2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information
March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota
3 Stolen Renegades & Trailer in Michigan
Ron Sherry’s trailer with 3 Renegades was stolen near Detroit, MI over the weekend from a locked storage facility. Please keep an eye out for these boats. The trailer can be replaced but iceboats built by Ron and his dad, Lorne, can not.
!!! STOLEN !!! !!! STOLEN !!! !!! STOLEN !!! !!! STOLEN !!!
Ron Sherry’s Renegade Trailer was stolen from Fraser Automotive near 14 Mile and Utica Road. It was stored in a locked, fenced area. The chain to the lot was cut and the locked hitch coupler was somehow bypassed, allowing them to drive off with the trailer and all its contents. Three generations of Renegade iceboats, Lorne’s, Ron’s, and CJ’s Sweet Caroline, plus all the planks, sails, and tools. The license plate on the trailer is D829645. There is a sticker that says Iceboat near the lock on the door. Please contact us ASAP if you see this trailer. ron@iceboatracing.com
SOLD! November 23, 2020: DN in Iowa
SOLD! November 23, 2020: Nite in Iowa
SOLD! Complete Nite with one sail #150, one set of runners, covers, painted red. Trailer best used only locally. Full boat cover. Cockpit cushion. 2 sails. 2004 North Sail lightly used, still crispy. 2nd sail decent shape. New wood mast, solid. Plank is solid and in good shape. A 2nd wood Nite mast included. Always stored indoors. Crack in fiberglass rear port corner, photo available. .
$2000, OBO, ready to sell.
Great boat to help someone get into the sport.
My First Iceboat

Paul McMillan and ? enjoy a day on his first iceboat, a diminutive stern-steerer on Lake Mendota in Madison, WI c.1960.
4LIYC member Paul McMillan suggested a new series for this website called “My First Iceboat.” What was your first iceboat? Send us a photo and short explanation debwhitehorse@iceboat.org.
This was my first boat from sometime around 1960. I got it from the third generation of Trachte Brothers of the famous metal buildings. My dad made new sails by hand sewing. Note the low boom, similar to modern boats. It was a blast at the time.
Paul McMillan
SOLD! November 16, 2020: 1950s Skeeter in WI
Skeeter Dimensional
Mad scientist (actually Professor of Industrial Studies in metal) Kyle Metzloff sent along these photos and an explanation:
Paul Krueger dropped off a old pattern for the Skeeter mast base. I will be making some castings, but redoing the pattern for future by 3d printing the pattern then casting in bronze.
4LIYC Meeting & Election Update
Join the 4LIYC
We made history last night as the 4LIYC held its first virtual club meeting. When this club was first organized in the late 1800s, the primary means of communication was the telegraph while telephones were a dream of the future. Vice Commodore Tim McCormick moderated the meeting and it was marvelous seeing new faces and reconnecting with former members who are dusting off their iceboats for the upcoming season. The meeting went so well that the club is upgrading to a plan that will allow for longer meetings.
The club held elections. Following the recommendations of several members who suggested stability under these circumstances, the previous officers agreed to serve another year. Your 2020-2021 Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club officers are Commodore Don Anderson, Vice Commodore Tim McCormick, Treasurer Jerry Simon, and Secretary Deb Whitehorse. Our next club meeting will be on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at 6:30 PM. Club members will receive an email with the link to the meeting on December 1.
4LIYC Zoom Meeting Tonight
4LIYC Meeting Schedule & Info
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club members have been emailed a link to join our first club meeting on Zoom tonight at 6:30. If you are a member and did not receive the email, please email to me debwhitehorse@iceboat.org.
2021 Northwestern Regatta Cancelled
Notice from the Northwestern Ice Yachting Association Board of Directors:
Northwestern Regatta Page.
All participating members of the NIYA Board of Directors have been polled and the unanimous decision is to cancel the 2021 event.
The worsening pandemic makes travel, lodging and inside food service for a large group not viable.
It was felt that local club sailing will be possible to conduct safely with protocols in place for face covering, separation and only outdoor activity.
We encourage everyone to get out and sail locally, and look forward to the 2022 NIYA in the third week in January 2022.
Steve Schalk
Northwestern Ice Yachting Association
Book Club
Some of the ice sailing community may be spending more time at home this winter than on the ice – depending upon local conditions. If sailing is impossible this season, let the internet help you explore more about the sport and its history in the form of online books. This is the first in a series of posts about ice sailing books.
I stumbled across a new-to-me resource, the HathiTrust digital library. What a surprise to find a complete digital version of Frederic Gardiner’s Wings On The Ice. Published in 1938, Wings On The Ice has been one of the most sought after ice-sailing books in North America for many years. My copy was an eBay purchase that cost the equivalent of a gallon of epoxy and hardener.
I learn something new or relearn something forgotten each time I open Wings On The Ice. For instance, Harry Melges Sr. is listed along with Walter Beauvais -Beauvais is credited with originating the Skeeter class – as a designer of the Four Runner Iceboat. (See Iceboating Tech That Never Caught On.)
Wings On The Ice is loaded with such a great wealth of information that I could devote a whole year of website posts to it. Speaking of relearning things forgotten, the book also references some of the earliest plans for ice yachts from Fredrik Henrik af Chapman’s book, ArchitecturNavalis Mercatoria published in 1768. (See Chapman’s Iceboat Plans of 1768.)
If ice sailing building, racing, and history interest you, pull up a chair to the virtual fire, turn on the e-reader, and immerse yourself in the details of this sport.
Lake Pepin’s Latest Skeeter
Ken Whitehorse’s Class A rear-seater Skeeter WARRIOR headed off into the Wisconsin sunset on Friday on Lake Pepin iceboater Ed Newcomb’s Skeeter trailer. Ed is looking forward to sailing WARRIOR and is keeping the livery because “all Pepin boats are red.”
Previous: West Coast Doubles Skeeter Fleet
The Rear Seat Skeeter Era
Important News for Class A Skeeter Owners
Check Out the Ice Checkers
These are a game-changer for iceboat regatta management. Need to quickly pick up the starting blocks, drag a starting line, head up to weather to change a mark, check out a seam? Jump on one of these and GO! However, they need a cool name.
Via the Corporate Office of RASSS:
Check Out the Ice Checkers
The much hyped collaboration between the Spaight Street Syndicate and Russell Aviation has finally resulted in some product output. After completion of just three powered kick sleds, a company spokesperson announced that the entity was selling out to a private equity firm intending to take the company public. When asked what drove the decision, Russell’s attorney suggested that his client brought all of the intellectual property to the relationship, while the other brought, well, nothing. When asked to comment about the statement Hearn said, “Oh, that Jeff, he’s such a kidder.
One time I even brought snacks to our work session. And picking out pretty paint colors is a remarkably difficult job.”
2021 ISA Regatta Cancelled

