Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

December 18, 2024: Melges 80 Skeeter in WI

Melges 80 Skeeter. Complete with two sails, full covers and bags for sails & boom. Carbon fiber mast, stainless cables, Harken pulleys. Very comfortable to sail. Easy to set up and take down. Plank is 16′ wide, mast 22′ tall, hull 19′ long, spring board 4’6″ to hull and 6’9″ total. Both foot & wheeling steering. Pillow block chocks. Custom built boat trailer that is set up to transport two ice boats. Trailer has new wheels & tires. Boat always stored inside.
Located in Oshkosh, WI.
Delivery available – $7,800.00
(920) 850-8265.

New Video Playlist: Racing Rules of Iceboating

The Skeeter Ice Boat Club (SIBC) of Lake Geneva, WI, has shared a new resource for the ice sailing community: a YouTube playlist breaking down the National Iceboat Authority’s Racing Rules of Iceboating into easy-to-digest sections.

Edited by SIBC member Dave Navin, these videos provide a guide to understanding and applying the racing rules, helping sailors of all experience levels navigate the course safely and confidently. Whether you’re looking to refresh your knowledge or learn the rules for the first time, this playlist is a valuable tool for anyone passionate about iceboating.

Watch the videos here on the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club YouTube channel playlist:

4LIYC Meeting Update for Dec 18


Please join us for our next Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club meeting. We will meet at the Four Lakes Yacht Club on the Yahara River in Monona. We’ll recap the weekend’s DN Western Region Championship and the ISA and Renegade Regattas, along with plenty of great stories to share.

Date: Wednesday, December18, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM CT
Location: The Four Lakes Yacht Club
6312 Metropolitan Ln, Monona, WI

What to Bring: $10 cash if you want to join in for pizza and cash for beverages.

ISA & Renegade Championship Regatta Recap

Photo: Gretchen Dorian

ISA & Renegade Championship Results
The final day of the ISA Regatta was a challenging one, with foggy, overcast, and damp conditions that limited visibility in the morning. Fortunately, the wind was steady enough for racing, though the Race Committee postponed the start in hopes of weather improvement.

The B Skeeters decided to conclude their regatta early, holding their trophy ceremony on the ice before heading back to Lake Geneva. The A Skeeters also opted not to race, celebrating their champions with a trophy presentation on the ice. Meanwhile, the Renegades and Nite fleets stayed out later in the morning and managed to get in some solid racing before calling it a day.

By the afternoon, all participants gathered at the Water’s Edge Restaurant to warm up with hot chili and hold the regatta’s final trophy ceremony.
A special thanks to everyone who made this regatta possible: Ann Foeller, working remotely from Toledo, Ohio, for tabulating results for both the ISA and DN Western Region Championship; Julie Jankowski and Fred Stritt, for monitoring the weather mark on both courses; John Dennis, the ISA Regatta Chair, for organizing a successful event; and Pat Heppert for keeping the schedule on track. We’re also grateful to veteran photographer Gretchen Dorian for her coverage. Although she couldn’t make it to the ISA course, you can spot the Skeeters in the background of her always amazing DN photos. And finally, our heartfelt thanks to the people of Starbuck, Minnesota, for their always warm welcome and to the Water’s Edge Restaurant for graciously putting up with us throughout the event


2024 ISA Day 2 & DN Western Region Day 1 Report

DN Junior Sailor Maggie McGary US2453. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

ISA Results
DN Western Region Results
Saturday brought a different set of weather conditions—overcast and warmer, but with a dampness that felt more chilling than the 10°F temperatures of Friday. Thankfully, the wind remained steady, making it easier to run races efficiently.

I assisted on the DN course, while Pat Heppert, Jim McDonough, and others pitched in to manage the ISA course. Fred Stritt and Julie Jankowski, our dedicated DN Western Region weather mark crew, had the best vantage point of the day. Their position near the ISA pits allowed them to witness races on both courses.

On the DN side, we completed an impressive 10 races and were back at Water’s Edge Restaurant (add this place to the list of iceboaters favorite bars) by 2:30 PM. Chris Berger US5166 and Steve Orlebeke US4926 battled fiercely for the top spot throughout the day, while Dale Gordon and Alexander Leach are tied for first in the Silver fleet heading into the final day.

A special highlight was junior DN sailor Maggie McGary US2453, who placed second in the Silver fleet during the first race. Maggie is racing alongside her dad, John McGary, and it’s safe to say she’s the one showing him the ropes!

