Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

Super Weekend of Sailing

4LIYC Renegader and Super Cub flyer Jeff Russell took advantage of the weekend’s beautiful weather to visit the fleet at Lake Puckaway where Nites and Renegades raced over the weekend.

Don Anderson in EASY RIDER

Closer to home, Jim Nordhaus put the CHEESE SLICER on Lake Wingra.

Jim Nordhaus: Some of us locals sailed on Lake Wingra Saturday and Sunday. I wanted to try out The “Cheese Slicer”.
It performed beautifully and many people came out to enjoy the boat. We also had the Palmer out along with other boats.


4LIYC Ice Checks

Warning! Kegonsa Crocodiles are present!

The state of the ice was discussed at last night’s 4LIYC meeting.  The Four Lakes area is not quite there yet but we should be ready for serious ice checks within days. Kegonsa was reported to be iced over but with the usual thin spots and goose holes. The east end of Lake Monona is iced over but like Kegonsa, there are open areas and thin spots all over the lake.

This time of year always brings up discussion about the Grand Slam, the 4LIYC fun regatta. Our bylaws state: The Grand Slam Regatta shall be sailed on the first safe and sailable ice in December or the first week in January. If the regatta is not sailed by then, the regatta shall not be sailed for in that sailing season.

Lake Puckaway near Montello looks like the best ice in our area for weekend sailing. The Nite Class has called on an early bird regatta there for December 21-22, 2019.  Via their Facebook page:

Nite sailors we are going this weekend!

The Early Bird Regatta is a go. We have checked the ice this morning and it looks locked in and way thicker, the ice surface is also way smoother then over the weekend. We are looking at a thickness of about 6 1/4″ and growing so by the weekend we should be around 7 plus inches. We will not be charging for the event but we do ask that if you want to be scored and line up that you have your dues paid up. We will not be doing payments on the ice….sorry. We will also be running with the Renegades and they are joining us for the weekend to race as well.

The coming weather after Sunday looks to be unseasonably warm and now is our best shot before the real season kicks in January.

The regatta site launch site will be at the Marquette County boat launch (Apuckwaka). Due to the warming temps we will be starting early in the day so expect to have the flag drop at 9AM on Saturday. Be at the landing as that is where everything will take place. Please do not drive up or back up on the ice, do not take the landings out this early in the season.

Expect to do as many races as we can fit in.

Mark Christensen

Mark “Doctor”  Christensen

The ice sailing community grieves today for Minnesota DNer Mark Christensen US4824. Mark sailed home after a long illness on Saturday, December 14, 2019 which was also the first day of the Great Western Challenge, a regatta he was closely connected with. Mark had raced with the 4LIYC and won the DN title at the 2016 Northwest regatta.

He was a highly competitive and skilled DN racer and part of a group of Minnesota DNers whose passion has helped to bring new people to the sport. Mark was a key member of ice scouts who were responsible for getting sailors from all over North America, Europe, and Russia to join together in Minnesota for the first fun regatta of the season. He was a top ranked DN racer and relished battling on the ice against his close friends, be it scrub racing or continental regattas.  He won the Ice sailors from around the world extend our deepest sympathies to Mark’s family, his girlfriend Lisa, and to the Minnesota Ice Sailors.

Mark Christensen Funeral Service
Date: Friday, December 20, 2019
Visitation: 10 AM
Service: 11 AM
Luncheon to follow
St Bartholomew of Wayzata
630 Wayzata Blvd E, Wayzata, MN 55391
Link to map

Mark R. Christensen
Mark R. Christensen Age 59 of Mound, MN. Survived by parents Norma J. (Alan) Greene, Ronald L. (Caroline); loving companion Lisa Lee; siblings Gary (Kizzy) & Kathy (Jeff) Traxler; Nieces and nephews Jesse (Erin), Katy (Brian), Abbigail, Matthew, Erin, Samuel, Megan and Mary and great nieces and nephews. Mass of Christian Burial Friday, December 20th, 2019 11:00 AM @ St. Bartholomew Catholic Church, 630 E. Wayzata Blvd, Wayzata, MN with visitation 1 hour prior to mass at church. Edina Chapel 952-920-3996




2016 Northwest Trophy presentation: Minnesota ice sailors Jim McDonagh left with his friend, Mark Christensen.

Minnetonka is Simonized

At first glance, I had to look closely at this photo, wondering if I’d missed the news that Madison lakes had frozen over while I was at the Western Challenge!
Pat Heppert posted this on his Facebook page on Saturday, December 14th, 2019.

