2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information
March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota
International Skeeter Association: 2022 Notice of Race & Dues
International Skeeter Association (ISA) Secretary Steve Schalk has released the 2022 ISA Championship Notice of Race and Notice of Dues. Download the dues form and send it to the address provided.
All races will be sailed under the rules of the National Iceboat Authority and those of the International Skeeter Association (ISA).
Date: The Regatta will be held on January 7, 8, & 9, 2022.
Race Schedule:
- The first race will be at 10:00 AM local time on Friday, January 7, 2022
- Preliminary site location will be announced by 6 p.m. CST on the Sunday prior to the regatta
- Final call will be announced by 12 noon, C.S.T on the Wednesday prior to the regatta
- Races will be held for A, B, C Class Skeeters, Nites and Renegades should Renegades choose to hold their national championship regatta in conjunction with the ISA Championship Regatta.
- Nine races are scheduled for each division. Three are necessary for a complete regatta.
- The Regatta will be postponed if the Northwest Ice Yachting Association Regatta is held on these dates.
- The Race Committee may postpone the regatta or change regatta site any time prior to noon, C.S.T on the Thursday prior to the regatta.
Location: Possible locations, in order of preference, are: East Division, Green Lake, Lake Geneva, Madison, Green Bay.
- Each competitor must be a current member of the ISA. Dues may be paid on the ISA website or at the regatta.
- Entry Fee is $15.00 per yacht.
- Will be available at iceboat.org on the ISA page when the regatta is called ON
- Competitors may also register at Regatta Headquarters from 8:30 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. local time on Friday, January 7, 2022.
Sailing Instructions: Will be available on the ISA website and at the time of Registration. Awards will be given according to Part II Section 3 of The International Skeeter Association Constitution, By-Laws and Racing Rules
SOLD October 15, 2021: DN in MI
SOLD! Hobby DN Iceboat
(2) sets of runners, Hard Ice (Steel) and “Slush” wood runners- Angle Irons
Wooden Mast
Wooden Boom
Boston Sail, no holes or windows
Wooden Plank, Aluminum Chocks
Wooden Hull, vintage 70’s, fair to good shape
Stainless hardware for the most part, Halyards, Harken blocks and pulleys
Complete boat ready for some minor paint work to sail or use as-is
$550 or offer,
“Hobby” listed because you won’t win any worlds with it but you CAN have a lot of fun for little money!
In DN World
To help attract new ice sailors, the North American and European DN Class have introduced a world portal website, dniceboat.org, showcasing high-quality DN videos, photos. The portal also features IDNIYRA’s common governing documents, regatta history, and rank list.
Under the Class Information menu item, the DN Specifications and Racing Rules are two pages of note to all ice sailors. The class will keep Specs pages up to date in an easier to read format than the class yearbook, adding the Interpretations to their specific Spec. The Racing Rules and their definitions are presented in more of a graphic form.
dniceboat.org is a portal to idniyra.org and idniyra.eu, which will keep members informed of their specific continental affairs.
Spaight St. Syndicate Update: Flat Pack Masts

