4LIYC Holiday Series Update: Still Much Learning

Perfect day to sail an iceboat for the first time.

Same as Saturday, the breeze wasn’t there for racing, but perfect for pleasure cruising and introducing a 9-year-old to iceboating. “I can do this!” he yelled to his dad as he sailed past him. After taking many laps, he asked, “can I keep going?”

The Past Champions Iceboat Shop trailer has been loaded and in the ready-position. Ken Whitehorse and Paul Krueger brought their Class A Skeeters to join the fun, but rolling on a two-boat Skeeter trailer can be challenging.

Ken explains, “I was backing down the ramp as per the club website instructions. Suddenly, and with great vigor, PK yells, ‘STOP!’ I asked, ‘what’s going on?’ PK says, ‘my New Year’s Resolution is not to bust up more boat launch ice ramps!’ Yes, we headed straight back to the boat barn. Yes, PK is the front-runner for sportsman of the year 2023!”

Many thanks to all who pitched in including Paul McMillan, Jerry Simon, Don Anderson, and Pat Heppert. Thanks to those from out of town who joined us for the weekend.


4LIYC Fall Social: Sunday, October 23, 2022

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing on January 15, 2022, Lake Monona. Photo: Joe Berger

Please join us for our Fall Social at the Four Lakes Yacht Club on Sunday, October 23, 2022. All ingredients will be there, including the Packer game on the big screen, club burgees for sale, the traditional ham, beverages, and lots of iceboating talk.

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Fall Social Event
Date: Sunday, October 23, 2022
Time: 11:30 AM – 4 PM (Packers kick off at noon.)
Location: The Four Lakes Yacht Club
6312 Inland Way, Monona, WI
Free public parking ramp at The Current, across the street from the yacht club

What To Know:
Please bring a dish to pass.
Ham and beverages will be provided
Please RSVP to Deb debwhitehorse@iceboat.org

22-23 4LIYC Meetings – Zoom & In-Person

The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club is excited to announce that we will continue our hybrid meeting format this season. If you’d like to meet in person, please join us at Commodore Daniel Hearn’s office in Madison, where the conference room table is the perfect spot to meet with ice sailors from around the country on Zoom. A few days before each meeting, we’ll post the details about how to join us on Zoom.

We are also working on organizing a fall social event for October. Stay tuned for details.

Location: In person at S & B Strategic Marketing @ 1352 East Wilson Street, Madison, WI – or on Zoom, you choose.
Times: Alternate Wednesdays at 6:30 PM CT
November 9
November  23
December 7
December 21
January 4
January 18
February 1
February 15
March 1
March 15

4LIYC Banquet Report

Inaugural 4LIYC C Skeeter Trophy, awarded to Pat Heppert

We don’t have many photos from the banquet, and here’s why that’s a good thing. This banquet was unique, a return to normalcy. Ken Whitehorse said it best: “everyone was just relaxed and enjoyed the evening. And not scripting the photo opportunities.” Breakwater Restaurant’s service and food were above average. Rather than collect money at the door, we asked club members to throw cash and checks in a trophy box to cover their banquet cost. Treasurer Jerry Simon reported that the system worked and the books were balanced. Thanks, Don Anderson, for organizing this year’s banquet, Damien Luyut for rounding up trophies, and Commodore Daniel Hearn for sharing the highlights from the season. Speaking of highlights, Daniel Hearn is now a 4LIYC red blazer club member. Ken Whitehorse handed over his jacket to Daniel in a red blazer ceremony.

Pat Heppert received a special award from the club. Daniel Hearn wrote the following to Pat on Monday, “We missed you at the banquet, but celebrated you nonetheless! You were awarded our club’s most prestigious trophy–The Jim Payton Service and Sportsmanship Award. The 4LIYC greatly appreciated your many contributions this season. We consider ourselves fortunate to have you as a member. Your spirit of volunteerism is second to none.

And speaking of “second to none,” you also won the first-ever 4LIYC First Place C-Skeeter Season Award. The new trophy, crafted by Ken Whitehorse and Damien Luyet, features a yacht that will look very familiar to you.

On behalf of the entire 4LIYC, thank you and congratulations, friend!”

Banquet Trophy Maintenance Party

4LIYC Trophy Chair Damien Luyet, Don Anderson, Lars Barber, Scott Goetz, and Ken Whitehorse gathered at the Four Lakes Yacht Club last night to make a party out of brightening up the club’s trophies for tonight’s banquet. If you are on the fence, please consider joining us tonight. We have room for you!

Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Awards Banquet
Date: Saturday, April 16, 2022
Time: Social Hour 6:30 Dinner 7 PM
Location: Breakwater Restaurant
6308 Metropolitan Lane, Monona, WI
Map Link
Details: Buffet Dinner $35 per person, pay at the door
Red WIne Braised Beef Tips
Chicken Marsala
Cheesy Hashbrowns Casserole
Green Bean Almondine
**all dinner come with preset salad/Rolls
Cash bar
Breakwater has set us up for and anticipated 25 people. If we have more than 25, it will be possible to order off the menu.

Please join us on Saturday, April 16, to celebrate a successful ice sailing season. Lake Monona racing came through for us this year in spectacular fashion, which means distributing our shiny and historic “pots and pans,” (aka trophies.)

Can you please let us know if you can attend? Email debwhitehorse@iceboat.org. Hope to see all of you on Saturday night.