Had a great day on Minnetonka today. A true pleasure to sail along side Mike Maloney and his Jerry Simon built Renegade “Simonized IV”. Unbelievable craftsmanship on that Renegade, and truly legendary. My boat went fine, even with shorty runners. Anyways, sailed Gideon’s Bay, Excelsior Bay, Echo Bay, and along Big Island East to about Harry’s. Ice was rough and snow drifted, but we did fine all day. Many Nites out and 1 DN. I didn’t sail main lake because unknown and unscouted and snow covered so harder to see thickness. But others did and reported main lake had less snow, no drifts, and much smoother. All the usual pressure ridges were in their usual locations on main lake.

DN Great Western Challenge


Chris Gordon US5590 leads the pack rounding the weather mark on Lake Puckaway at the 2019 Western Challenge. Photo: Puckaway Ice Sailing Squadron

Breeze and hard, fast ice arrived on Lake Puckaway just in time for the 2019 DN Western Challenge. This regatta will be remembered by many of us for years to come.

Merch Alert: 4LIYC Burgees Now Available

Fly the fast colors of the 4LIYC

We have received our first shipment of burgees. There are two ways you can get one – come to the next for 4LIYC meeting and pick one up for $35 or send a check for $40 made out to the 4LIYC and we’ll ship it to you.

4LIYC Burgee

$40 (includes shipping)
Send check payable to 4LIYC to
PO Box 22
Waunakee, WI 53597


Western Challenge Updates: It’s Wisconsin for DNs, Skeeter WC is Cancelled

DN Western Region Championship on Lake Mendota in 2018


The DN Great Western Challenge is called “ON” for December 13-15, 2019 on Lake Puckaway Wisconsin.
Lake Puckaway is near Green Lake, Wisconsin. The Skeeter Western Challenge is cancelled for the season.


Apuckawa Park and Boat Launch
Located at the intersection of Fox Court and Toepper Drive, east of Montello.
Link to map


Mecan River Outfitters:
(920) 295-3439
Very limited availability.


T’ween the Lake Motel
510 Underwood Ave Hwy 23
Montello, WI 53949


Acorn Ridge Motel


Bayview Motel and Marina
(920) 294-6504
439 Lake St, Green Lake, WI 54941


Comfort Suites At Royal Ridges
(608) 567-4024
2 Westgate Drive, Ripon, WI, 54971, US


Boarders Inn & Suites by Cobblestone Hotels – Ripon
(920) 748-7578
1219 W Fond Du Lac St, Ripon, WI 54971

Nite News: Early Bird Regatta Tentatively Called ON for Puckaway

Photo: Tim Stanton

Via the Nite Facebook page:

Nite sailors I hope your ready!!!
The Nite Commodore and NIte Treasurer just got off the ice at Lake Puckaway and found just about pristine conditions. We recorded 2 1/4 inches of hard optically clear ice that drilled real hard. Though we are not at the 5 inch mark we would like initially, I believe we will get there by Saturday morning. This is a shallow lake with a max depth at about 7 ft so we know that will help this whole equation as well.

The weather forecast has snow coming on Thursday and we are not sure the full extent of what we may get, so as of now we will be planning as if a Nite regatta will be happening this weekend. We will do a final confirmation tomorrow.

Since there should be a lot of ice sheet available on Lake Puckaway, we would like to cordially invite the DN class to come share the ice with us and sail their Western Challenge on Lake Puckaway. It is the iceboater way to do things.

Please respect the landings should you come early and also the locals who maybe ice fishing.


Nite Class Commodore

Go West: Minnesota Monday

The right way to start the week, a video from Jim McDonaugh from the weekend sailing on Buffalo Lake in Minnesota, potential site of the Western Challenge DN regatta.

The Great Western Challenge is “ON” for December 13-15, 2019.
Primary location is Lake Buffalo in Buffalo, MN., sailing out of Sturges Park.
Check back for update on Wednesday and for hotel information.
Think ice!

When the Stars Align

Things got a little scientific next door at the Whitehorse/Krueger Skeeter shop today. Ken set up his newly painted Class A Skeeter and he and Paul spent the day getting the runners aligned just perfectly.

Keep An Eye On This And Your Runners Sharp…

Euro and GFS low temperature models for December 11, 2019

One of the amateur weather geeks I follow on Facebook, Rippeology, posted this beautiful graphic today. Would it ever be possible to have too much sailable ice? As he says, time will tell.

Euro and GFS both went REALLY cold with overnight model runs for the middle of next week. An outlier or a trend? Time will tell.

Spaight St. Syndicate: C-Section

The patient and the target.

