A Good Day On the Ice – 1970 ISA Memories

A Good Day On the Ice – 1970 ISA Memories

The recent passing of Gloria Melges reminded Don Sanford of a film clip from Bill Mattison’s collection taken at the 1970 International Skeeter Association Regatta, which was sailed on Lake Mendota from February 27 to March 1. Don shared this clip which shows a happy day on the ice for the Melges family and other assorted characters. It also brought back memories because I was there to watch my dad, Dave Rosten, and Buddy Melges tie for first place in that event.
Link to Video

Here’s how the News and Views reported the regatta:

For Midwest iceboaters, this was anything but a dream season. Light air, snow on new ice, flurries that drifted into mountains, bitter cold and rain showers all tested the iceboater’s determination to enjoy his “Thing.”
When the I.S.A. Championship was finally convened at Madison on February 27, it seemed as though the pain was to continue. The wind was non-existent and when it did come, it was light. As the regatta progressed throughout the three days, some of the races failed to make the time limit. Attempts were made to re-sail the abandoned races. But not all could be completed. Nevertheless, the competition was keen and some deserving champions were crowned.

The Art of Ice Formation – Mendota Today

To see our playground start to come to life, check out this time-lapse video of ice formation between the Edgewater and the Memorial Union on Lake Mendota. It’s -13F here this morning, and the middle of Lake Mendota is still steaming, but the ice is coming in. Keep an eye on the Mendota Today webcam for more thrilling ice formation videos!
Video link


When the What Ifs Come True

When What Ifs Come True

After squeezing all we could from Lake Kegonsa two weekends ago, Four Lakes members tucked away their boats and winter gear because surely the season was over. Kegonsa’s shoreline disappeared, and Monona was never an option because of the many holes, or as Greg McCormick stated, holes so big they deserved their own lake name. We knew Mendota was solid but figured there might be holes and a weakened spring shoreline.

On Wednesday, March 15, Don Sanford helpfully checked ice from 10,000 feet as he flew back from Newport, RI. Kegonsa was a mess, but Mendota looked good from that altitude.

What if:
Mendota survived the warm temperatures?
Thursday’s rain polished the surface?
Friday night’s 10f hardened things up?
The shore was tight on the east end?

DN and Renegaders Chad Atkins (RI) and Chris Gordon (MA) flew into Madison this weekend to pick up their DN trailer and head east. On the way to pick up Chad Thursday morning, I took a five-minute detour to look at Mendota’s Warner landing and was surprised to see the miracle of a tight shoreline. A few minutes later, fresh off the plane, Chad saw the flat expanse of Lake Mendota’s ice. We alerted Renegader Don Anderson, who is game for any iceboating adventure. We agreed to keep an eye on things, hoping for the What Ifs to fall in place.

Thursday night’s rain gave us little confidence for Mendota. Chad and I stopped at the lake on Friday morning before picking up Chris, again surprised to see the tight shoreline. Later that morning, Donny arrived to see for himself. After walking out in the raging wind to scout Warner Bay, Donny, and Chad pronounced it sailable but urged caution because of drain holes and cracks—spring ice changes by the hour. Boats might leave a perfectly fine shoreline only to return to 20 feet of open water. They would have to carry their Renegades to the ice because rolling on trailers would weaken the shoreline.

The hook was set; they couldn’t leave if there were a chance to sail their Renegades on Warner Bay. Chad and Chris bought Renegades last season but need more seat time because they focused on the DN World & North American Championship this season.

The promised cold arrived Saturday morning to tighten the ice, but the winds were gusting to 40 mph, which meant another day of waiting. Chad, Chris, and Damien Luyet tried a few laps at 4 PM but quickly realized the wind was still too strong. A puff made toothpicks out of Damien’s Renegade mast. Thankfully, Donny has spares.

Their patience paid off. Chad and Chris were rigged at sunrise Sunday morning, set up marks, and sailed a short course for 5 hours. Donny and Damien joined them at a reasonable hour for some scrub racing before Chad and Chris had to load up and drive back to Jamestown, RI, and Nantucket, MA. Everything fell into place. Chad and Chris look forward to competing in the next Renegade Championship.

Even in cold temperatures, spring ice changes quickly. A large heave popped up towards the middle of Mendota, foiling Donny’s plan to scout ice for a sail to the University of Wisconsin Union. Donny, Damien, and Brett Hulsley took advantage of what was there and sailed for the rest of the day.


See the MARY B at Frozen Assets Festival Feb 5 – 6

Ice Boat Foundation

Make a plan to show up at the Edgewater Hotel on Lake Mendota this weekend (February 5, 2022) for this year’s edition of the Clean Lakes Alliance Frozen Assets festival.

In addition to all of the activities, displays and exhibits, you’ll have a rare opportunity to see the MARY B where she belongs—on the ice! Volunteers from the Ice Boat Foundation will be there to show her off and tell you everything you want to know (and more) about this legendary icon of Madison’s long and storied history of iceboating. MARY B was designed and built right here in 1948 by Carl Bernard and Frank Tetzlaff for O. T. Havey. Skippered by Carl Bernard and Jimmy Payton, she was the fastest thing on the ice.

TBT: A Beautiful Day in Madison

This photo is another “rabbit hole” find, and hey, it happens to be Throw Back Thursday. I came across this marvelous photo of 4LIYC club members enjoying some spring weather (no gloves!) while searching for something else. It originally appeared in the ISA News and Views in either the late 1950s or early 1960s. The gang is relaxing in PIRATE, my father, Dave Rosten’s, Class A Skeeter.