Mast mania
Daniel Hearn’s mind wanders over to Ikea iceboat mast section…
Spaight St. Archives
Ikea Masts
Ingvar Kamprad built a $40 billion per year enterprise selling furniture in boxes. His future took shape when he realized success depended on the simplest, most cost-efficient distribution from factory to customer. The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, figured out he didn’t even have to make anything to become the richest man in the world (never mind the divorce). He just had to have the best distribution system anywhere.
I’m sure our first billion is showing up in the offshore shell company bank account as I type, now that word is out that you can buy a C-Skeeter mast in a box. If you’re looking for my name in the Pandora Papers, however, don’t bother. The Corp will eventually trace to my wife’s name. She’s the smart one in the family!
Daniel Hearn
Gretchen Dorian Exhibition: Sailing On Ice in MI
Folks in the Michigan and Ohio area will want to put this on your calendars. Gretchen Dorian’s ice sailing photos will be on exhibition at the The Ford House in Grosse Point Shores near Detroit, Michigan November through March 2022. Make a reservation for the November 21, 2021 opening reception on their website. More information.
Join us for an opening reception and view our latest exhibition, Sailing on Ice, featuring ice boat photography by Gretchen Dorian.
The reception is free and open to the public, but space is limited to allow social distancing, and registration is required. The exhibition is in the Teague Gallery inside our new Visitor Center and runs through March 20, 2022.
Ford House requires masks inside all of our buildings, regardless of vaccination status.
About the Artist
Gretchen photographs iceboat racing competitions around the world. Gretchen lives and works in northern Michigan. She grew up sailing on Lake St. Clair. Her photographs have been published in Wooden Boat Journal, ESPN Magazine, SAIL, Sailing World, Lakeland Boating, BOAT US, Great Lakes Scuttlebutt, Michigan BLUE and Outside Bozeman Magazine. Online publications include the Wall Street Journal, TRAVERSE Magazine, Sailing Scuttlebutt, Sailing Anarchy, HARKEN and Seahorse of the UK.
SOLD! September 21, 2021: Vintage Skeeter in IL
SOLD! 1930s vintage Skeeter built by my dad. Has been in storage since 1952. Includes runners and plank but no mast or sail.
16′ in length, 17″ tall, and 28″ wide.
Must sell. All reasonable offers considered, cash only.

21-22 4LIYC Meeting News Update
The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club meetings will continue on Zoom. The upside is that last season, Zoom enabled our club members from outside the Madison area to participate and talk ice. We will review our meeting options towards the end of December.
Again as last year, club members in good standing will receive an email with the meeting link a day before and on the meeting day.
Time: 6:30 PM Central
November 10
November 24: Officer and Fleet Captain Election
December 8
December 22
2022 January: Meeting schedule and location will be reviewed.
Inside Overlap @ Spaight St.
“Two (or insert any number) are just as easy to build as one” has to be one of the top ten commandments of iceboating building. Daniel Hearn checks in with his latest update.
Spaight Street Syndicate Archives
Inside Overlap
When I’m racing catamarans, I like to amuse myself by coming into the starboard gate on port tack. More often than not, some cowboy will come charging in barking STARBOARD!, with gotcha-rage in their eyes, unaware that he has no rights. Makes me laugh every time.
In my basement shop, I am also currently exercising my inside overlap rights. My entitlement is not guaranteed by any rule book, but my wife still let’s me get away with it. She’s been a really good sport about it, but I can tell she’s not amused. I’m afraid by the time first ice comes, my penance will be along the lines of a hooker leaving a confessional. But it will be worth it!
Just about ready for top skins on both the new C-Skeeter and the fixed wing boat.
Daniel Hearn
2021 Iceboat Swap Meets