Previously at the Spaight St Syndicate
Winter is definitely coming! Daniel Hearn’s C Skeeter has emerged from the basement incubator.


The delivery was scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 30. The natural way was not going to be possible, and after nine months, my beloved was ready for this to be over. So I let my household duties slip a bit—what’s a clogged bathroom sink when we’ve got sinks on other floors? And so a couple of kitchen cabinet doors fell off—makes it easier to put stuff in and take stuff out? Little sympathy, here! Can you blame a man in my condition?

I’ve been crying myself asleep nightly ever since she told me she wouldn’t be right at my side. I know she loves me, but she said there are just some things she’s not equipped to handle. I’ve come to understand that the miracle of birth is not just about bringing a new life into this world. It’s also an incomprehensible feat of physics. That… is going to get from here to there, how? Many a visitor, starring at the large mass late in my gestation period, offered their unsolicited input, “dude, that ain’t happen’n.” I appreciated their offer of help.

Now I don’t have the smartest friends, but they weren’t completely wrong. This was not going to be your normal delivery. Only way this girl was coming out was a surgical extraction through a window under the back porch that’s never been opened in the 29 years we’ve lived in the house.

Admittedly, I’m a wuss, so I told the doc to use any scientific crutch available. Accordingly, she instructed the operating team to remove the bubble. “No need to stress the incision any more than necessary.” I nodded my head in agreement, my mind racing with marginally rational thoughts. What if she’s b(road)reach? What if the sheet is wrapped around the steering wheel? What if they drop her? What if she’s an Ohio State fan? I requested the epidural, even though I was having a C-section.

Next thing I know, my little bundle of joy is resting peacefully in her 25 foot aluminum bassinet with tandem torsion axles and electric brakes. Crazy the gear they have for the little tikes these days!

Time to learn to sew, because now my little girl is going to need a blankie.

Now That’s a Birthday Card!

Jim created this custom birthday card for  Renegader Jerry Simon.

Renegade sailor, Jerry Simon, thought he was going to our Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club fall party last night but instead was surprised to find himself as the guest of honor at his birthday party that Jim and Patty Nordhaus arranged. Jim spoke for us all in a special tribute to Jerry and recalled that Jerry was the first one to welcome him when Jim attended his first 4LIYC meeting. It should also be noted that Jim and Patty carried on the tradition of serving a ham. It may seem like a small thing, but it was begun by Jim Payton and continued by Peter Lundt. It’s a gesture that reminds us of the long history of our club and our members.  Thank you to the Nordhaus family and to all club members who attended. It was the perfect kick off to the upcoming season.

Via the 4LIYC Facebook page from Jim Nordhaus:

We had our annual picnic at the boat shop tonight. It also was a tribute to our long standing member Jerry Simon. It’s his birthday tomorrow 11-27-19. His ongoing never ending contributions were celebrated tonite and Jim gave a short list of some of them: ice checker, treasurer, four wheeler tender, marks manufacturer, race manager, regatta winner, boat builder, on and on! Jerry has not only helped to perpetuate the sport but he has been an excellent example of sportsmanship. It is our pleasure to know you Jerry and have a wonderful birthday tomorrow.
Your friends at the FLYC!

Welcome to the Machine: New Class A Skeeter Sailor Joins the Fleet

Leon LeBeau, long time DN and Renegade sailor from the Detroit, Michigan area, has joined the ranks of the bubble boat sailors. Leon chased the storm and made a quick trip to New Jersey this week to pick up his new Dan Clapp-built Class A Skeeter, which was formerly owned by Rick Stavola. Leon is looking forward to joining his DN friends who have also made the switch to Skeeters and the rest of the fleet. See you at the ISA and NIYA, Leon!

FRITZ & The “B”

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club stern-steerers FRITZ A5 and MARY B A4 on Lake Mendota in Madison, Wisconsin c.1955.

A couple more photos from the Mary B Foundation of OT Havey’s vintage photographs.  Madison, Wisonsin’s OT Havey was the original owner of the historic MARY B stern-steerer. Above is an iconic shot for Madisonians – two of the most famous stern-steerers of the 4LIYC near the Edgewater Hotel on Lake Mendota sometime in the 1950s. It appears the crew of the FRITZ is pushing off back to the landing after joining club members who sailed over to the Edgewater for a late lunch and camaraderie. We still do this today!

The crew of the stern-steerer FRITZ pushes off towards home.

Saturday Skeeter Set Up

Sail guru Jim Gluek visited the Whitehorse/Krueger Skeeter shop today to look at the recent modifications on PK’s Class A Skeeter boom and spar. Recall that when they last set up the boat in June, it was one of the the hottest days of the year.