4LIYC Racing Scores Updated

Photo from the Yahara Project Instagram page, A documentary project on the Yahara Watershed.

After waiting out a snow flurry, the club was able to race on Sunday, January 28 on Lake Mendota and Tim McCormick has tabulated the standings.4LIYC Scores, Jan 30, 2018
A highlight of that day on Mendota was several college-age soft water sailors being introduced to our sport. Daniel Hearn put it best in his Facebook post:

Tip of the helmet to Dave Elsmo, who seemingly had the entire UW Sailing Team out taking turns and racing with us. Great exposure for our sport, due to Dave’s tireless ambassadorship!


Wingra Wingers


Turn the sound up for this one! Wingra was again the place for DNs to be today. Via Dave Elsmo’s Facebook page:

Here is a little video from a rounding today! We had 8 college sailors show up to play, just not enough gear to get them all sailing. Bring your backup old hulls and gear to the ice!

Lake Kegonsa has iced over but it isn’t thick enough yet for ice sailing. There’s some precipitation likely Thursday, December 21 that we’ll all be keeping a weather eye on followed by prime ice-making temperatures.

The ice maker cometh!

Do You Know the Rules?

Rule 8a Windward Mark Right of Way No Foul

You’ve re-familiarized yourself by now with the concepts of sailing safe. Now is the time to check your knowledge of the racing rules in a test created by Godie Gottke G-4 over on the DN Europe website.

The test is now available in English, German, Russian, Hungarian, French, Finnish, Polish, and Czech.Study for the test with the Iceboating Right of Way Rules graphic and the animated course guide created by Dave Elsmo.

It won’t be long until we meet on the ice again!

Our Summer Vacations: Chicago to Mackinac Race

The middle of July signals that we are halfway through the off-season and time for one of the most important soft water races of the summer season, the Chicago Yacht Club’s 109th Race to Mackinac. Follow the race tracking on the website.

Your ice sailing roster this year includes:

  • DENALI (Turbo Division), owned by Rick Hennig of the DEUCE fame. Fellow iceboaters joining him on DENALI are Dave Elsmo, Todd Knop,and Eric Tobias.
  • Via Renee Sherry: IMPORTANT UPDATE: due to technical difficulties, Equation will NOT be participating in the Chicago Mackinac regatta. Ron Sherry will be sailing on DYNAMIS.
    EQUATION (Section 1), with Ron Sherry at the helm, son Griffin Sherry, and fellow Michigan DNer Chris Clark on board.
  • BANDIT (Section 2), with DNer Chris Berger. BANDIT’S owners Arvid Eiesland and Joe Kestler have  DNs, Arrows, and an old Palmer Skeeter.
  • WINDSONG (Section 8) has DNer Andy Camarda on board.
  • CHAYA DOIN (Cruising Division) has DNer Marci Grunert on board.
  • GAUNTLET (Section 5) has DNer Gail McCarthy Turluck on board.

Drop me an email if I missed you and I’ll add you to the list. Good luck and safe sailing to all competitors.