Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

4LIYC Sailing Update: Kegonsa To Be Scouted

DNs on Kegonsa in 2016.

Lake Kegonsa may be in play very soon. Ice checkers will scout the lake on Saturday.
The 4LIYC Christmas Holiday Series is tentatively called on for Tuesday, December 25. Final confirmation will be posted on Monday, December 24.

Remember, ice is NEVER safe. 
From the 4LIYC Bylaws:

1. Stay at Home Series and Regattas

7. Holiday Series races shall be on December 25th, January 1st, Thanksgiving, and Easter for all classes, with one trophy for each class. There will be two races per class, per day with the first race starting at 2:00 PM.. The number of races required to complete this series shall be one in each class. There shall be no more than 8 races for each class. (12/17/68)

2018 Renegade Championship Results


The results from the 2018 Renegade Championship have been posted. See them here. 

A special shout out of appreciation from Renegade Race Committee Chair and 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson to the regatta PRO, John Hayashi, for his extra efforts to get the regatta in. His hours spent checking ice, organizing the race committee, providing equipment, keeping the troops rallied and informed, and his overall positive attitude throughout the regatta in tough conditions were appreciated by all the competitors.

Weekend 2 on Winnebago

Via Danies Hearn:

Another great day on Lake Winnebago (Sunday, December 16) for the Western Region DNs. Sailors from Pewaukee, Chicago, Madison, and Oshkosh got in numerous races before the ice turned slushy mid-afternoon. Back at it next weekend, hopefully, for the ice sailing hat trick!

2018 Renegade Championship

Greg McCormick

The 2018 Renegade regatta is in the books. Saturday was a bust with no racing because the wind never arrived.The day was not wasted though because sailors took advantage of the beautiful day to tune their boats and exchange information. Patience paid off on Sunday when the first race started at 11:12 AM on Lake Puckaway near Green Lake, WI in tricky light air. Three races later, Greg McCormick won the regatta. Stand by for results. George Gerhardt and Tim McCormick were tied for second.

2018 Renegade Championship ON for Dec 15-16, 2018 @ Puckaway

The Original Renegader, Elmer Millenbach

The 2018 International Renegade Ice Yacht Racing Association championship regatta has been called ON for Lake Puckaway (near Green Lake, Wisconsin) December 15-16, 2018. This is a 5 race regatta series. 3 races will take place on Saturday and 2 races will take place on Sunday.

The lake currently has 9 inches of good ice with a thin film of slush maybe a 1/4 of an inch at most. The lake has now been sailed for about two weeks. The main landing we will be using is at Apucckawa Park off of Toepper Drive.

We will be running starts for both the Renegades and also the local Nites. The first starts will be for the Renegade Championship starting at 10:30 AM CT

Our races will be run by PRO John Hayashi, with scoring by Maureen Bohleber and Mimi Hayashi. We have assistance with others but welcome any and all help.

If you have any questions you can contact either Donny Anderson 608-577-8527 or John Hayashi 608-575-8033


Apuckawa Park Access

Mecan River Outfitters:
(920) 295-3439
The Renegade Association has rented a cabin as a gathering spot here. If anyone wants to stay in the cabin, it will cost $25. There is another cabin available for rent for $120 plus tax (will hold 6 – 8 people.)
There are 4 hotel rooms left (2 people per room) for $99 plus tax

Acorn Ridge Motel

Heidel House Resort

Saturday, December 15, 2018
Registration at the launch: 9:30
Racing begins at 10:30 AM
Banquet at 7:30  Mecan River Outfitters, order off the menu.

Sunday, December 16, 2018
Racing begins at 9:30 AM
Prize giving to follow


2019 Northwest News

Class A Skeeters lined up at the 2010 Northwest Regatta on Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin. Photo: Joe Terry

Acting NIYA Secretary Steve Schalk has updated the Northwest Ice Yacht Association 2019 regatta documents. See the Notice of Race and 2019 NIYA Agenda over on the NIYA page.

The first possible dates that the NIYA could be sailed if conditions allow are January 18-20, 2019. Stay tuned for the next 2019 NIYA regatta update which will be on Sunday, January 13, 2019.

Wounded In Battle

Newbie Jonathon Thickens patching his hull back together at the Spaight Street Syndicate. Damage suffered at the Great Western Challenge in Battle Lake, Minnesota. Is that all you’ve got Mother Nature? See you next time.

Big Iron ISA Video

Always a pleasure to see what Minnesota iceboater Jim McDonagh comes up with video-wise after a regatta. Ride along on the range with JD and Marty Robbins as they race JD’s Class A Skeeter at the ISA regatta in Battle Lake, MN.