Jay Yaeso hikes in his Class A Skeeter iceboat on Lake Winnebago. Photo by Gretchen Dorian. gretchendorian.com
Notice from the International Skeeter Association Executive Committee.
ISA Page
November 12, 2020The ISA Executive Committee and International Race Committee met on November 11, 2020 to discuss the status of the 2021 ISA Championship Regatta currently scheduled for the second weekend of January 2021.
After careful consideration of the possible impacts of gathering our members from across the nation to meet in either the Western or Eastern Regions of the ISA, our consensus was to cancel the 2021 Regatta.
We feel that local club sailing will be possible with safety protocols in place for face covering, separation and only outdoor activity.
We encourage everyone to get out and sail locally. Mark your calendars for the 2022 ISA on the second weekend in January 2022.
See you on the ice.
Don Sanford, President
Nite 384
Steve Schalk, Secretary/Treasurer
Wisconsin Skeeter Association Awards
The top 3 finishers in the Wisconsin Skeeter Association belatedly held their 2020 spring awards banquet this week at the KW Skeeter Shop. Ken Whitehorse won the Bottle Trophy, Tom Hyslop was second, and Paul Krueger third. They also took the opportunity make a final check of the rear-seat Skeeter which is heading west tomorrow with Ed Newcomb.
Previous: West Coast Doubles Skeeter Fleet
The Rear Seat Skeeter Era
Important News for Class A Skeeter Owners
SOLD! October 21, 2020: Nite in IL
“Lady Bug” – Nite Iceboat #230 with trailer
Cockpit and side cushions.
Complete rigging with 3 horses.
Two side runners, one steering runner, with blade sharpening jig.
Two new extra runner chocks.
16″ x 8′ gear storage box on trailer.
Spare trailer tire.
Stored last ten years and will need a little clean up and TLC.
$2,000 Firm
What Made Milwaukee Famous
Can there be any better way to introduce the new Nite YouTube channel than by starting off with this Schlitz commercial that ran in 1979? Not only that, Nite Treasurer Maureen Bohleber collected the back story on the making of the commercial. Be sure to go over to the Nite YouTube page to read it all.
Starring: Dick Slates, Will Perrigo, Tom Sweitzer and Mike Sangor
In 1979 the Schiltz Brewing Co. decided to make a series of commercials for the upcoming 1980 Winter Olympics featuring several sports that were winter related but definitely not in the mainstream of the official events. Iceboating turned out to be one of them. I’m not sure how they ended up with Nites and Pewaukee Lake but I’m guessing it had something to do with their corporate HQs being in Milwaukee at the time and Pewaukee Lake sailors’ reputation for enjoying their product. Kind of a win-win situation. Continue reading.
While We Wait: Here’s a Russian Stern-Steerer With Interesting Runners

Photo from “konstantin_k_n” Instagram account
November is the toughest month, when ice sailors patiently conceal their impatience for that first ice report. While we wait, here’s a photo of a lovely gaff-rigged Russian stern-steerer that I ran across on Instagram. The unusual runners are what attracted my attention. Wonder how they worked in snow?
SOLD September 15, 2020: DN in Madison, WI
DN: Ready for ice. This boat was raced by Fred Shappert on Delavan Lake before I bought it. It has been well cared for and loved but I am getting too old for this sport. Included are a Norton hull with baby blue cockpit, Norton mast, Kenyon Marine boom, sitka plank, all with canvas, trailer able bags. Sarns runners with wood box. Sta-Master calibrated adjustable forestay. Stainless steel shrouds. Sail with red right foot sailmaker logo, with DN1530 number. Sail bag can double as hull cover. Sherry sliding tiller. 2 main sheets- chain-stitch and regular. Karavan trailer in great working condition (1 7/8” ball, 4 blade connector) which is rigged to be able to transport two DN’s with box to carry equipment. Spare tire. Also wench and bunks which can be put on trailer to use it for small sloop. 3 triangle pedestal stands.
Madison, WI
SOLD November 7, 2019: Runners
SOLD November 1, 2020: Nite in WI
Nite Iceboat #126 with 1 yr old use on trailer
Complete rigging with 3 horses. New stays.
Two side runners, one steering runner.
Very good condition. Sail intact very good condition. Cockpit cushion has slight tear.
Always stored inside, has canvas cover. It’s a great boat and we have many exciting and fond sailing memories!
Located in Lake Geneva, WI.