We made history last night as the 4LIYC held its first virtual club meeting. When this club was first organized in the late 1800s, the primary means of communication was the telegraph while telephones were a dream of the future. Vice Commodore Tim McCormick moderated the meeting and it was marvelous seeing new faces and reconnecting with former members who are dusting off their iceboats for the upcoming season. The meeting went so well that the club is upgrading to a plan that will allow for longer meetings.
The club held elections. Following the recommendations of several members who suggested stability under these circumstances, the previous officers agreed to serve another year. Your 2020-2021 Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club officers are Commodore Don Anderson, Vice Commodore Tim McCormick, Treasurer Jerry Simon, and Secretary Deb Whitehorse. Our next club meeting will be on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at 6:30 PM. Club members will receive an email with the link to the meeting on December 1.
4LIYC Meeting Schedule & Info
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club members have been emailed a link to join our first club meeting on Zoom tonight at 6:30. If you are a member and did not receive the email, please email to me debwhitehorse@iceboat.org.
4LIYC’s Steve Arnold’s Skeeter made for a perfect bench on which to socialize during a regatta postponement. From left, Lorne Sherry, Charlie Miller, Elmer Millenbach, Bill Mattison. Note the freighter in the background.
Previous: 4LIYC Meetings Join the Virtual Revolution
Iceboaters are familiar with postponement. With that in mind, our first 4LIYC Zoom meeting of the season is postponed until November 18, 2020. We decided to wait until there was more to discuss. Club members will receive a link via email on November 17 to access the Zoom meeting.
The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club is pleased to announce that our meetings for the upcoming season will continue through the Zoom app. Club officers believe it is critical to maintain our meeting schedule in order to keep our members informed about ice conditions, regattas, and fleet news. Currently, in Dane County, restaurants and bars have a 25% capacity limit which makes holding our club meetings next to impossible. Even though we can’t meet indoors, club members are excited and looking forward to the upcoming ice sailing season. Ice sailing is the perfect way to continue socializing and having fun outdoors. Club meetings could move back indoors if the COVID situation changes.
4LIYC club members will receive an email next week with more information about the Zoom meetings. If you have questions, please email debwhitehorse@iceboat.org.
November 4 POSTPONED
December 2Elect Fleet Captains. Vote on ISA & NIYA Agenda Items
December 16
December 30
January 13 Honor Roll Nominations
January 27 Deadline for By-Law or Racing Rules Amendment Submission
One of the tenets of this sport is adaptability – being ready for whatever Mother Nature throws our way. 4LIYC Nite sailor Lars Barber has been planning for the season like any good ice sailor and created this portable propane grill for some after-race cookouts. In normal times, a cookout on the ice is a treat. With COVID likely limiting our access to the local watering spots, a fire on the ice with brats, bags of shelled peanuts (Tip of the Helmet Tom Hyslop), and our favorite beverages will almost become mandatory. So take a few extra minutes to plan when heading to the lake. Throw a bag of pre-cooked brats, snacks, and garbage bags into the cooler. Iceboating will get you out of the house this winter.