We Sure Do!
Iceboating clubs around the nation, including the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club, will again host their annual fall Iceboat swap meets. Swap meets are a great place to learn about the sport and types of boats.
NEW ENGLAND: Thompson, CT, Saturday, October 23, 2021 10 AM
Thompson Speedway Golf Course, 205 E Thompson Rd, Thompson, CT 06277
Go fast ice time is coming and our annual meeting and banquette is on for Saturday October 23rd. What more fitting place for speed seekers than a race track? The NEIYA is made up of the people and the history we share, camaraderie, fellowship, spirited competition, and sailing together. Come out and welcome in the upcoming 2022 Season. The NEIYA annual meeting has been going on for four decades. It is a gather of new and experienced ice boaters, a great place to buy or sell equipment and catch up with old friends and make new one.
WISCONSIN: Madison, Sunday, October 31, 2021 9 AM – Noon
The 4LIYC is sponsoring the southern Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet this year at Daniel Hearn’s office on October 31 from 9:00 – noon. Company name is Stephan & Brady Strategic Marketing; address is 1352 E. Wilson St., Madison. Hoping for nice weather, so we can open up the overhead doors. Food and beverages will be served. There is no charge for participating. This is the day to swap, buy, or sell new and used iceboats and misc. equipment. Boat builders & hardware manufacturers will display new products. For more info, email debwhitehorse@iceboat.org
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club
36th Annual Southern Wisconsin Swap Meet (founded by the Skeeter Iceboat Club of Lake Geneva, WI)
Date: Sunday, October 31, 2021
Time 9:00 to Noon
Location: 1352 E. Wilson St. Madison, WI
MICHIGAN: Muskegon Yacht Club, Saturday, November 6, 2021 9 AM – 2 PM
3198 Edgewater St, Muskegon, MI 49441
West Michigan Ice Yacht Club
Gull Lake Ice Yacht Club
Grand Traverse Ice Yacht Club
This year its at the Muskegon Yacht Club, Muskegon, Michigan.
Every year since 1975, winter sailors from throughout the Midwest converge on November’s first Saturday to kick off the new season.
Complete Iceboats on exhibit…. see some current day and historical iceboats. Lunch is available for a small fee with tickets for the raffle of iceboat needed parts and useful seasonal items for the sport. The lunch buffet is provided by the main kitchen of the Muskegon Yacht Club Buy, sell, or trade complete iceboats, parts, or upgrade your current rig. Enjoy the start of a new season, learn about iceboating.
MINNESOTA: St. Louis Park, Saturday, November 6, 2021 9 AM – 1 PM
Tim Carlson at Sailcrafters ((952)540-7474) is hosting his annual Iceboat Swap meet on Nov 6, 2021. You can expect to see all types of iceboats and all types used gear. If you are new to iceboating, this is the perfect place to meet local sailors and check out used equipment. Sailcrafters is located in St Louis Park at 7450 Oxford Street. Doors open from 9 am to 1 pm. If you are looking for new gear, Tim caters to the local iceboat community and can provide new sails, stays, line and everything in-between.
SOLD! September 28, 2021: Nite in Madison, WI
SOLD! Nite 422 – Great Condition
Trailer with new wheels
North Sail
Located near Madison, WI
Asking $3000
Southern WI Iceboat Swap Meet on Sunday, Oct 31 9 AM – Noon
The 4LIYC is sponsoring the southern Wisconsin Iceboat Swap Meet this year at Daniel Hearn’s office on October 31 from 9:00 – noon. Company name is Stephan & Brady Strategic Marketing; address is 1352 E. Wilson St., Madison. Hoping for nice weather, so we can open up the overhead doors. Food and beverages will be served.
There is no charge for participating. This is the day to swap, buy, or sell new and used iceboats and misc. equipment. Boat builders & hardware manufacturers will display new products. For more info, email debwhitehorse@iceboat.org
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club
36th Annual Southern Wisconsin Swap Meet (founded by the Skeeter Iceboat Club of Lake Geneva, WI)
Date: Sunday, October 31, 2021
Time 9:00 to Noon
Location: 1352 E. Wilson St. Madison, WI
4LIYC Picnic Report

Family photo. Photo by Bob Borkowski.
Thank you to everyone who attended this special 4LIYC picnic on a postcard-perfect fall day and to our fantastic host, Tom Kretschman. We had a clear view of the runway, where we watched planes landing and taking off. Historic airplanes, equipment, and vehicles provided the backdrop for one of the most memorable picnics in club history. Commodore Don Anderson officially inducted Greg Whitehorse into the 4LIYC Honor Roll. Several people shared stories about the tremendous impact Greg has had on our club. We were honored to have Bill and Mauretta Mattison and Dave and Nancy Nelson in attendance. Our host, Tom, gave a tour of the various outbuildings that housed a collection of historic vehicles. Several club members took to the air for a ride in a WW2 French training airplane. What way to kick off the upcoming iceboating season! Next up, the Swap Meet on Sunday, October 31, 2021.

