2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information
March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota
WSSA 2020 Newsletter
Some reading for you this morning, via the Wisconsin Stern Steerers Association Secretary Andy Gratton:
Wisconsin Stern Steerers Association Newsletter.
Saturday Skeeter Set Up
Sail guru Jim Gluek visited the Whitehorse/Krueger Skeeter shop today to look at the recent modifications on PK’s Class A Skeeter boom and spar. Recall that when they last set up the boat in June, it was one of the the hottest days of the year.
Tribute to Trophy Chair Jori Lenon
4LIYC DNer Jori Lenon has announced her retirement as our club’s trophy chair, a position she’s faithfully executed for 12 years, making her the longest serving trophy chair in the club’s history. Jori stepped up when previous trophy chair, the late Bill Korsgard, was unable to continue in the role. Besides keeping the trophies organized, Jori has often taken the lead in setting up our banquets. Jori, the 4LIYC can not thank you enough for all your efforts over these 12 years, but we’ll try anyway – thank you, Jori!
So that means the club in need of the next trophy chair. Please consider taking on this role. Jori will help make the transition an easy one. We’ll be discussing this at our next meeting on November 20, 2019 at Breakwater.
Weighing In
Picture of the Day: Coming At You!
The Mary B Foundation has acquired scans of some of OT Havey’s vintage photographs from OT’s granddaughter, Julie Hobbins. Madison, Wisonsin’s OT Havey was the original owner of the historic MARY B stern-steerer. Havey captioned this powerful image, “a boat unknown, big hike, head on.” This could be Lake Mendota. We’ll post more from the collection in the coming days. Thanks to Julie Hobbins and Peter Fauerbach of the Mary B Foundation for passing these along.
Via the 4LIYC Facebook page, a couple of updates from the Nordhaus Boatwerks. Jim writes:
OCTOBER 30, 2019:
Well, “Cheese Slicer” finally saw the “light of day” after almost five years of renovation. The plank was the only part that rolled in on the rocky shore of Green Bay. This was after someone left there boat out too long in the spring. It came from Seymour, Wisconsin compliments of “Adamski”.
The hull was Geoff Sobering and Dean Lima’s which had been stored in Dean’s barn. Runners were extra parts laying around and the rig is my Renegade “C” rig. Now for paint.
“Where’s the ICE!!NOVEMBER 10, 2019
Great time listening to the Badger game and painting parts for the “Cheese Slicer”. The color is “MAC and Cheese” and it is really—-yellow.
I will work on painting the hull tomorrow. I clear coated the bottom for protection and did the plank and spring board.
Join Us!
Join the 4LIYC
Thank you for joining or considering it. Your membership helps to support our ATV and safety equipment and this website.
There was a decent turn out for the first 4LIYC meeting of the season at our newest place, Breakwater, considering the challenging weather that night. The highlight of the evening for me was when Commodore Don Anderson spoke about our club members who have passed on -Steve Arnold, Jack Ripp, and Peter Lundt.
These membership cards honoring Jack Ripp have been ordered and Treasurer Jerry Simon will either hand them to you at the next meeting or mail them to you. Ice is here! Wingra may be worth a look in the coming days. As always with any ice, be safe out there and remember that ice is never safe!
Review ice safety procedures here.
The Race Is On
Winter is here in the Four Lakes area; we seem to have skipped November and gone right into December. Ken Whitehorse is working hard prepping his Class A Skeeter plank for red paint. Paul Krueger and Ken will be ready for ice – which might come early this year. It was 8F here this morning and with more single digit temps in the forecast – it’s making ice somewhere!
Spaight St. Syndicate: What’s In a Name
Previously at the Spaight St. Syndicate
Daniel Hearn is inspired to name his C Skeeter by, well, read on…..
What’s In a Name
“What, are you thirteen,” she said rolling her eyes? I had to take a quick mental inventory. Let’s see—I still think there’s nothing funnier than a fart in church. I have many names for my male member, and each includes an adjective found on the Thesaurus page for huge. I burp out loud when I think no one else is around. I sometimes forget to put the toilet seat back down. I think Hershey’s is good chocolate. Even though I know I’m not supposed to, I often cut all the food on my plate at one time, because it’s so much more efficient. “Yeah, pretty much,” I replied. “So, what you’re saying is that C-Man is not an appropriate name for a C-Skeeter driven by a man my age who has four children—three of them daughters?” She just walked away, so I took that as an affirmative. Maybe I can still cancel the decal order.
