Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

Regatta Watch: ISA, Northwest, and WSSA Postponed

Stern Steerer: TWIN BEDS Peter McCormick

The ISA and Northwest Championship Regattas have been postponed to March 13th, 14th and 15th 2020. Sites under consideration are still either snow covered or too thin to be viable. It is expected that more locations will become available as we melt down this week.
Steve Schalk
ISA & NIYA Secretary/Treasurer

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to March 14 and March 15. The Northwest Regatta is scheduled for the same weekend and will take precedence. The next update will be Sunday, March 8. Check back here at that time. Still too much snow though it is melting.

Andy Gratton
WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Where It All Began: Part 2 – The Boats

It’s evening here in Furudal, Sweden and I have a few quiet minutes to write some more about the Dutch style iceboats. If you’re going to travel with heavy iceboat hulls on the ferrys and highways of Europe, a decent trailer is a must. The boats are quick to take down but great care is taken in loading them for the long trip home. From Orsa, it’s a 7 hour drive to the ferry at Gothenburg, Sweden, then an overnight ferry ride to Kiel, Germany, and then another few hours to home in the Netherlands. Some opted not to take the ferry and drove straight through.

The oldest boat brought to Orsa dated from 1917 and the newest from the 2000s. They remain desirable boats and there’s a good market for them. The newer boats are built with lighter hulls. I asked jokingly if they sharpened their runners every night like DN racers. They are pretty relaxed about runner sharpening but the hard ice on Orsa coupled with some blustery winds caused some boats to drift and a few gentle 360 spin outs. They are used to sailing on much softer ice. The “Bakery” boat I referenced in this morning’s post was an actual working iceboat built in the 1930s and used by a Dutch bakery to deliver goods on the canal. Thanks again to the club members of De Robben for making me feel welcomed and for keeping the traditional ice ships alive!

Where It All Began: Part One – The Club

De Robben Ice Sailing Facebook
De Robben Ice Sailing Website

Sorry I haven’t been posting much this month. I hope this long post will make up for my absence. After the Junior World Ice Sailing championship,me and my brother, Ron, left Sweden and headed to Norway for some sight seeing and to visit our relatives there. (Sailable ice could be found in Norway this winter. Like Sweden, they don’t have much snow.)

In case you didn’t know, the Dutch are the grandfathers of this sport. Back in the 1600s, they were the first ones to throw a plank and runners on a traditional soft water sailing boat in order to utilize the frozen canals of Holland. The day before we left for Norway, Maarten de Groot of the Dutch ice sailing club, De Robben, sent a message that 10 of the club’s old style original Dutch iceboats were heading to Lake Orsa in Sweden for a week of cruising.  Maarten and I have been corresponding by email for many years about his club and these historic boats. An opportunity like this might never come along again and I knew I had to find a way to get back here to Orsa after the Norway visit to see these boats and meet the club members. Thankfully, the ticket change was easy (I was credited $19 for the change, thanks Delta!)

Ron and I drove back from Oslo to Uppsala, Sweden on Monday and we enjoyed the warm atmosphere of a family dinner that evening at the home of Swedish junior sailor, Axel Steffner. Ron flew back to Wisconsin yesterday while I rented a car and made the 3.5 hour drive back to Orsa, my third time here this month. (Reminds me of being in Lake City, MN on Pepin for basically the entire month of January 2019.) Google navigation makes driving in Sweden very easy, but the many “watch out for moose” road signs keeps one alert! (Ron and I did see a moose standing near the road in Norway – we thought it was a horse at first.)

I arrived back at Orsa around noon and had lunch with Maarten, his wife Marianne and other club members in their cozy, rustic Orsa Camping cabin. Being able to stay in one place right at the launch is quite a luxury in ice sailing. I spent the rest of the afternoon on the ice.

I learned so much about these boats and the club members who cherish them so much. First, about the club. Here’s a roster of the boats that sail with De Robben. They have over 100 club members and are growing. (There are other clubs like them in the Netherlands where the focus is the old Dutch style boats.)  There hasn’t been ice in the Netherlands in 10 years so they’ve had to embrace travel. They have one organizational meeting every November to discuss their upcoming trip. They don’t race, it’s all strictly for pleasure and camaraderie. It’s family oriented ice sailing and many husbands and wives sail together. Club members enjoy helping each other out in the shop and on the ice, one of the best traditions in iceboating all over the world. Last evening, club members gathered in one of the small cabins for drinks and snacks.  I counted 18 people and reflected upon the fact that the 4LIYC was going to be meeting in a few hours back home. Sitting in that cabin surrounded by ice sailors was just like being at a 4LIYC meeting except everyone was speaking in Dutch. They are starting to take down the boats today but a few will stay here until Sunday.

I’ll post more later because I want to get ready to head out to the ice and catch some more rides.  A sincere thank you to Maarten and all club members from De Robben for this incredible experience. I hope to be able to  write part 2 tonight which will focus more on the boats. I’m moving a few km to stay in Furudal for another regatta.

Oh, and one more reason to extend the trip – there’s a Swedish DN ranking regatta this weekend here. The Race Committee has graciously asked me to be part of it.



Regatta Watch: ISA, NIYA, and WSSA Postponed

We Sure Do!

Via ISA & NIYA Secretary Steve Schalk:

There are no sailable sites for the Northwest and ISA championship regattas. Both are postponed to March 6th, 7th and 8th 2020. The Northwestern Ice Yachting Association Championship takes precedence if there are suitable conditions for a March 6th start.

