Iceboat Design Lab

“Henry is starting his own class and Jack is working on a new futuristic design.” Mike Ripp

4LIYC Renegader Mike Ripp is keeping his boys, Henry and Jack, busy in the shop designing iceboats this summer. It’s never too early to start thinking ice!

Meet the Replacements

Jay’s replacement looking comfortable in the Skeeter.

Windjammers iceboater Jay Yaeso had his hands full with two boats over the weekend at Menominee, the Class A Skeeter, and Stern-Steerer HAYWIRE. Jay reported that he was “training his replacements.” His boys Jason and Clay sailed both the Skeeter and Stern-Steerer independently.

Below, future 4LIYC sailors Jack Ripp (Yes, that’s right!) and brother Henry Ripp (left) are taking a shop moment to discuss their Ice Optimist strategy. Their dad, Mike, will make sure their runners are sharpened.