Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing on January 15, 2022, Lake Monona. Photo: Joe Berger
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club Awards Banquet Date: Saturday, April 16, 2022 Time: Social Hour 6:30 Dinner 7 PM Location: Breakwater Restaurant
6308 Metropolitan Lane, Monona, WI Map Link Details: Buffet Dinner $35 per person, pay at the door
Red WIne Braised Beef Tips
Chicken Marsala
Cheesy Hashbrowns Casserole
Green Bean Almondine
**all dinner come with preset salad/Rolls
Cash bar Breakwater has set us up for and anticipated 25 people. If we have more than 25, it will be possible to order off the menu.
Please join us on Saturday, April 16, to celebrate a successful ice sailing season. Lake Monona racing came through for us this year in spectacular fashion, which means distributing our shiny and historic “pots and pans,” (aka trophies.)
Can you please let us know if you can attend? Email Hope to see all of you on Saturday night.
Andy McCormick on home ice, Lake Monona. Photo: Kenton Fowler
After a two year pause, we are pleased to announce that our annual spring awards banquet has been scheduled for April 16, 2022 at the Breakwater Restaurant in Monona, WI. Menu selections are in the works. Please save the date and stand by for further details.
From left, Maureen Bohleber and Lars Barber in Nites, Mike Ripp, Skip Dieball, and Daniel Hearn in Renegades
Skeeters, Renegades, and Nites gathered on Friday for what possibly was the last day of racing on Lake Monona. Saturday’s record 1.2″ of rain, high winds, and forecasted warm temperatures may have put an end to the season here, but we’ll check to make sure of that.
Ken Whitehorse and Paul Krueger raced nine times in close match racing style. Ken told me, “Paul wanted to go for a record-breaking ten races, but I was the voice of reason and said we have to get the boats home.” Thanks Ken and Paul for getting us out there on Thursday and Friday .Always a pleasure to see the familiar red Renegade #11, with Mike Ripp at the helm, back on Lake Monona.
Taking advantage of our proximity to downtown Madison, Scott hauled us in the ATV trailer to the shore. We clambered up the sea wall, walked across the street, and had iceboaters lunch.
Lake Monona has been perfect for us this season, generating more interest in our sport and reintroducing Madisonians to the reality that we’ve been sailing these hard waters since the 1870s.
We’re kicking off our hybrid meeting format next week Wednesday, January 5. With the cold weather coming, maybe we’ll even have local ice sailing tales to share!
WHAT TO KNOW: Date: Wednesday, January 5, 2022 IN-PERSON MEETING Food will be delivered at 6 PM
Meeting begins at 6:30 PM
At Daniel Hearn’s Office–S/B Strategic Marketing, 1352 E. Wilson St Tex Tubb’s Menu
For those who’d like to meet in-person and enjoy a good meal together, we’ll be ordering takeout from a different restaurant each meeting. Tex Tubbs Taco Palace will be our first provider. Here’s a link to their menu. Tex Tubb’s Menu
Once you know what you want, submit your order using the form below. Please place your order no later than 3:00 p.m. day of meeting. Food will deliver at 6:00 p.m. Bring cash to pay Deb for food and delivery driver tip. Word has it that club members are bringing beer, otherwise BYOB.
4LIYC members will receive the Zoom link via email as usual. Not getting the emails? Please contact Deb.
For those who are out of town or feel more comfortable plugging in electronically, we’ll look forward to seeing your smiling face on the big screen in the conference room.
Back in the 80s, many 4LIYC Skeeter racers towed their rigs to the regattas in camper trucks. Some were M98, M96, M98, M161, M162, M1000, M150, M197, and many more. It was a rendezvous on ice! The wind was always moderate to heavy, and the ice was fast, clear, and deep. We enjoyed bacon and eggs at sunrise, and the flag was up at ten. Races were so plentiful there was a mandatory break for lunch and time to tune up your racer. I remember one time when Nelson M150 made lasagna for lunch. Her camper had an oven! Then we assembled back to our starting blocks after lunch at 1, followed by racing, tear-down, and smart-talk while sipping a few dippers at 4. Then the short walk to Norton’s for the Smoker and more smart-talk. As you see, I am making ready to experience those iceboat racing days again. See you all at the 2021 Western Challenge.
Ken Whitehorse M197