2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information
March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota
SOLD! January 16, 2022: DN Sails in OH
SOLD! 2 DN Sails. Nice FO1 and a ABSS sails $500 each
Toledo, Ohio
WSSA Postponed

Photo: Gretchen Dorian
Via WSSA Secretary Andy Gratton: The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to February 5 and 6. The next update will be Sunday, January 30. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.

Is this too rough? Green Bay
Regatta Watch: NIYA Postponed & ISA/Renegade Championship called ON

JD in a hike.
Via ISA & Secretary Steve Schalk:
The NIYA is postponed to February 4, 5th and 6th 2022.
The ISA & Renegade Championship is on for Green Lake for January 28th, 29th and 30th 2022. Final call by noon on Wednesday January 26th, 2022.
SOLD! December 21, 2022: Nite in MT
SOLD! Nite 359
Complete and in good condition. Stored inside. Includes 2 North sails, all covers, helmet, and horses.
Includes road ready trailer. Cash only.
$3900 OBO
$2900 OBO
Bozeman, Montana
4LIYC Racing Called On for Jan 22-23 on Lake Monona

Photo: Joe Berger
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing has been called on for Saturday and Sunday, January 22 – 23, 2022 on Lake Monona in Monona, WI. Launch out of the Tonyawatha landing. For Saturday, January 22, we are moving the start of the first race to 11 AM in order to let the temperatures warm.
4LIYC Ice Check for Friday Jan 21

Lake Monona, January 15, 2022 Photo: Ethan Brodsky
Club members are invited to meet at the Olin Park landing on Friday, January 21, 2022, at noon for an ice check in anticipation of club racing. The next update for club racing is Friday, January 21, by 5 PM CT.
SOLD! January 9, 2022: DN in IL
SOLD! DN built by Norton Boat Works in WI. Complete and ready to sail. Aluminum mast and boom. North sail with bag. Hull cover, stiff plank, breakaway tiller, running rigging, helmet and titanium runners.
Price: $ 1,800.00
Regatta Watch: 2022 ISA & Renegade Championship Postponed Until Jan 28 – 30

Rob Evans sails his A Class Skeeter on Lake Monona, January 15, 2022. Photo: Joe Berger
Via ISA Secretary Steve Schalk
The International Skeeter Association Regatta has been postponed until January 28-30, 2022. Lake Mendota in Madison was checked this morning. Snow drifts that weren’t a problem on Tuesday have frozen and become a problem today. Next update is Sunday, January 23, 2022.
Hard Water Summit Update
Via Daniel Hearn:
Hard Water Summit Event WebsiteThe last couple weeks many of us have gotten our first ice time for the season. There was an epic weekend in Madison, so check out the 4LIYC Facebook page for amazing visuals from a number of photographers/videographers who showed up to capture the excitement. Our friends in Michigan and Ohio also got a bunch of sailing in. And our friends in the northeast were looking to pull off the Doc Fellows Regatta. Haven’t heard if that happened, or not.
The upcoming weekend looks to be exciting, too, with the International Skeeter Association Regatta tentatively called on for Lake Mendota, in Madison Friday through Sunday. And starting on Sunday, January 23, the DN National Championships, likely somewhere in the Central Region, are slated to kick off.
As long as we’re in the groove, check out our playpen for the Hard Water Summit in Glasgow, Montana this March. This footage was also shot over last weekend. That’s miles and miles of hard water, ice junkies! And 25 below zero last week had to have built some major thickness. Video link here.
You’re not going to want to miss this one! If you’re interested, visit the event website and fill out our short survey. 80 sailors have already done so. How about you?
Calm Before the Storm
Scooter from Mike Acebo on Vimeo.
Iceboats of all types were out in force over the weekend, using up every hour they could before a winter storm lashed the east coast. Here’s a classic Long Island South Bay Scooter sailing Bantam Lake in Connecticut. Henry Bossett was also there with his drone. See his video here.
Tip of the Helmet: Mike Acebo
4LIYC Racing Scores Updated

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing on January 15, 2022, Lake Monona. Photo: Joe Berger
Tim McCormick has updated the racing standings. See them here.
Drone’s Eye View on Lake Monona
Experience the weekend’s ice sailing on Lake Monona in one minute. Youtube link. From Ovjphotography.
Joe Berger Lake Monona Sailing Gallery

Nite and DN class iceboats on Lake Monona, January 15, 2022. Photo by Joe Berger.
Hoofer soft water sailing instructor Joe Berger came over to the chilly side and brought his photography skills to Lake Monona over the weekend. He has shared his photos on our Facebook group and to Google pictures. See them here.
4LIYC Jan 19 Meeting News: Join Us or Zoom Us, You Choose