Probably needs to be more sophisticated to win the approval of my Mrs. I hadn’t recalled asking for her approval, but nonetheless, it became clear that she thought she had a vote. I had carved up the districts within our household trying to prevent that, but clearly my gerrymandering was ineffective.
Maybe something from literature? The classics? Or how about mythology? Those Greeks were so sophisticated they convinced people to see pornography as art. I think the sculptors were just as juvenile as me. Their wives were certainly rolling their eyes when the Mr. was out back in the shed chiseling the fine form of a woman with a righteous amount of junk in the trunk.
There must be a cool-sounding “C” name in mythology, with deep meaning, that would be a fitting reflection of my masterpiece. (Well, it may not be a masterpiece, but it’s the best this paint-by-numbers kind of guy can do). That’s it—Callipygian! I think it’s perfect. And I’ll score points with the Mrs. when I tell her that I named the boat after her. But this time, I’m not disclosing the name until the fat bottomed girl hits the ice.
Now that you’ve Googled my name, let me know what you think. Will I be sleeping on the couch again, or will she be flattered by her juvenile husband of 32 years?
Official team gear available here: Righteous Junk
Bob Reeves: Sail On
A remembrance of a good man who brought many into the sport and a request from Mike Acebo of the Long Island, NY ice sailing community:
One of the most important members of the Long Island, NY iceboating community has sailed on. Bob Reeves, Orient NY, past Commodore of the Orient Ice Yacht Club has left us. His presence at every Long Island ice boating event, and beyond, served to coalesce our community and add to the membership of every club he was involved with. He was an avid Stern Steerer historian, builder and sailor with the history of several generations of iceboaters in his family. Through his plumbing supply business in Greenport he sold Skimmer 45’s to numerous locals to initiate them into the sport on local Hallock Bay, tiny Swan Pond and Lake Ronkonkoma. Many of these Skimmer sailors moved on to DN’s, C Skeeters, Stern Steers and the earliest 9 boat fleet of J14’s, an Orient club boat building project spearheaded by Bob. He was safety conscious, shared good ice reports and often spent his iceboating days helping others set-up, adjust rigging and advising novices how to improve their sailing while his J14 #20 stood by waiting. He travelled to ice and taught us there was always ice somewhere. Bob has moved on in the search of perfect ice. We will remember Bob in our own search for that perfect ice and great day with fellow iceboaters.
If anyone would like to share their stories of Bob please send them my way for our Club history archives.
Thank you,
Mike Acebo
LRIBYC Newsletter editor
Iceboat Swap Meet Mega Weekend- Nov 2-3
Looking to attend an iceboat swap meet? We’ve got you covered across iceboating country, from east to west. If you are new to the sport or a seasoned veteran, swap meets are the perfect place to kick the tires, shop for parts, and meet ice sailors. Have a boat or parts to sell? Take them to your local swap meet.
New England Ice Yacht Club
Saturday November 2, 2019
10 AM with lunch at noon
Hudson-Concord Elks Hall
99 Park Street, Hudson, MA 01749
More information.
West Michigan Swap Meet at the Muskegon Yacht Club
Saturday, November 2, 2019
9 AM – 1 PM
3198 Edgewater St, Muskegon, MI 49441
Skeeter Iceboat Club Swap Meet
Sunday, November 3, 2019
9 AM to Noon
Lucke’s Cantina
220 N. Elkhorn Rd. (WI Hwy 67), Williams Bay, WI.
More information
Minnesota Ice Sailors Swap Meet
Saturday, November 2, 2019
9 AM – Noon
7450 Oxford St., St. Louis Park, MN 55426
More information
Montana FIRST!
Via John Cassidy and the Montana Icebuds Facebook page, looks like we have first runners on the ice in North America and quite possibly the world. This DN sailed on Ray Creek on Friday, November 1, 2019. Ray Creek is part of the famous Canyon Ferry watershed.
Can You See Me Now?
Something good can often come out of something bad. Recall at the end of last season, the 4LIYC racing marks went missing. Mark Master Jerry Simon made a set of new and improved marks. These new marks are much bigger than the old set and should be easier to pick out on the course.
Jerry writes:
Jeff Russell and I spent the morning fabricating some new ice boat marks. The evolution is evident with the oldest in the back and newest in front. Bigger and brighter is better I hope.
