Northwest Ice Yachting Association An iceboat regatta first sailed in 1913 in Menominee, Michigan.

Stern Steerers

The NIYA was originally a stern-steerer regatta organized to determine ice yacht supremacy in the Midwest. A,B,C,& D stern-steerers continue to compete in the NIYA.


Class E Skeeters first raced the NIYA in 1936 when Lake Geneva sailor Harry Melges won in MICKEY FINN.

DN Class

Skip Boston of Detroit was the first winner of the NIYA in the DN class in 1954.


First sailed as a seperate class in 1958 and won by “Mr. Iceboat”, Elmer Millenbach.

NIYA Centennial

The NIYA celebrated 100 years of iceboat racing in 2013 on Green Lake in Wisconsin.

2020 Northwest Ice Yacht Racing Association Information

March 13-15,2020
Lake Waconia, Minnesota

2018 ISA Regatta Update

Copyright Gretchen Dorian Nite Iceboat Sailing


The 2018 International Skeeter Association Regatta has been tentatively called ON for December 7-9, 2018 for Battle Lake in Battle Lake, Minnesota.
Final confirmation will be made on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 by 12 PM CT.

The DN World Descends On Battle

A boy and his iceboat

DN sailors from around the world have gathered on Battle Lake in Battle Lake, Minnesota for the Western Challenge fun-regatta. I counted about 30 masts at noon and there were more arriving. The ice is hard with a bit of snow. A couple of marks were set up and DNers scrub raced all day in the lightish air. As you can see in the photos, the visibility was low and sailors took care to sail safely.



1930s Winnebago Iceboating Video

Great grandfather’s 8mm film of iceboating on Lake Winnebago in the 1930s. from r/OldSchoolCool

This is an amazing video found on Reddit by Tom Lothian featuring Stern Steerers and early Skeeters in front of the Legion in Oshkosh. I’m certain there are photos of this regatta in the Carl Bernard collection. I recognize the DEUCE and at the very end, the 4LIYC’s Carl Bernard on the MARY B, I think. If you recognize any boats or people in this video, take note of the screen time and let me know. I’ll look over the photos from the Carl Bernard collection to see what I can find.
A big tip of the helmet to Tom Lothian!

Youth Movement

Current UW students Soren, Will and Jonathon; and recent college east coast college graduate, now Epic employee, Clark, workin’ it in the Spaight Street Syndicate lab. New steering posts and plank attachments, runners shimmed, sharpened and aligned…ready for first test of the semester at the Great Western Challenge. Tip of the helmet to Steve Duhamel at Northwind Iceboats for the donated parts to resurrect P154.


News From the National Iceboat Authority

Photo: Jeff Russell

The National Iceboat Authority Releases Updates to the Racing Rules and Launches a New Web Page

National Iceboat Authority
Via NIA Secretary/Treasurer Tim McCormick:

With the help of Deb Whitehorse, the NIA now has its own web page to make it easier for sailors to find information related to the racing rules. The page is pretty simple but it meets the following goals:
1. Share the purpose of the National Iceboat Authority which is to advise sailors on how to conduct iceboat races through an established set of racing rules and to provide a venue for appeals and rules interpretations.
2. Provide a location for the current version of the Constitution & Racing Rules of the NIA.
3. Provide a contact email for inquiries.
4. List current and former Directors of the NIA so sailors can easily associate a name with a face.

In addition, the Racing Rules of the NIA have been updated to clarify:
1. When and how to ABANDON a race.
2. The compensatory points which may be awarded to an assisting yacht. We’ve also added appeal decision #9 related to filing a protest in a timely manner. A detailed list of the changes can be found in the revision history on the last page.

We hope you find these updates useful and that we’ll all be a part of iceboat racing which is safe, fair, and fun!



Western Challenge @ Battle Lake

4LIYC sailor Lars Barber sanding Doug Kolner’s DN plank.

Dust is being made and runners sharpened in preparation for the first unofficial fun DN regatta of the season, the Western Challenge. Stay tuned to the Minnesota Ice Sailing Association website for the latest. Battle Lake has been chosen as the site. Look for final confirmation on Wednesday. The ISA regatta was sailed at Battle Lake 2 years ago and the town was very welcoming to all the sailors.


Toledo Ice Yacht Club Renegades

From a recently published book commemorating the Toledo Ice Yacht Club’s 100th Anniversary. ‘Unknown” is Lorne Sherry from the Detroit Ice Yacht Club.

Our friends at one of the most active ice yacht club’s in North America, the Toledo Ice Yacht Club, are celebrating 100 years of iceboating in 2019. They’ve published a book edited by Ken Dickson commemorating their history. Be sure to have a look at their book if you are lucky enough to sail on Maumee Bay this winter. 4LIYC members who attended the Renegade regatta there over 10 years ago still talk about the good times they had with the TIYC.


Black Friday Ice

Stern-steerer fanatic Michael Kroll assembled his first video of the season from yesterday’s sailing highlights on White Potato Lake in northwestern Wisconsin.