The 4LIYC picnic was a fly-in event that Renegader Jeff Russell took to heart.
4LIYC Picnic News – New Location & Time

Run what you brung!
The 4LIYC’s annual fall picnic, when we will also honor the contributions of Greg Whitehorse to our club, has moved from Burrows Park to a private airport and museum in Verona. We’ll be picnicking in a large hanger surrounded by wonderfully restored cars, planes, tractors, horse-drawn buggies; basically, the whole timeline of mechanically driven speed from the late 19th century on up. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to catch up with club members while looking over the collection of vehicles. The photos below are a small sampling of the collection.
Fly or drive to Sugar Ridge Airport on Sunday, September 26. The party starts at noon..
Date: Sunday, September 26, 2021
Time: 12 Noon
New Location: Sugar Ridge Airport
7550 Sugar Ridge, Verona, WI 53593
What to Bring: Bring your own beverages and a dish to pass.
We’ll have a ham for sandwiches, a tradition started by Jim Payton and carried on by Peter Lundt.
4LIYC Meeting News for 21-22 Season

A good day on Lake Kegonsa. Photo: Jeff Russell
The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club will decide on October 8, 2021 whether to continue the Zoom meeting format for November and December or to meet in person. Dane County is under a mask mandate which they will update on October 8.
Watch for Notice of Dues postcards in your mailbox or click on this link to download and send your dues to our Treasurer, Jerry Simon.
4LIYC Sailors Take Off at Loring
Photo Gallery
A substantial crew of Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club sailors made the trip to Limestone Maine to compete at the 2021 Eastern Land Sailing Championship at Loring Airforce Base on September 10-12, 2021. You’ll recognize many Eastern and Midwestern ice sailors in the competitor’s list. With 19 races in both the Blokart and Unlimited divisions, they’ll be tuned for the ice sailing season. Loring Airforce Base “was one of the largest bases of the U.S. Air Force’s Strategic Air Command during its existence… Loring was a heavy bomber, aerial refueling, and interception facility for military aircraft, equipment, and supplies.” It was closed in 1994. The B52 bomber runways make for an excellent land-sailing track.
UPDATE: Just back from Maine and wanted to add to the original post that I wrote at 5 AM this morning before heading to the airport. A big thank you to the guy who had the vision to see this through, Bill Buchholz of the Chickawaukee Iceboat Club. Be sure to read Bill’s write up on the Chickawaukee website.
Blokart Lightweight: 4th Milo Fleming (Chickawaukee Ice Yacht Club), 3rd Aiden Schmeidlin (4LIYC), 2nd Daniel Hearn (4LIYC), and 1st Steve Madden (NEIYA).

Blokart Medium Division: 4th Wayne Schmeidlin (4LIYC), 3rd Lars Barber (4LIYC), 2nd BB Hedrock (not pictured), and 1st Mike Dinning.

Blokart Heavy Division: 4th Dan Clapp (NSIYC) (not pictured), 3rd Geoff Sobering (4LIYC) (not pictured), 2nd Jim Nordhaus (4LIYC), 1st Dave Lussier.

Unlimited Division: From left 3rd John Stanton (NEIYA), 4th Dave Fortier (CIBC), 4th Pete Johns (IDNIYRA, SIBC), 2nd Bill Bucholz (CIBC), 1st Chad Atkins (4LIYC) with PRO Henry Capotosto (NEIYA) .
Harry Allen
Via Mike Bloom
Harold “Harry” Allen (DN 2452) died Tuesday night, September 2, 2021, after a courageous battle with cancer.
Harry was a talented helmsman who raced multiple classes of iceboats in the winter and raced E and A scows in the summer. And, if Harry ever needed a crew, more often than not, one of his three daughters was on board sailing with him.
As much as anything, Harry loved to iceboat. Harry raced Nites, DNs and his Stern Steerer. Harry was as popular as he was generous. If iceboaters were setting up on Minnetonka, 99% of the time the boats were in front of Harry’s house. There was not a more welcoming or friendly sailor on the ice.
Harry’s passing leaves a huge hole in the Minnetonka sailing community. The DN fleet sends condolences to his wife LeeAnne, daughters Emily, Katie and Mary, and to the rest of the Allen Family.
May Harry’s memory sail on.
SOLD! January 21, 2021: Nite in WI
SOLD! Nite 160
Stored indoors, 3 barely used sails (Jim Gluek custom sail, and Charlie Miller CL1), custom made trailer, jack, 2 covers, one to haul and a winter cover. Extra battens, custom seat, S&R slider on boom, tapered main sheet, 2 sets of Harken ratcheting blocks on boom and deck. Excellent condition.
Marinette, WI.
Willing to deliver within a reasonable distance.
Iceboat Swap Meet: Save the Date – Oct 31

