Daniel Hearn and Pete Orlebeke line up to race their DNs on Lake Pepin at the 2019 Northwest. Photo: Pat Hepper
Angelo’s Italian Restaurant is open tonight so come on out to help us celebrate our 4LIYC sailors who brought home some “pots and pans” at the Northwest. Of special note are Tim McCormick who placed first in Renegades and Daniel Hearn who placed first in DNs and second in Renegades. See you all at 6:30!
Tonight is the deadline for By-Law or Racing Rules Amendment Submission. Submissions will be voted upon at the February 20 Annual Business Meeting. UPDATE 1-24-2019: 2 proposals were submitted at the meeting of January 23, 2019
Racing Rules
Part III Race Management
C. Special Races Add :
3. A Weekday Series may be sailed and scored for the DN, Renegade, Nite, and Skeeter fleets for races sailed on Lake Kegonsa, Lake Wingra, Lake Monona, or Lake Mendota for races taking place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Weekday Series scores will not be included with weekend or holiday series scores. Submitted by Deb Whitehorse
Racing Rules
Part III. Race Management
B Racing Currently reads:
3. The club will sail a maximum of 8 races per fleet, per weekend, with 4 races per fleet on both Saturday and Sunday. Start time is 10:00 AM. Minimum of 3 boats per race. A lunch break should take place after the 2nd set of races on each day, but is at the discretion of the Race Committee. If a break is taken, the starting time for the next race shall be set and announced by the Race Committee prior to the break. (2/20/2002)
Change to:
3. The club will sail a maximum of 8 races per fleet, per weekend, with 4 races per fleet on both Saturday and Sunday. Start time is 10:00 AM. Minimum of 2 boats per race. A lunch break should take place after the 2nd set of races on each day, but is at the discretion of the Race Committee. If a break is taken, the starting time for the next race shall be set and announced by the Race Committee prior to the break. Submitted by Ken Whitehorse
NIYA Secretary/Treasurer receives key to Lake City from Mayor Mark Nichols
There are a thousand little stories that happen at a Northwest regatta. Watching the magnificent stern-steerers take to the stage brings us back to the roots of this sport. Here are a few random stories from the regatta. And hey, you should plan on going next year!
I’ll post more photos and commentary tomorrow.
Regatta like the Northwest do not happen without the time and work from volunteers like the following:
NIYA Secretary/Treasurer Steve Schalk
NIYA Regatta Chair Tim McCormick
NIYA Race Committee members Jay Yaeso, Andy Gratton, George Gerhardt, Chip Sawyer, and John Davenport.
PRO Joe Norton
Assistant to the PRO Scott Goetz (who also brought the 4LIYC ATV)
Tabulating from the Fontana Home Office: Mary Jane Schalk
Lake City Mayor Mark Nichols
The Residents of Lake City
PRO Joe Norton receives key to city from Mayor Mark Nichols
The support that iceboaters receive from the entire town of Lake City is phenomenal. Mayor Mark Nichols has made sure that a porta-potty has been at the landing for the last 3 weekends. He attended our banquet. Saturday night and gave out 3 keys to Lake City (Steve Schalk, Joe Norton, and myself) that recognized our efforts as regatta volunteers. Not only that, but he sailed out to the course on Saturday in his DN and raced! Think about that, how many mayors do you know of that sail iceboats?
3 times 3
There are 4 of us who have attended all 3 regattas in Lake City this January (the DN Western Regions, the ISA, and the NIYA) : John Dennis, Jim McDonagh, Steve Orlebeke, and myself. JD & Jim McDonagh have spent more than half of January on Lake Pepin checking ice and sailing.
ACE OF SPADES & LITTLE WIND line up to race. Photo: Pat Heppert
The Davis stern-steerer family never miss a Northwest regatta. John was thrilled to only have a 3 hour drive this year, the closest the regatta has ever been held to his home in Clear Lake, Iowa.
Daniel Hearn gets ready to race Fred Stritt’s D Stern Steerer Photo: Pat Heppert
Daniel Hearn not only raced and did pretty well in the DN (1st) and Renegade (2nd) classes, he took up Fred Stritt’s offer to race Fred’s D Stern Steerer. Daniel was also seen test driving Pat Heppert’s fast C Skeeter earlier in the day.
Mike Kroll and Gretchen Wilbrandt.
Stern Steerer fanatic Mike Kroll gave soft water Minnesota sailor Gretchen Wilibrandt a ride in his D Stern Steerer. He handed the tiller over to Gretchen and she drove it like she owned it. Could there be a new stern-steerer sailor at the next WSSA?
DN Western Region Commodore and regatta organizer Daniel Hearn with Eloise and her dad, John Dennis who was second in Gold. JD statistically tied in points with Ron Sherry for first place but Ron won the tiebreak.
Time to review the DN Western Region Championship from a 4LIYC perspective. Congratulations to mega multi-tasker Daniel Hearn who not only organized the regatta and volunteers, he also managed to place 5th in the Gold Cup. Fellow 4LIYC sailors in the Gold were Steve Orlebeke, 3rd, Tim Sugar who placed 7th and Dave Elsmo who placed 11th,
Silver Fleet: Brian Hearn mirrored his brother’s finish by coming in 5th in the Silver, Robert Cummins was 9th, and University of Wisconsin student Soren Hughes earned top Junior sailor and placed 12th in his first regatta.
Special shout out to longtime SIBC sailor, Lou Loennecke, who had two second place finishes in Silver. It was really cool to see sailors who have been participating in these events for so many years like Bob Cummins and Lou Loennecke line up next to each other in the two and four block in Silver race 4. Final results can be seen here.
There will be no 4LIYC Holiday Series racing for Wednesday, December 25, 2018. There are some open, working seams that limit launch sites.
Current conditions on Kegonsa are spectacular but somewhat limited by the seams to a sheet in front of Springer’s Restaurant. On Monday, the Spaight Street Syndicate DN fleet, Renegader Doug Kolner, and Nite sailor Lars Barber took advantage of the Hollywood conditions and scrub raced on a short course until their arms couldn’t take it any longer. The Spaight St. DNers are there again today – see video above. ICE CHECK: Please meet at Springer’s for the next ice check at 11 AM on Friday, December 28. Next update is Friday, December 28. Remember folks, ice is never safe!
Doug Kolner’s Renegade COLD FUSION on Lake Kegonsa.
P154 coming back to life in the hands of University of Wisconsin sailors, Soren and Will, at the Spaight Street Syndicate shop. Thanks to the legend, Peter Burczynski, for the donation!