Veteran iceboat photographer Gretchen Dorian is also here capturing the action. Yesterday, she focused on the DN course, and today, she plans to shoot the ISA races. You can check out her amazing photos from yesterday here:.

Today marks the final day of racing for both the ISA and the DN Western Region Championship.

2024 ISA Day 1 Report

2024 ISA & Renegade Championship Information
Day One Report – ISA
Friday, December 13, 2024
Day one of the ISA was marked by brutally cold conditions. Racing was postponed initially as we waited for the temperatures to rise to at least 10°F. After a  delay to wait for the temperature to ride, a quick skipper’s meeting was held, and the Race Committee efficiently sent everyone out to the course.

At exactly noon, George Gerhardt dropped the flag for the B and C Skeeters to start their first race. Throughout the day, temperatures gradually rose while the breeze picked up, allowing each fleet to complete three races—except for the A Skeeters, who were unable to start their third race due to running out of daylight.

Meanwhile, the DNs are set to to sail on a separate course today for their Western Region Championship.

ISA & Renegade Championship: Day 1 Starting Positions



1 James Smith I-34
2 Billy Barrett I-711
3 Rich Popovich I-422
4 Jason Thompson I-248
5 Jim McDonagh I-234
6 Pat Heppert I-291
7 Chris Hibbard 51
8 Regin Schwaen D-181

1 Damien LUyet 244/213
2 Chris Gordon 582
3 Ron Rosten R-161
4 Doug Kolner 515
5 George Gerhardt 123
6 Michael Maloney 599
7 Chad Atkins 500
8 Mike Derusha R-188
9 Andrew Gratton 81
10 Peter Sarelis 406
11 Daniel Hearn 507
12 Skip Dieball 555

1 Mike Jankowski 559
2 John Heigis 160
3 Mike Peters 544
4 Rich Popovich 422
5 Terry Reynolds 58
6 Daniel Hearn 595
7 Marek Valasek 444
8 Drew Vandervelde 556
9 Dave Navin 549
10 Bill Andersen 432
11 Daniel Bierman 517
12 Kyle Navin 419
13 Maureen Bohleber 497
14 Chris Wiberg 434

1 John Dennis U-194
2 Alex Peterson U-420
3 Jay Yaeso U-311

Regatta Watch: 2024 ISA & Renegade Championship Called ON for Dec 13 – 15


The 2024 International Skeeter Association (ISA) Regatta and Renegade Championship have been called ON for this weekend, December 13-15 on Lake Minnewaska, Starbuck, Minnesota!
Notice of Race
Sailing Instructions & Conditions

  • ISA & Renegade Championship Regatta: A three-day event beginning Friday, December 13.
  • This is a regatta for the following classes. A, B, and C Skeeters, Renegades, and Nites.
  • The DN Western Region Championship has also been called on at the same location. We will be sharing the launch, the fun, and possibly the race course with the DN fleet. The Race Committees will decide on the ice whether all fleets will race on one course or have separate courses based upon conditions.
  • DO NOT DRIVE ON THE ICE! Back your trailers on the ice.

Important: Registration is ONLINE ONLY and closes Friday morning at 7 AM CT. There will be no in-person registration, so please ensure you register online before the deadline.

Everything else you need to know – launch, lodging and registration posted here.

Regatta Watch: 2024 ISA Called ON for Starbuck, MN

Big lake, big ice, big hiking on Lake Winnebago at the 2010 Northwest Regatta. Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Via ISA Regatta Chair John Dennis

The 2024 International Skeeter Association Regatta has been tentatively called on for Lake Minnewaska in Starbuck, MN, from December 13–15. This is a regatta for the Skeeter, Nite, and Renegade classes. This is the same venue where the 2024 DN Western Challenge took place.


Adding to the excitement, the 2024 DN Western Region Championship has also been called on with this regatta, creating a unique opportunity for camaraderie and fun.


Additionally, if conditions are favorable, the Renegade fleet may choose to hold their 2024 Championship at Lake Puckaway in Princeton, Wisconsin.


Final confirmation for the regatta will be posted by noon on Wednesday, December 11, 2024.

4LIYC Meeting Update! Zoom for Dec 4

4LIYC Members: This week’s meeting will be held on Zoom only, giving everyone a bit more time in the shop to prep for the season. Club members are gearing up for the first sails of the season—at the DN Western Challenge in Minnesota and a possible Renegade and Nite regatta on Lake Puckaway. The Zoom format also gives us the chance to hear ice reports from out-of-town members. Check your email from Tuesday morning for the Zoom link!