Doug Kolner left, and Daniel Hearn, right, waiting for the go signal to push off their Renegade iceboats on Lake Monona. Photo by Joe Berger
Join Us or Zoom Us, You Choose
We’re planning for our next hybrid meeting format this week Wednesday, January 19. We’ll have local ice sailing tales and regatta updates to share.
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Food will be delivered at 6 PM
Meeting begins at 6:30 PM
At Daniel Hearn’s Office–S/B Strategic Marketing, 1352 E. Wilson St
Menu for Dinner Deliver: Ha Long Bay Restaurant Link to Menu
For those who’d like to meet in-person and enjoy a good meal together, we’ll be ordering takeout from a different restaurant each meeting. This week, we are warming up with Ha Long Bay, traditional south east Asian eatery. Please review the menu and use the form below to let us know your food choices. Here’s a link to their menu.
Once you know what you want, submit your order using the form below. Please place your order no later than 3:00 p.m. day of meeting. Food will deliver at 6:00 p.m. Bring cash to pay Deb for food and delivery driver tip. Word has it that club members are bringing beer, otherwise BYOB.
4LIYC members will receive the Zoom link via email as usual. Not getting the emails? Please contact Deb.
For those who are out of town or feel more comfortable plugging in electronically, we’ll look forward to seeing your smiling face on the big screen in the conference room.
4LIYC Weekend Recap Jan 15-16, 2022

Nite sailor Maureen Bohleber lifts a runner on the race course. Photo: Ethan Brodsky
Iceboating racing champion Jane Pegel always said the best way to attract people to our sport is club racing. During the two-day Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing series on Lake Monona, a high level of interest from Midwest ice sailors, photographers, and the Madison community proved her point.
The wind cooperated, allowing the race committee to bang off 30 races in four fleets (Skeeters, Renegades, DNs, and Nites) Saturday and Sunday. Our scoring chair, Tim McCormick, will tabulate those results soon.
One of the biggest thanks goes to Ken Whitehorse, who set the whole weekend in motion. We wouldn’t have been able to get on the lake without him. On Wednesday, he removed the snow blocking the landing with his Bobcat. Ken and Tom Hyslop enjoyed two days sailing their Class A Skeeters before their Wisconsin Skeeter Association support equipment, Ken’s Mule, broke down.
Thanks to Scott Goetz for trailering the club’s ATV from Mendota, Commodore Daniel Hearn for setting courses and taking care of everything that needed doing. Thanks to Pat Heppert for the use of the marks and also for keeping the course organized, and Jerry Simon for starting, calling, and flag duties.
Thanks to our out-of-town guests who gave our club racing weekend a regatta-like feel. We appreciate your enthusiasm and were happy to have you join us on the race course.
In all the years I’ve been involved in ice sailing, I don’t remember seeing so many Madisonians braving the cold to watch us, curious about iceboating. Sunday’s west wind placed the start line within easy walking distance of the shore, and residents flocked to check us out.
There’s nothing more photogenic in a Madison winter than iceboats against the city skyline. It’s been that way since 1878 when Harper’s Bazaar Magazine ran an illustration of ice sailing on Lake Monona. We were thrilled to have several excellent photographers and videographers on the ice with us. They have generously shared their pictures on Facebook, and I’ll be linking to them during the week. The first photographer, Ethan Brodsky, uploaded his photos to Google for those not on Facebook. See them here.
Regatta Watch: 2022 WSSA Postponed
Via Wisconsin Stern Steerers Association Secretary Andy Gratton
The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to January 29 and 30. The next update will be Sunday, January 23. Check back here at that time. The Northwest Ice Yacht Association regatta takes precedence.
Winnebago has over 12″ of older ice, 10″ on newer, but too much snow and rough seams on the black ice. Mendota doesn’t have the 12″ thickness and is not likely to grow enough by the weekend.
Andy Gratton
WSSA Secretary/Treasurer
Regatta Watch: 2022 ISA & Renegade Championship Tentatively Called ON for Jan 21-23 @ Lake Mendota

Mark Isabell in a Class A Skeeter HELLSBELLS on Lake Monona, January 15, 2022. Photo: Ethan Brodsky
Via International Skeeter Association Secretary Steve Schalk and International Renegade Ice Yacht Racing Association Secretary Ron Rosten:
The ISA Championship and Renegade Championship have been tentatively called on for January 21-23, 2022 on Lake Mendota in Madison, Wisconsin. Final confirmation will be made on Wednesday, January 19, 2022 by 1 PM CT.
Regatta Watch: 2022 Northwest Postponed to Jan 28-30
Via Northwest Ice Yachting Association Secretary Steve Schalk:
The NIYA regatta is postponed until January 28-30, 2022 to wait for ice thickness to build in several locations. Mendota is close but not quite there. Next update is Sunday, January 23, 2022.
“Iceboats & Failsafes”
Good Sunday morning. A quick update from Saturday’s Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing, which is an excellent excuse to post this entertaining drone video from Trevor Benford. It was a full day of ice-cold fun. The Renegades, Nites, and DNs sailed four races each, and the A and C Skeeters sailed 2. Check back in later for more photos and results.
SOLD! January 1, 2022: DN in MI
Refinished hull, fiberglass mast, good runners, 1 wooden and 1 aluminum boom, and good mainsail.
Needs main sheet, 3 of 4 mainsail battens, and halyard catch.
Price $525 or best offer.