There’s a lot of laps around the marks in this group! From left: Skeeter sailors Bill Dale, Tom Hyslop, and Paul Krueger, Renegader Jack Ripp, Skeeter sailor Bill Mattison and Ken Whitehorse. Bottom row, Skeeter sailor Dave Nelson and Renegader Jerry Simon
How fitting that a spring snow storm arrived the same day as our April 27th Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club annual awards dinner, a reminder of the cold weather necessary for ice sailing. Highlights include 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson’s induction into the 4LIYC Hall of Fame, aka the Honor Roll; an all star line up of seasoned veterans (see photo above) and an acknowledgement of appreciation for Nite class outgoing Commodore, Don Sanford who wore the hat for ten years. All credit for the event goes to Trophy and Banquet Chair, Jori Lenon for bringing everyone together. Thanks to Greg McCormick and John Hayashi for the photos.
Vice Commodore Tim McCormick and Commodore Don Anderson.
Renegade class sailors
Outgoing Nite Commodore Don Sanford, Renegaders Jeff Russell and Jerry Simon.
Dave Nelson must have been telling Ken Whitehorse a good story!
Commodore Don Anderson with the 4LIYC Honor Roll placque
Daniel Hearn and Maureen Bohleber take Nite honors.
4LIYC members Don Sanford & Ken Kreider to the rescue with an on-the-ice lunch buffet at the 2017 DN North Americans on Lake Monona.
Iceboating: Come For the Speed, Stay for the Friendships
Here’s a reminder about a program about Lake Baikal ice sailing and social event and that the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club and Hoofer’s is sponsoring on Sunday, October 14 from noon to 3 PM at the Memorial Union in Madison. It’s your chance to learn about ice sailing, adventure travel, Siberia, the 4LIYC, and meet ice sailors from around the world and Midwest.
4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson called me this morning to talk about something that doesn’t get mentioned enough, how the friendships and camaraderie in iceboating are possible because it is such a unique sport. Bill Mattison’s classic line describing the sport,”nothing’s fickler”, can be a feature, not a bug, of iceboating. There’s an upside to the fickleness.
Don talked about the differences between a soft water and hard water regatta. If conditions aren’t right, ice boaters are freer to get off the lake and explore their regatta destination making it more enjoyable for everyone. “Anytime I set up my iceboat at a regatta, getting to sail is a bonus. What makes it fun for me is renewing friendships with others who have this sport in common. The first iceboat ride you take of the season is worth the price of admission (i.e. owning an iceboat) because it is such a thrilling ride. Even if you don’t get another ride, it’s still a good investment.” Sharing morning donuts on the ice before a day of sailing, grilled brats at lunch, and a few beers at the end of the day with Tom Hyslop’s giant bag of peanuts- in-the shell makes iceboating festive sport.
As these photos below show, iceboaters enjoy the social aspects of sharing a meal on the ice whether it’s on Lake Baikal or Lake Monona. If you are curious about the sport, we hope to see you there on Sunday so you can learn more about us. If you are a 4LIYC member or member of another club, we hope to see you there to begin the process of renewing old friendships.
UPDATE: DN Champion Ron Sherry To Attend 4LIYC Baikal Sailing Program Oct 14
Multiple DN World, North American, and Baikal champion Ron Sherry is making the drive from Detroit, Michigan to attend this event and catch up with iceboating friends. Ron has been to Lake Baikal twice and has won 3 titles there and will be on hand to share his experiences.
Free Program & Iceboat Exhibit Sponsored by the 4LIYC and Hoofer’s Sailing Club
Date: Sunday, October 14, 2018 Time: Noon to 3 PM Program at 1 PM Location: University of Wisconsin Memorial Union, Tripp Commons, 2nd Floor of the Union
800 Langdon St, Madison, WI MAP
Parking: Helen C. White Parking Garage MAP State Street Campus Parking Garage MAP
Food: Your favorite Wisconsin beverages and food will be available for purchase at Der Rathskeller and other restaurants located in the Memorial Union. Questions? Please email us:
The 4LIYC and Mendota Yacht Club have been actively promoting wooden boats in Madison since the late 1800s.
Another summer milestone is here, meaning we are nearer to December’s hope for ice. Glacier Lakes Chapter The Madison Area Antique & Classic Boat Cruise August 3rd and August 4th 2018
Stop over to the Edgewater Hotel tomorrow (Friday, August 3) around the noon hour for a look at some of these wooden beauties. Our Commodore Don Anderson will be there with a couple of his classics. Instead of a static boat show on Saturday, the group will cruise around Lakes Waubesa and Monona. 4LIYC Renegader Andy McCormick is one of the program directors for the Glacier Lakes Chapter. More information at the link above.
The photo above from 1914 is posted on the Wisconsin State Historical Society website. “Elevated view of the Wisconsin State Capitol building, showing steel work of North Wing under construction. Crowds of people are gathered on the lawn for the Fall Festival. More people are gathered on the roof of the Capitol building just below the dome. Two boats are on display in the foreground near a sign that reads: “Mendota Yacht Club ‘Boost Madison Lakes.'” The iceboat on the right is the Princess II and the sailboat on the left is the Neireid. The Neireid was owned by Henry Fauerbach (an uncle of our own Peter Fauerbach) and Lew Porter.”
Iceboating weather can be extreme, but usually on the cold side. The MARY B group met on Friday, June 30 (on a day that the National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning) to set up the historic stern-steerer. Their goals were to practice efficiently setting up the boat, to put up the newly cleaned sails, and to assess the boat. Despite the heat, a big group pitched in to make easy work of it. The new sails and the bright chrome made for an impressive sight.
Back in Madison after exhibiting at boat shows (he’s a boat dealer in his day job), 4LIYC Commodore Don Anderson has been busy making up for lost ice time on Lake Mendota. EASY RIDER and Don enjoyed a great day of sailing Wednesday and today, the MARY B stern-steerer group is setting her up n front of the Edgewater as part of Clean Lakes’ Alliance Frozen Assets Festival.