The iceboating community has been paying attention to the America’s Cup racing in New Zealand. We know that this year’s crop of foiling AC boats sometimes behaves like Stern-Steerers, and yesterday’s dramatic capsize is fodder for the commentariat around the planet. 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson called me this morning. He suggested a comparison graphic between AMERICAN MAGIC and a Stern-Steerer, both about to capsize, which brought to mind the famous video and story about “The Day the Rosemary Tipped Over.” Thankfully, AMERICAN MAGIC’S crew safely survived the capsize though the boat sustained damage. (Maybe they ought to think about a front-steering AC boat?)
Here’s the video embedded below, along with a link to Andy Gratton’s story. It’s also an excellent time to revisit when the Baker company tested foiling boats on Lake Mendota in the 1950s. Reread Foiled Again, initially posted in 2017.
Some enterprising folks on Airbnb are offering an opportunity to camp in a glamorous Oshkosh, WI “ice cave.” The ad brought to mind Andy Gratton’s recent visit to Lake Christina in Minnesota, where he sailed his new blue Renegade. Andy did something he said he always wanted to do; he pitched his tent and slept on the ice. Thanks, Andy, for being a good sport and letting me have some fun with this parody ad.
On Sunday morning, the Nites sailed one race as the Renegades waited, but the wind shifted, and the course had to be changed. The Renegade fleet decided to call their regatta complete because they weren’t sure if there was enough time to move and scout the new course for hazards before the snow came. The snow held off, the Nites banged off five more races and had a spectacular day.
Don Anderson 5th, Daniel Hearn 4th, Andy Gratton 3rd, Jim Gluek 1st, and Ron Sherry 2nd.
Photographer Sean Heavey captures Brian Hearn’s fly-by on Lake Christina in Minnesota on Sunday, December 13, 2020.
The ice sailing season is heating up worldwide from Montana to Vladivostok. 4LIYC members Daniel Hearn, Brian Hearn, and I traveled for the second weekend in a row to Lake Christina in northwestern Minnesota for some more recreational sailing. The lake was buzzing with Pat Heppert and Daniel’s C Skeeters, 4 Renegades (including the newest Renegader Andy Gratton), and of course, DNs. The ice was harder than the previous weekend, which helped to keep everyone moving in Friday and Saturday’s light air. On Sunday, snow squalls brought more breeze and more fun. Photographer Sean Heavey, creator of the incredible DN drone footage last season, made the long drive from Montana and should have some photos and video to share this week.
Here’s a list of ice sailing locations seen on Facebook:
Montana: John Eisenlohr and friends have been sailing their mini-Skeeters on Enis Lake, McAllister, Montana.
Minnesota: The state is teeming with ice. Lake Christina, Bald Eagle Lake, and Whalestail were sailed.
Canada: DNer Mike Madge is finding ice on the smaller lakes around Thunder Bay, Ontario.
St. Petersburg, Russia
Vladivostok, Russia
Andy Gratton with his Renegade on Lake Christina. Plank of Daniel Hearn’s C Skeeter in foreground.
From left, Steve Orlebeke, Jay Yaeso, Mike “Wally” Waldo , George Gerhardt, Don Anderson, Erik Sawyer, and behind Erik, Andy Gratton. Behind Wally, Paul Scneeberger and Tony Abts, both from Green Bay.
UPDATE JULY 19: Andy Gratton checked in with the rest of the crew names that I missed. He also wrote with news that the rig collapsed yesterday during a squall which ended their race. He adds, “All are safe, no holes in the boat. We decided we did not want to do that again.”
Several area ice sailors are gathered this morning at the Racine Yacht Club for the 37th annual long distance Lake Michigan HOOK race from Racine to Death’s Door in Door County, WI. Pretty much every class of ice sailing is represented in this race including the Skeeters, DNs, Renegades, and Stern Steerers. 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson, Renegader George Gerhardt, Stern-Steerer guys Andy Gratton, Mike “Wally” Waldo. and Erik Sawyer will be sailing with Jay Yaeso on SHAZAM (PHRF2). Skeeter and DN sailor Steve Orlebeke is on PEERLESS (PHRF2). Rick Hennig, who owns the biggest iceboat in the world, DEUCE, is sailing his new Farr 60 THUNDERSTRUCK (PHRF1). Stern-Steerer sailor Fred Stritt is sailing HASTEN (PHRF 4).