Iceboating White Potato Lake with Andy Gratton, Dave Lallier, Mike Peters, Mike Derusha. Also Robbie and Bob Everhard from Oshkosh showed up with a Nite. We had DN’s, a Lockley Skimmer, and my small Stern Steerer. The wind came up quit nice and See if you can guess who was sailing the stern-steerer Sunshine when only 2 runners were on the ice. Fun time had by all. Great day of sailing!

College Syndicate

Via Daniel Hearn:

P154 coming back to life in the hands of University of Wisconsin sailors, Soren and Will, at the Spaight Street Syndicate shop. Thanks to the legend, Peter Burczynski, for the donation!

Silver Potato

The ice line is creeping south. The Minnesota sailors opened their season over the weekend on Silver Lake, 20 miles west of ‘Tonka. Mike Bloom reported, “4 inches of ice with 1/4 inch dusting of snow. Short course racing. Multiple races. 7 boats.Great day.”  The Menekaunee sailors also opened their season on White Potato Lake, 30 miles west of Menominee/Marinette in Wisconsin. It won’t be long before the runners hit the ice here at Four Lakes!

First, Eh!

Thunder Bay, Ontario DN sailor, Mike Madge is once again the first to ice sail in North America (as far as we know). Last year, he was sailing on November 9. Another box ticked!

Just back from Whitefish Lake
4″ of Black ice with maybe 1/4″ covering of Snow.Wind 15 gusting to 20 made for a fast ride

Meanwhile in Minnesota, lakes are coming online in the usual places near Alexandria and with tonight’s low at 10F, it will only get better! Stay tuned to the Minnesota ice boating website for the latest.

Steve Arnold

Steve Arnold

Some sad news to share, Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club member Steve Arnold passed on over the weekend. Steve served as 4LIYC Commodore for several terms from the late 1980s to early ’90s. He started racing in the DN class, then moved onto Nites and Skeeters, and was very competitive in club races. Steve also helped run our club races and regattas.  He was an avid pilot and in the last 20 years, we’d see him circling above us in his plane while we raced and often landing on the ice for a visit.


2018 SIBC Swap Meet: November 4, 2018


Get them fresh and hot!

Another milestone that brings us closet to the season! If you are looking to buy an iceboat, don’t miss this important event.
Via Jane Pegel:

Skeeter Ice Boat Club: 33rd Annual Swap Meet

Date: Sunday, November 4, 2018
Time: 9:00 to noon
With a free raffle at 11:30 a.m.There is no charge for participating.
Location: Lucke’s Cantina
220 N. Elkhorn Rd. (WI Hwy 67), Williams Bay, WI.

For more info, email

This is the day to swap, buy, and sell new and used iceboats and equipment. Boat builders & hardware manufacturers will display new products. Breakfast and/or lunch will be available at Lucke’s.

Display area:

Items for sale can be set up on the black top parking area at Lucke’s
and in the vacant lot to the south of the old Sailing Specialists building.

Please do not park your cars in the display area.
Please do not park or set up your displays adjacent to neighboring businesses. A short distance to the north there is a municipal parking lot located at the intersection of Elkhorn Rd. and Stark St. (on the north side of Stark St., opposite Burrough’s Floor Coverings).


Photo: Kai Linde – posted on Isseiling Salten Facebook Page

The iceboating season began in Norway today!
Are your runners sharp? Ice is just around the corner for all of us here in North America. Get ready for the season by attending an iceboat swap meet in your area this coming weekend. The Skeeter Iceboat Club is holding theirs in Williams Bay, WI on Sunday morning, November 4.  More information.
Here’s a list of swap meets across the country taking place this weekend.
From the Norwegian ice sailing Facebook page Isseiling Salten

Then ice sailing season is open! Beautiful “Black ice” About 7 cm on kosmovatn. It blew fresh breeze lake on rognan, but almost too small to sail on kosmovatn. Further out on the lake, the wind came from all sides and very uneven….. I’m glad I took the day off and took the chance to try valnesfjord the ice for thaw set in now tonight.

A Winning View From Above

Craig Wilson Kite Photographer

Craig Wilson and his kite at the 2009 Renegade Championship on Green Lake, Green Lake, Wisconsin.

Long before drones became  prevalent, Kite photographer Craig Wilson recognized the beauty of boats on ice. He recently won an award from the country and museum where kite photography all began. Craig’s submission of a vintage stern-steerer  photo hangs in a museum in France!
Tip of the Helmet: Jeff Russell
From Craig’s Facebook Page, Kite Aerial Photography by Craig Wilson:

Craig Wilson Kite Photographer IceboatUsing a kite to lift a camera has been a thing for 130 years. Frenchman Arthur Batut is most generally accepted as the first person to accomplish that feat in 1888. This past summer a worldwide aerial photo competition was hosted in Labruguiere France with selected images shown at the Aurther Batut Museum.
At the end of the show I was one of the prize winners. Quite an honor to have some of my artwork selected to be included in the show and really amazing to be a prize winner in the birthplace of Kite Aerial Photography.
Craig Wilson

NASA Ice Check

Here’s a nice flat piece of ice estimated to be over a mile wide to get us in the mood for upcoming ice checks. Learn more about how tabular icebergs are formed on Live Science.