If you are wondering what the ice conditions are on Lake Winnebago, Andy Gratton sends the not so good news. Someone told me last week that Winnebago looked like “Armageddon ice” and it’s easy to see why. But, as we know, ice is always changing so maybe Winnebago will come in for some good spring sailing.
Via Andy Gratton: This area was about 10 acres of 2′ to 3′ tall chunks like this. There are many areas on Winnebago that look like this. I would call ice in this photo a zero, maybe even a negative number. It’s a rough ride even when the chunks are only 4″ tall.
Many thanks to stern-steerer skipper Michael Kroll for posting a link to Andy Gratton’s story from this website on his Facebook page. Andy’s story about the legendary Oshkosh stern-steerer skipper, Don Ward, gets better with every reading. Michael writes, “I have read it many times, and when I see it, I can’t help but read it again because I’ve been in the back cockpit of this iceboat.”
George Gerhardt shot some leeward mark rounding videos at the recent Wisconsin Stern Steerers Association regatta. This is the compilation with added bonus footage of Rosemary from the 1992 Northwest regatta. I needed another clip to fill out the soundtrack and it dropped in the timeline perfectly. Andy Gratton is sailing Rosemary in both videos. Read his story about the day in 1992 when Rosemary tipped over here.
Joe Terry, Andy Gratton, and Mike Kroll powering through the snow drifts as only stern steerers can do on Lake Petenwell in central Wisconsin on January 4, 2015.