The Nite Rager – This Friday, June 23

The 2023-2024 ice sailing season officially kicks off this Friday in Madison with a full-on Nite Rager.

The Nite Rager is on for this Friday, June 23 starting at 9:30 AM. We will meet at Damien Luyet’s shop at 9:30 AM. Address is 2618 Industrial Dr., Monona. Tasks for the session are to re-saw and plane all wood to side board thickness. Weigh and deflect all boards for individual mast pairing. Cut all mast halves to correct profile and mark for internals. Cut leading edge pieces to prepare for glue up. Possibly route trailing edges for mast track. All are welcome to join. I imagine we’ll order some lunch delivery.

“It’s The People That Make the Club”

Where is YOUR trophy base? Paul Krueger’s was done within 24 hours of receiving the trophy! (Note PK’s photo on the wall.)

We had a packed house at last night’s Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Awards Banquet at Springer’s, overlooking the lake that hosted the most iceboat racing in North America and maybe even the world.

It was a perfect mix of veteran and newer members. Long-time club members like “Admiral” Dave Nelson (Kegonsa is his private lake) and Mrs. Admiral Nancy came in the latest 4LIYC shirts, while Jerry Simon ensured the classic red blazer was present.
Banquet chair Lars Barber surprised the room with a sincere presentation highlighting the season and behind-the-scenes help that 4LIYC members provide to keep the show running.

Trophy chair Damien Luyet handed out the “pots and pans.” Because the club’s trophy engraver, Ray Karas, is no longer engraving, Damien and Donny Anderson had to devise a new way to get the job done. Ray was one of the last engravers we know about who could carve on a rounded surface. Damien asked that all trophy recipients make a base to make it easier for flat engraving.

The trophy base-building winner is Paul Krueger, who whipped up a base this morning for his Class A Skeeter trophy. Who will be the next person to make a trophy base?

4LIYC Spring Awards Dinner @ Springers on April 22

One of the best pictures of the 2023-2022 season. Class A Skeeters (Jay Yaeso U311 and John Dennis U194) on Lake Kegonsa at the 2023 International Skeeter Association regatta. Photo by Will Johnston. 

Take advantage of the social event of the spring season, the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Awards Banquet, at our favorite iceboating venue on Lake Kegonsa, Springers. Laurie and the gang at Springer’s will need a count of who is coming by this weekend.  Please RSVP to Deb as soon as possible.

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Awards & Social Event
Location: Springer’s On the Lake, Stoughton, WI
Date: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Time: 5:30 – 6:30 Social Hour
6:30-7:30 Dinner
7:30 Awards presentation
Ticket: $40 cash or check (made out to 4LIYC) at the door
Menu: A buffet featuring roast beef, baked chicken, parsley buttered red potatoes, rice blend, green beans, garden salad, green beans, dessert, and one drink ticket.

2023 4LIYC Social Event: Please Join Us April 22

Trophy sipping time. Photo from the Bernard Collection. Andy Flom celebrating winning the Hearst Cup in 1939 sailing FRITZ.

Please join the the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club as we celebrate the end of a successful ice sailing season at one of our favorite and familiar places, Springer’s On the Lake. RVSP today! Hope to see you there.

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Awards & Social Event
Location: Springer’s On the Lake, Stoughton, WI
Date: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Time: 5:30 – 6:30 Social Hour
6:30-7:30 Dinner
7:30  Awards presentation
Ticket: $40 cash or check (made out to 4LIYC) at the door
Menu: A buffet featuring roast beef, baked chicken, parsley buttered red potatoes, rice blend, green beans, garden salad, green beans, desert, and one drink ticket.

4LIYC Spring Social: Save the Date – April 22

We are pleased to announce that the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club will officially conclude the season at Springer’s On The Lake, the home of some of the best ice sailing in the United States this year. Please save Saturday, April 22, and join us once again on Lake Kegonsa to celebrate ice boating. Stand by for the details.
What: Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Awards & Social Event
When: Saturday, April 22, 2023
Where: Springer’s On Lake Kegonsa, Stoughton, WI