Via WSSA Secretary/Treasurer Andy Gratton

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to March 7 and March 8. The Northwest Regatta is scheduled for the same weekend and will take precedence. The next update will be Sunday, March 1. Check back here at that time. Still too much snow.


2020 Junior World DN & Ice Optimist Championship

The World and European Junior Ice Sailing Championship concluded on February 20, 2020.  It was one of the most amazing regattas I’ve ever seen for many reasons.  Some of them include the first time being around so many young people who iceboat and the commitment and support their parents and coaches make to get them there and have a good experience. You can tell from the photos that the ice was fast. Both the DNs and Ice Optimist fleets showed a high level of sailing skill. The Lithuanian DN Ice Sailing club, organizers of the event, provided hot tea and cookies on the ice every day and the Uppsala, Sweden contingent organized hot lunch every day as well.

One of the  best memories I’ll take away from the regatta ironically took place on a day without sailing. Boredom is not a bad thing. The kids played soccer on the ice, skated, and generally horsed around for hours before being excused for the day. That evening, Estonian coach and DN sailor Mikhal Kosk organized a bowling tournament between countries at regatta headquarters. I have no idea who won but it was a blast to watch them having fun.
Here are some photos from the regatta.


Hollywood Swedish Ice

Rainbow’s End

Sorry for the light posting but I’ve been in Europe for the 2020 DN Worlds and now Junior Worlds. Good morning from near Furudal, Sweden, site of the 2020 Junior World DN & Ice Optimist championship. A few quick pictures before heading off to the sailing site. Racing will begin today.



ISA, Northwest, WSSA Regattas Postponed to Feb. 28-March 1

From Steve Schalk, “The ISA and Northwest regattas have again been postponed. The new dates are February 28th, 29th and March 1st, 2020 for both regattas. There are no sailable regatta sites anywhere.”

From Andy Gratton, “The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to February 29 and March 1.  The Northwest Regatta is scheduled for the same weekend and will take precedence.  The next update will be Sunday, February 23.  Check back here at that time.  Still too much snow everywhere.”

Northwest, ISA, and WSSA Postponed to 2/21-2/23

Steve Schalk reports: The Northwest and ISA regattas are postponed to February 21st, 22nd and 23rd 2020. All potential sites are currently snowed out.

From Andy Gratton: The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to February 22 and 23.  The Northwest Regatta is scheduled for the same weekend and will take precedence.  The next update will be Sunday, February 16.  Check back here at that time.  Too much snow everywhere.

ISA & Renegade Championship Called ON for Feb 7 – 9

The International Skeeter Association and Renegade Championship has been called ON for February 7 – 9, 2020 on Lake Mendota in Madison, WI.

You will need a Lake Access Permit. You can purchase one at the launch or purchase one online.


Friday, February 7:
8:30 – 9:30 AM Registration at the launch
10 AM First race
6 PM Annual ISA Meeting at the

Saturday, February 8
9:30 AM First race
Banquet at
6:30 PM  cocktails
7:00 PM dinner and order off the menu.

Sunday, February 9
9:30 AM First Race

Regatta Watch: ISA Called ON for Feb 7-9; NIYA Postponed

Renegades rounding the weather mark at the 2013 ISA regatta on Lake Kegonsa

The Northwest Regatta has been postponed to February 14th, 15th and 16th, 2020.

The ISA is called on for the Four Lakes of Madison for February 7th, 8th and 9th, 2020. Potential sites are Lake Mendota at Middleton Bay and Lake Kegonsa.

The final call will be made by noon CT on Wednesday February 5th, 2020.

Steve Schalk
ISA and NIYA Secretary/Treasurer

On behalf of the NIYA and ISA Race Committees

Regatta Watch: WSSA Postponed

The mighty TAKU Class A Stern Steerer

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed again to February 15 – 16, 2020. The Northwest Regatta is scheduled for the same weekend and will take precedence. The next update will be Sunday, February 9, 2020. Check back here at that time. Green Lake and Madison lakes are too thin, Lake Geneva is thinner, Green Bay blew out, Menominee is too thin, Petenwell is thick enough but has too much snow, Minnesota lakes have too much snow, Winnebago is melting but still has water under shell ice and crusty snow. Will water skis work on the boats?

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Area Zamboni Driver Working OT

Seen in our area.

Above is a photo taken by 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson at Middleton Bay on Lake Mendota, Saturday, February 1, 2020 at 5 PM. [Slightly photoshopped by the ed.] A combination of warm temperatures, sun, and wind are knocking down the slush and drifts – in other words, Zambonifying our lakes this weekend. I took a walk on Lake Waubesa today and it was wetting out beautifully. I’m sure the same can be said of all area lakes. The cold part  of the Zamboni arrives Monday night when temperatures head below freezing. Of course, we’ll be checking ice for either club racing or possibly a regatta.

4LIYC Racing Update: No Club Racing for Feb 1-2

When the ice was better on Lake Monona

There will be no Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing for the weekend of February 1-2, 2020. 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson described Lake Monona like “walking on the moon with 2″ of butter ice on the surface”. The Olin Park landing was too slushy for trailers and Monona was full of drain holes that appeared to have healed, but are thinner than the surrounding ice. Don plans to check Mendota on Tuesday with the hope for some Wednesday sailing. We will continue to monitor the area lakes.


4LIYC Ice Check: Friday 31 January

Lake Monona shows some promise (unlike this ice-encased old barn in Devil’s Lake, ND.) If you would like to join the ice checking crew, please be at the Olin Park landing tomorrow, Friday 31 January at 10:30 AM. If it checks out, 4LIYC racing will be called on for Saturday and Sunday. Stand by for news.