop from title consideration.
Gull Lake’s Phil Wunderlin, after winning the first two heats of the Class C division handily, saw a broken plank in his boat force him from the third heat race and drop far behind his Gull Lake opponent, veteran Jim LaRose. And Jack Ripp, of Madison, WI, a prime contender in the featured Class E race, fell from title contention in that class when his boat sustained a spar failure in the fourth heat race.

Ripp, who entered the fourth heat race in a deadlock with Bill Perrigo of Pewaukee, WI, thus falls far behind his Wisconsin foe, who has a first, two seconds and a third entering the final day of competition. While Ripp and Wunderlin suffered sad blows from Lady Luck, three other favorites kept up their amazing regatta showing. Don Ward of Oshkosh, WI, who has won 10 straight Class D titles, stretched his heat victory string in the current regatta to four Saturday to take an ample edge of Gerry Sciott and Jack Smith of Gull Lake.

Busiest man at the Northwest Ice Yacht assn regatta at Gull Lake this weekend is genial Gerry Scott, Commodore of the Northwest Assn. Under Scott’s supervision the regatta has been run off in fine style, drawing praise from more than 90 entries from four Midwestern states.
But Scott probably would enjoy this year’s regatta more if he were able to compete himself.
Because of arthritis, Scott has been sideline from actual competition in this year’s regatta and has been forced to watch Jack Smith pilot his “Hiki-No” in a great battle for Class D division honors. Scott hopes to be back at the helm of “Hiki-No” in next year’s Northwest Assn. regatta.
Other notes from the regatta:
Next year Northwest Assn. regatta has been awarded to Oshkosh, WI…Chris Smith of Holland, an executive for Chris-Craft Co, commuted from Gull Lake to his office daily by plane, taking off and landing on the slick ice surfaces of the lake…
There’s a three-generation entry in this year’s regatta. Robert and Jean Zwicky of Pewaukee, WI, are entered individually in the E Class, while sons Henry and Bob are individual entries in the DN 60s. Kick Kidney, father of Mrs. Zwicky, serves as mechanic for the family ice yachts. He’s a former competitor….
Dave Rosten of Madison, WI lost his yacht “Trump” when it shattered after a collision with Chris Smith of Holland….A new point scoring system was approved by Northwest Assn. members at the annual business meeting. It awards first place finishers in each heat 1000 points, second place 910 points, third 834 and down the list comparatively.
The weather continued perfect at the regatta and many competitors found it hard to remember when the regatta was held on the first weekend scheduled in many years…Scott disclaims any credit for the conditions….Conrad Miller, Vice Commodore of local and Northwest units, was able to race in the regatta, but was out of contention entering the final day….His son, Mason, was another local entry….There were plenty of spectators on hand for Saturday’s races. The Gull Lake shoreline was dotted with fans and amateur photographers… The regatta attracted nationwide interest. It was covered by newspapers from most Midwestern cities plus at least one national magazine (Time) as ice yachting made its biggest hit here….The regatta probably won’t return to Gull Lake for at least five years. .

4LIYC Meeting Reminder for March 2, 2022

Nites and a B Skeeter on Lake Monona at the 2022 International Skeeter Association Regatta. Photo: Will Johnston

Slight change of plans for Wednesday night’s Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club meeting format. We will be meeting via Zoom only and not in-person.

Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Time: 6:30 PM CT
ZOOM MEETING ONLY (No in-person meeting this week.)
Didn’t get an email with a link? Get in touch with Deb.

HWS Fort Peck Update: Come & Get It

Come And Get It!

Here’s a shot of our Fort Peck playground shot yesterday afternoon, February 27, 2022. Get registered, dude, you’re not going to want to miss it!
Our good friend, Pat Heppert, is a Carhartt kind of guy. He thinks Gortex is for sissies. Well, Montana feels like a Carhartt kind of place. No sissies there, either. So, our commemorative clothing item selection was a no-brainer. Only one question needed to be answered, “what would Pat wear?” Here it is, but you can’t buy one unless you are registered.

Want one? Get registered.  We need to give our food suppliers the headcount for our social functions ASAP.  Oh yeah–quantities and sizes of this collector’s edition vest are limited, so don’t delay.  Pat will be looking particularly sexy wearing this hot little number, but you could be whining like a little girl because you missed out.  Here’s the link–

Best From Your HWS Team,

Daniel (Sissy), Sean (Shutter King) and Deb (Rock Star)

Regatta Watch: 2022 WSSA Called On

Stern-Steerers at the 2010 Northwest on Lake Winnebago. Photo: Joe Terry

Via WSSA Secretary/Treasurer Andy Gratton:

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta for 2022 has been tentatively called on for March 5 and 6. Final confirmation will be made by 1 PM Thursday, March 3. Check back here after that time. If the Northwest Ice Yacht Association has scheduled their regatta for the same weekend, that regatta takes precedence.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Regatta Watch: 2022 Northwest Called ON

DN fleet at the 2010 Northwest on Lake Winnebago. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

NIYA Home Page

Via Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk:

The 2022 Northwestern Ice Yachting Association Regatta has been called on  for March 4-6. Locations under consideration are Wisconsin or the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Final confirmation with location will be on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 by noon CT.

Steve Schalk

The Northwest is a 3 day regatta for A,B,C, and D Stern-Steerers, DNs, A, B, and C Skeeters, and Renegades.

Regatta Watch: 2022 WSSA Postponed to March 5-6

Setting up TAKU on Lake Winnebago at the 2020 Northwest. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to March 5 – 6, 2022. The next update will be Sunday, February 27. Check back here at that time. The little bit of hail on Tuesday blew into rock hard humps up to 4″ tall on Green Lake and Winnebago, 1.5″ humps on Monona. Perhaps OK for cruising but not going straight and fast.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Sail Australia in Montana

Speaking of Montana, Canyon Ferry Nite sailor Dave Gluek checked in with some news about a new DN sailor there. Michael Dunston joins two other Australian DN sailors that I know of here in the states.

Attached is a photo of Michael Dunstan, the Australian sailor who recently moved to Montana. He purchased Dale Livezey’s DN. Michael is a quick learner and sailed very well. Michael’s dad (age 79), the 1981 overall winner of the Sydney Hobart soft water race, paid a visit to his son here in Montana. I sailed with him in the Nite and we hit 52 mph. Last weekend Michael/skipper and his mates won the VX One Fleet Winter Series in Pensacola Florida. They will all be at Canyon Ferry this weekend for some iceboating.
Dave Gluek