Photo: Joe Stanton
The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club is pleased to announce that we will be holding the Iceboat Swap Meet on Sunday, October 31, 2021, in Madison, WI, from 9 AM-Noon. Lake Geneva’s Skeeter Iceboat Club, the originators of the swap meet, has decided to forego hosting the famous meet again this year and support the 4LIYC having a turn. We’ll have more on location and other details soon. From the SIBC’s description, the swap meet is “the day to swap, buy, or sell new and used iceboats and misc. equipment. Boat builders & hardware manufacturers will display new products.”
Iceboat Swap Meet
Date: Sunday, October 31, 2021
Time: 9 AM – Noon
Location: TBA
Info: debwhitehorse@iceboat.org
Jane Pegel Honored at LGYC

National Sailing Hall of Fame members and ice sailors- from Left: Peter Harken, Jane Pegel, and Buddy Melges “All kings and queens are not born of royal bloodlines. Some become royal because of what they do once they realize who they are.” Pharrell Williams
Previous: Jane Pegel To Be Inducted into the NSHOF
A celebration to commemorate Jane Pegel’s induction into the National Sailing Hall of Fame was held at the Lake Geneva Yacht Club on Sunday, August 27th.
Susie Pegel reports:
Those in attendance at Jane’s party August 29th at the Lake Geneva Yacht Club included folks from Lake Geneva, Delavan, Madison, Pewaukee and Green Lake. And there was a surprise guest appearance from former DN world champion Mike O’Brien who flew in from New Jersey to say “hi.” Flowers had previously been sent to Jane from former DN world champion Henry Bossett. Mauretta Mattison sent regrets that she and Bill would be unable to attend the party. Many thanks to all the iceboaters who sent messages to Jane wishing her well and congratulations.
Excerpt from email sent to Jane from Dan Heaney:
“I am honored to be invited to the celebration of Jane’s selection to the Sailing Hall of Fame. I will miss the opportunity to hear the wisdom expressed by Jane regarding sailing, both hard water and soft water. Jane’s comments, especially those directed to my attention were always welcome and a positive contribution to my efforts as a race manager for the IDNIYRA. I look forward to the opportunity to see Jane in the future and will make it a priority to contact her and yourself on the occasion I have to be in Lake Geneva….we raise a toast to Jane in congratulations for being recognized for all the contributions made to the sport of sailing and the influence she has had on the sailors who have been lucky enough to meet her.”
Dan Heaney, Neenah, WI
Canadian Ice Force
Canadian Ice Force Newsletters
Ice sailors around here still talk about the Canadian Ice Force, a group of legendary dedicated iceboaters from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The Force is still around and getting ready for the season.. Mike Druiven has uploaded several copies of historic Canadian Ice Force newsletter to Google Drive.
“The newsletters featured articles on sailing, stories, regatta results, land sailing, photos and articles detailing iceboat design, engineering and construction. Thanks to Bob Intini for making these available to share. Some great summer reading to get us off our feet and start preparing for the coming ice! ” Mike Druiven

4LIYC’s Steve Arnold’s Skeeter made for a perfect bench on which to socialize during a regatta postponement at the ISA in Hamilton Bay, Ontario, CA. From left, Lorne Sherry, Charlie Miller, Elmer Millenbach, Bill Mattison. Note the freighter in the background.