Watch Mendota Melt

Though we are on the flip side of the ice watching season, here’s a live Lake Mendota web cam I’ve not seen before which originates from the birthplace of limnology in North America, the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Watch Mendota melt here. The UW liminologists also recommend watching this live underwater view of Lake Baikal here.

4LIYC Racing Scores Updated

Photo from the Yahara Project Instagram page, A documentary project on the Yahara Watershed.

After waiting out a snow flurry, the club was able to race on Sunday, January 28 on Lake Mendota and Tim McCormick has tabulated the standings.4LIYC Scores, Jan 30, 2018
A highlight of that day on Mendota was several college-age soft water sailors being introduced to our sport. Daniel Hearn put it best in his Facebook post:

Tip of the helmet to Dave Elsmo, who seemingly had the entire UW Sailing Team out taking turns and racing with us. Great exposure for our sport, due to Dave’s tireless ambassadorship!