Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

Where They Are Ice Sailing

Photographer Sean Heavey captures Brian Hearn’s fly-by on Lake Christina in Minnesota on Sunday, December 13, 2020.

The ice sailing season is heating up worldwide from Montana to Vladivostok. 4LIYC members Daniel Hearn, Brian Hearn, and I traveled for the second weekend in a row to Lake Christina in northwestern Minnesota for some more recreational sailing. The lake was buzzing with Pat Heppert and Daniel’s C Skeeters, 4 Renegades (including the newest Renegader Andy Gratton), and of course, DNs. The ice was harder than the previous weekend, which helped to keep everyone moving in Friday and Saturday’s light air. On Sunday, snow squalls brought more breeze and more fun. Photographer Sean Heavey, creator of the incredible DN drone footage last season, made the long drive from Montana and should have some photos and video to share this week.

Here’s a list of ice sailing locations seen on Facebook:
Montana: John Eisenlohr and friends have been sailing their mini-Skeeters on Enis Lake, McAllister, Montana.
Minnesota: The state is teeming with ice. Lake Christina, Bald Eagle Lake, and Whalestail were sailed.
Canada: DNer Mike Madge is finding ice on the smaller lakes around Thunder Bay, Ontario.
St. Petersburg, Russia
Vladivostok, Russia


Ed Nelson – 1940 – 2020

Life long friends Iver Johnson left and Ed Nelson right in 2006.

Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Ed Nelson of Menominee, Michigan. Trygve Rhude remembers Ed as a “great teacher and helper, I learned a lot from that man.” Ed was active in the Renegade fleet and competed in many regattas.


Ed Nelson, 80, passed away on December 5, 2020 at his home in Menominee. He was born March 30, 1940 in Menominee to Milton and Frances Nelson. Ed loved all of the years he spent sailing on Green Bay, racing in 67 “100” Milers”, starting at age 7 crewing for his father. He also raced in “the Hook” and numerous ice boat races. Ed also was an avid hunter “bagging the big buck” year after year since childhood. Ed’ boat building skills were put to use fitting out two sail boats, one of them his own design, and numerous ice boats. He also designed and constructed three wooden canoes.
Ed was a 1958 graduate of Menominee High School and in 1962 received his degree in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan Tech in Houghton. He was most recently employed at Evergreen Tool. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Menominee as well as the M & M Yacht Club. He also enjoyed many morning coffees with his group of friends.

The C in Connecticut

There goes another C-Class Skeeter ready for measuring and swage rigging. This one’s out East. Mike Acebo built the boat for George Nyssen, a Yankee and J14 skipper in Connecticut. Mike reports the Skeeter was a group effort. Bill Bucholz up in Maine made the mast, George made the springboard, plank, chocks, and seat, the Jeff Rogers of Airplane Plastics from the Midwest supplied the airplane canopy. Mike says, “the most important, Pat Heppert, for the fantastic plans and support. I know George will represent us well when all the pieces are together.”

Nites on Minnetonka in MN

This Facebook photo posted by Minnetonka’s Bill Allen is too tempting not to post. Bill wrote, “Ya. Went iceboating today – my bro and the granddaughters.” Their smiles indicate sailing must have been good.

2020 Renegade Championship Called ON for Dec 19-20, 2020

Renegade Page

2020 and 2021 Renegade Championship Regatta Information

The 2020 International Renegade Ice Yachting Association Championship regatta is scheduled for December 19-20, 2020. Final confirmation will be made on Wednesday, December 16th at 1:00 PM CT.


The IRIYA board will limit regatta locations for the 2020-2021 season to southern and central Wisconsin because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The IRIYA board wants to maximize regatta participation by choosing a site that allows commuting and avoids motels and restaurants. Regatta registration will be online. We will not have any social events or group gatherings.


Ron Rosten
IRIYA Secretary


New Mary B Ice Boat Foundation Website

Announcement: We are pleased to announce a new Mary B Ice Boat Foundation website!!


The Ice Boat Foundation, Inc., current owners of the famous Mary B, announce the launch of our new Mary B website


We’re thankful for the great design work of Deb Whitehorse and everyone who provided photos, videos and content. We’re especially thankful on this day for all of our supporters who provided the funds to help us purchase and restore the fastest piece of Madison history. If you haven’t made a contribution to the effort, you’ll find a place on the website to do that.


Mostly though you’ll find stories and photos that tell the story of Madison’s famous iceboat, the Mary B.


And a special thanks to O.T. Havey, Frank O. Tetzlaff and Carl Bernard. Without that dream team there would be no Mary B.


See you on the ice.
Don Sanford

2021 DN World & North American Championship Cancelled

DN Western Region Championship on Lake Mendota

Via DN North America

Cancellation of the Gold Cup and North American Championships

The IDNIYRA Governing Committee earlier announced plans to decide by November 25th whether the 2021 Gold Cup would be held. Since publishing the Q&As it has become apparent that holding the regatta in 2021 is not feasible. The Canada-US land border closure has been extended to 21 December and Europeans cannot travel to either the US or Canada for non-essential reasons. Therefore the 2021 Gold Cup is cancelled.

It would be possible to delay making a decision about the 2021 North American Championships until the next decision about the Canada -US border, but public health restrictions within states and provinces make the feasibility of any international event doubtful at best. As a result the IDNIYRA Governing Committee has decided to cancel the 2021 North American Championships but will endeavour to hold an American Championship in the same timeframe.

Warren Nethercote
Commodore IDNIYRA

Book Club: Ice Boating by H. L. Stone


Ice Boating by H L Stone

Previous: Book Club
Stern-Steerers ruled the ice 25 years before Frederic Gardiner wrote Wings On The Ice. In 1913 Herbert L. Stone published a popular iceboating book simply called Ice Boating. Stone, who edited Yachting Magazine, wrote the forward to Wings On the IceStone crammed his book with technical details and drawings. His friends in the yachting world contributed to the book, such as the famous yacht designer Nathanael Herreshoff who tried to explain the math behind iceboat speeds. 

I can find no evidence that Stone ever owned an iceboat, but he had a tremendous influence on the sport by helping to popularize it through articles in Yachting Magazine. Stone played a big part in reviving the Ice Yacht Challenge Pennant (IYCP) when he encouraged the IYCP trustees of the New Hamburgh Ice Yacht Club to pass on the trusteeship to the Eastern Ice Yachting Association. Stone was inducted into the National Sailing Hall of Fame in 2019.

White Wings Black Ice is the greatest website source on the Hudson River ice yachts of Stone’s time. Brian Reid’s website has page dedicated to vintage books as well.