Meet the Replacements

Jay’s replacement looking comfortable in the Skeeter.

Windjammers iceboater Jay Yaeso had his hands full with two boats over the weekend at Menominee, the Class A Skeeter, and Stern-Steerer HAYWIRE. Jay reported that he was “training his replacements.” His boys Jason and Clay sailed both the Skeeter and Stern-Steerer independently.

Below, future 4LIYC sailors Jack Ripp (Yes, that’s right!) and brother Henry Ripp (left) are taking a shop moment to discuss their Ice Optimist strategy. Their dad, Mike, will make sure their runners are sharpened.

Renegade Nationals – Nite Holiday Series Update

Arrowheads: The Nite fleet readies to race on Lake Puckaway, Saturday, December 26, 2020. Photo by Jim Stevenson. Instagram: js170b.

Renegade & Nite Results

I have time for a quick update before heading back to Lake Puckaway for day 2 of the 2020 Renegade Championship and Nite Holiday Series.
One of the highlights for me was scoring the third Renegade race when two familiar boats rounded first and second on the first lap and continued to battle for the remaining four laps. Ron Sherry was sailing Mike Ripp’s blue Renegade, and Mike was sailing his father, Jack’s red Renegade. Mike said that “Jack was sailing the boat” in that race. I will have more video and photos on Monday.