4LIYC Ice Check @ Mendota Cnty Park Today
4LIYC members will conduct an ice check today at 11 AM on Lake Mendota. Meet at Mendota County Park. Stand by for news of club racing for the weekend of Feb 3-4.
4LIYC members will conduct an ice check today at 11 AM on Lake Mendota. Meet at Mendota County Park. Stand by for news of club racing for the weekend of Feb 3-4.
Middleton Bay on Lake Mendota was inspected Friday, Jan 19, 2018. There are 12″ drifts that make the lake unsailble today. There will be no club racing on Saturday, January 20.
The lake will be inspected again at 4 PM on Saturday, January 20 to make a decision as to club racing for Sunday, January 21. Next update is Saturday, January 20 before 5 PM. We are hoping that the warm weather in the coming days will knock the drifts down to make is raceable. (more…)