What to know:
4LIYC Meeting
Wednesday, December 4
6:30 PM
Zoom Only

December 3, 2024: DN in MI

DN Wood and fiberglass mast, all stainless rigging with stainless barrel adjusters. Aluminum boom, composite plank, telescoping tiller. Two sets of runners, bull nose plate and wood slush runners. Braided sheet line. Polish speed sail, like new with battens and sail bag.
Essexville, MI

December 3, 2024: Boe-Craft B Skeeter in WI

Boe-Craft B Skeeter
Jack in the Green – Formerly Rumrunner
Rebuilt in 2008.
Comes with a painted mast tuned to match the original spar by Paul Krueger.
On trailer with new wheels and tires, welded aluminum box. Low bunks for easy lifting.
Since rebuild sailed just in 2010 season in the NIYA Regatta and the Boecraft Championship. Won both events.
Sold with a competitive Henry Bossett sail, so no need for a $2000 upgrade.
The boat has been stored inside my shop as a spare. Never been outside or wet since the 2010 Boecraft Championship.
This boat won ISA B championships sailed by Skip Wadewitz, John Eck and Steve Schalk.
Time for it to go back into competition with a new owner.
Southern Wisconsin
Steve Schalk

Regatta Watch: 2024 Nite Nationals Tentatively Called On

Via International Nite Class Commodore Maureen Bohleber:

The 2024 Nite Nationals are tentatively called on for December 7-8. Come a day early and enjoy some pick up races to get those spider webs out of the way.

Lake Puckaway, WI is looking good. Located west of Green Lake it has produced early ice before with regatta performance ice. Presently it has at least 2 inches of solid ice near shore and looks like a 10. We will give you an additional update on Wednesday 12/4. There is a good possibility we may share the course with the Renegades.

Regatta Watch: 2024 Renegade Championship Tentatively Called ON

The 2024 International Renegade Association Championship is tentatively called on for Saturday, December 7, and Sunday, December 8, 2024.

The potential location is Lake Puckaway near Princeton, WI. While final confirmation will be posted by Thursday, December 5, at noon, our scouts expect to have an update by Wednesday, December 4.

Stay tuned for updates as we finalize the plans. Dust off your gear, prepare your Renegades, and get ready for a weekend of sailing

Minnesota First!

Who claims the title of the first iceboat sailed in North America this season? That’s hard to say, but Minnesota definitely takes the win for the first ice! Reports of ice are popping up all over the state, lighting up Facebook feeds. While the honor of being first is unclear, we do have a report from Pat Heppert, who got his mini-Skeeter on the ice today:

“A fantastic day to sail today. A little bit cold. My repaired bulkhead is good. All my mods for single Allen wrench assembly are good. I love iceboating!”

The season is officially underway—are your runner sharp?

Flying with Bald Eagles after Turkey Day

Via Minnesota C Skeeter skipper Pat Heppert

“Blade Nite” in Minnesota

The largest Nite iceboat club in Minnesota, the Bald Eagle Ice Yacht Club, gathered last night for the annual “Blade Night” runner sharpening party and kick-off to the season. Not only is this the largest iceboat club in Minnesota, it is also arguably the best dressed, with plenty of custom club attire worn and available for purchase. Commodore John Stasieluk was gracious enough to host in his 2-story barn filled with iceboats and workshop machinery. While the upstairs social area was kept toasty warm with heaters and sailor’s hot air, the downstairs was maintained at a perfect runner sharpening chill for serious business.


Among the comradery of lifelong friendships and numerous conversations, every once in a while you would hear someone shout out the battle cry of the BEIYC, “Nite Nats!” While some of the fleet is laser focused on aspiring to dominate the top echelon of Nite fleet for certain lifelong glory, 100% of the fleet is focused on creating a fun atmosphere that is welcoming and inviting to all who want to participate in sailing. A great kick-off to the season, here we come, “Nite Nats!”

Russian River Renegade Mast

“Half the wood goes on the floor.” – Doug

4LIYC Renegader Doug Kolner has been hard at work in his Monona, WI workshop this fall, building a Renegade mast from reclaimed timber sourced from California’s Russian River. With temperatures dipping to 18F this morning around the 4LIYC area, this project is right on schedule. Doug has been in the shop “making dust,” as the late Bill Mattison used to say. Doug discovered an unusual supplier in California that salvages trees, originally logged many years ago, which settled at the bottom of the Russian River. This unique redwood will now find new life on the ice.