DNs @ Fondy

Via Daniel Hearn:

Sailors from Lake Geneva, Chicago, Madison and Oshkosh met in Fond du Lac for a weekend of scrub racing on Lake Winnebago. Lighter breeze Saturday and good breeze Sunday. Lost count of the number of races. Nice dinner Saturday night in Ripon with some of the Green Lake contingent. Let’s do it again next weekend if we avoid snow in the area!

2018 Renegade Championship Tentatively Called On


The 2018 Renegade Championship regatta has been tentatively called on for December 15-16, 2018. Primary site is Lake Winnebago at Fond du Lac, WI and secondary is Lake Puckaway near Green Lake, WI. Final confirmation will be made on Thursday, December 13, 2018 by 1 PM CT.


2018 ISA Completed

Sunrise at the ISA in Battle Lake, Minnesota. Photo: JD

The boats are packed, on the trailer, and heading west (John Eisenlohr and his mini-Skeeter to Montana!), east, and south towards home this morning. The 2018 ISA has been called complete.
Click here to see results.

2018 ISA Update

The sun shines again on 4LIYC sailors Paul Krueger and Ken Whitehorse as they take a break on Paul’s A Skeeter RAMBL’N XII

2018 ISA Information & Results

The Skeeters are all done for the day in Battle Lake, Minnesota. The wind was too light to get a third Nite race in. Results have been updated on the ISA page.

And isn’t it great to see PK back in the saddle again. To say that iceboaters are a determined lot is an understatement.

2018 ISA Provisional Results

Direct from the ISA Tabulation Office in Fontana (just up the hill from Chuck’s on Geneva Lake, one of the world’s greatest iceboating bars), here are preliminary results from the ISA regatta.
2018 ISA Information page

Click here to see results

2018 ISA A Skeeter

Battle Creek, Mn. December 7th, 8th, & 9th

Results are provisional as of 13:28 on December 7, 2018


Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 4, Scoring system: Appendix A
U 194John Dennis1.01.02.0
M 197Kenny Whitehorse2.02.04.0
M 165Paul Krueger3.03.06.0
V 500Steve Orlebeke5.0 DNC5.0 DNC10.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.25.11

2018 ISA B Skeeter

Battle Lake, Mn. December 7th, 8th, & 9th 2018

Results are provisional as of 13:30 on December 7, 2018


Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 2, Scoring system: Appendix A
RankSail NoHelmNameR1 12-7-18R2 12-7-18Total
1stI 234Jim McDonagh1.01.02.0
2ndI 564Steve Schalk2.02.04.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.25.11

2018 ISA Nite

Battle Lake, MN. December 7th, 8th, & 9th

Results are provisional as of 13:31 on December 7, 2018


Sailed: 1, Discards: 0, To count: 1, Entries: 5, Scoring system: Appendix A
RankSailNoHelmNameR1 12-7Total
1st517Dan Bierman1.01.0
2nd396Bill Reed2.02.0
3rd384Don Sanford3.03.0
4th169Steven Wiberg4.04.0
5th415John Stasieluk6.0 DNC6.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.25.11

Western Challenge: Lost & Found Department

DN Runners Missing since Battle Lake.
3/16 carbon runners with wings. Built by Ron Sherry. In black Harken runner bag with a Colorado College luggage tag that says 3/16 w/wing. May also have regatta stickers on them.
I sailed them on Sunday at the Great Western Challenge but they never made it home. I had to have taken them off in the pits.
Contact Mike (Six one two) 598-38 zero zero

2018 Western Challenge Debrief

4LIYC sailors Dave Elsmo, Doug Kolner, Hugh Sugar, and Tim Sugar are probably a bit tired and sore after sailing at the DN Western Challenge regatta over the weekend in Battle Lake, MN. Following are some photos and reports.

Resourcefulness at its finest.

Doug’s report lifted from his Facebook page:

4987 still looks great. New tenderized plank performed beautifully. Tough racing in 20-25 mph.
1st race tangled with an old friend at the leeward mark when he luffed up in front of me after dropping his main sheet. Had to go in and realign my runners. My next race, I was rounding the weather mark in a good hike when my port runner blew up. (No stiffeners. Would have helped. Longer chocks and big air overloaded them. 21st century DNers have carbon bodied 440c stainless. Rest if the platform is pretty deluxe though.) Did a 360 and parked with a boat heading right at me goin’ a million mph. Missed me. End of a great weekend of sailing with world champs and sailors from Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Canada, Switzerland and old friends from when I used to race these boats many years ago.
Battle Lake, MN full of Minnesota nice!!! Special thanks to Lars Barber for comin’ to play.

2018 ISA Regatta Update

Copyright Gretchen Dorian Nite Iceboat Sailing


The 2018 International Skeeter Association Regatta has been tentatively called ON for December 7-9, 2018 for Battle Lake in Battle Lake, Minnesota.
Final confirmation will be made on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 by 12 PM CT.