That Time When A Car Raced Iceboats On Lake Monona
The Four Lakes area received another 5″ of snow yesterday making October 2019 the snowiest on record at 8.1 inches. I researched the previous years with snowy Octobers with the hope of finding a correlation between October snow and early ice sailing. There wasn’t enough data, but during the search, I stumbled across this 1916 newspaper article about a race between a “6 cylinder Warren Detroit auto” owned by Walter Haspell and 10 Madison stern-steerers on Lake Monona. The article notes that Mr. Haspell, an avid ice sailor himself, had previously “pitted his automobile…against the ice yachts but the found the course too slippery”. No word whether the race was run or who won. Click on the newspaper clipping to enlarge it.
Of course you can’t have a post about automobiles vs. iceboats without this classic film from Lake St. Clair, posted below.
Remembering Randy Johnson DN US4000
Condolences to the family and friends of Gull Lake Ice Yacht Club, Michigan sailor Randy Johnson who recently passed on. His passion for ice sailing made for an extraordinary and beautiful funeral where his DN set up was set up in remembrance.
Are You READY for Ice?
The reason to ask is because the Four Lakes area and beyond woke up to an early winter this morning with more snow to come this week. The 4LIYC Skeeter fleet is on the trailer ready for ice. Ken Whitehorse applied the graphics to his newly painted WARRIOR just in time!
4LIYC Nite Meeting Oct 30 @ Buck & Honey’s Monona
The 4LIYC Nites are have set up a dinner meeting to organize for the upcoming season.
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Time: 6:45 PM
Location: Buck and Honey’s Monona
800 W Broadway Suite 300, Monona, WI 53713
Via John Hayashi:
What Nite sailor will win it all this season?
Guess what, it’s time for the 4LIYC Nite fleet to get organized for the upcoming season. Last year, we met Dave and Busters. This year we are branching out and sampling what Monona has to offer. There is a lot to get straightened out because we have an O-fficial club meeting coming the following week. Rumor or plain lie [unconfirmed – Ed.] has it that Tim McCormick is purchasing Don’s backup Nite. (Does one really have a backup Nite? Hmmmm.) We can discuss round marks vs triangle marks, which bar is better – Springer’s or Good Old Days, you get the picture.
Remember he or she who doesn’t show gets elected . Congrats Fleet Captain. Ha ha!
Remembering Olaf Harken
Olaf’s Funeral Service
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2019
Time: Visitation 11 AM
Service 2 PM
Location: Galilee Lutheran Church
N24W26430 Crestview Dr,
Pewaukee, WI Map
Reception to follow at Harken
Olaf Harken passed away this morning, October 21, 2019. Olaf “did the hard work” according to brother Peter and that hard work had a monumental influence on ice sailing, not to mention soft water sailing. Olaf raced a Nite class iceboat. In his autobiography, Olaf described ice boating as “Our favorite, if not our most frustrating sport, …iceboating: a combination of race-car driving and sailing.” The ice sailing community sends our condolences to the Harken family and Harken employees. Fair winds, Olaf.
Following is cut and pasted from the Harken Facebook page:
Today we remember Olaf Harken. Olaf passed away peacefully in his sleep this morning with loved ones nearby.
This morning in Pewaukee, Peter Harken told an assembly of Harken members: “My brother did all the hard work so I could have all the fun. During the days when the company was just getting going, Olaf was in charge of the money. He kept us in business. If I had been in charge of that we would have been in big trouble. His legacy is in this culture. So, let’s just keep doing what we do. Just keep getting better. You are a great family. Thanks a lot. He’ll be watching you, so no sloughing off!”
The brothers took a lot of chances over the years – and their employees are still encouraged to do the same. When Olaf Harken was inducted into the National Sailing Hall of Fame in 2014 along with Peter, he explained the brothers’ business philosophy: “When trying new stuff our rule is to ask, ‘if it all goes bad, can we survive?’ Then we go to the bar and forget what we just said and do it anyway!”
The Harken story has been full of twists, turns, successes, and reinventions, but through it all, the goal of challenging the status quo and commitment to being at the front remains.
We encourage you to share your memories of Olaf with us. Feel free to leave a comment here or send us a message.
FROSTY: Coming to a Lake Near You
Jay Yaeso’s shop, the Area 51 of iceboat building, reveals his latest stealth project:
Something new out of the Suamico Skunk Works…
I have been so envious of Andy Gratton and Mike Kroll and their miles and miles of winter sailing. We decided to join them!
FROSTY… the Iceboat, is a “C” class rear steerer powered with a massive Skeeter wing spare. The remainder of the platform has been donated by the world famous ice yachter, Bob Kau!