2020 Nite Holiday Series Called ON

Provisional Results

Via Nite Class Commodore John Hayashi:

The Nite class will be sailing out of Apuckwaka Park on the North shore of Lake Puckaway. The event starts on Saturday 12/26 with the flag dropping at 9 AM. You must be a Nite class member to participate. We will be following the Nite class protocols regarding COVID safe events listed on our class website www.niteiceboats.org. Further updates will be posted on our class website and also Facebook page.

The ice has been walked and scouted and will be further scouted and sailed Christmas morning. We are currently recording 4 inches of ice. The conditions look excellent.

Black lines are very small working seams, they have small gaps with thinner ice and possible water gaps. The circle is a very small patch of rougher ice that can be sailed just a little more bumps to it. We will sail right off the landing.

2020 Nite Holiday Series

2020 Nite Nationals on Green Lake. Photo: Rob Resnick

Via Nite Class Commodore John Hayashi:

The weekend of December 26-27, 2020 looks like the right date for the conditions to be safe on Lake Puckaway in Wisconsin. Currently there is only 1.5 inches of ice and it is doubtful that the ice will be ready for this weekend. However, the following weekend we have planned a series that follows Nite Class COVID19 protocols and allows for a safely distanced weekend. The Nite Class has invited the Renegade Class to participate and we have a management team in place to help make sure things run smooth and safe. This is a Nite National event so you need to be a member in good standing and this needs to be done prior to the event. Both the Renegades and the Nites will rotate throughout. The final call will be made on December 23, 2020.

We ask all iceboaters to respect the conditions and also the ramps as we would like them to build for a successful season. Good ramps = easier season. Please watch the class website www.niteiceboats.org for the latest information.

What Made Milwaukee Famous

Can there be any better way to introduce the new Nite YouTube channel than by starting off with this Schlitz commercial that ran in 1979? Not only that, Nite Treasurer Maureen Bohleber collected the back story on the making of the commercial. Be sure to go over to the Nite YouTube page to read it all.

Starring: Dick Slates, Will Perrigo, Tom Sweitzer and Mike Sangor

In 1979 the Schiltz Brewing Co. decided to make a series of commercials for the upcoming 1980 Winter Olympics featuring several sports that were winter related but definitely not in the mainstream of the official events. Iceboating turned out to be one of them. I’m not sure how they ended up with Nites and Pewaukee Lake but I’m guessing it had something to do with their corporate HQs being in Milwaukee at the time and Pewaukee Lake sailors’ reputation for enjoying their product. Kind of a win-win situation. Continue reading.

Nites Go Grand Prix Style

2020 Nite Nationals on Green Lake. Photo: Rob Resnick

Nite Class Announcement


Following the end of our season which was at the 2020 National Championship we as a BOD were tasked with looking at a response to dealing with boats that were lapped on the race course in conditions that may have been marginal. Though rules exist in other iceboat classes that deal with this same issue, it tends to be in a more broad manner. We felt that in the best interests of the class and both experienced and less experienced sailors we have come up with a better solution. This solution is now known as the Grand Prix Rule.


This new rule will be in place in our sailing instructions going forward, it was voted on and passed by the BOD. The use of the Grand Prix Rule will also allow for the race management teams to apply it as needed. The insertion of the new rule in the Sailing Instructions made more sense then the Bylaws as it was a regatta management issue.


The rule reads as follows:


Grand Prix Rule
1. In regatta conditions consisting of marginal wind speeds and warm air temps or with both conditions in effect, the Grand Prix Rule may be instated for all competitors who are sailing within either fleet. This rule allows for lapped boats to be retired off the course.


2. The Head Judge and/or the race committee have the option to use this rule for all races meeting the criteria. Notification of the Grand Prix Rule in effect must be announced prior to the start of that race. A lime green flag will be displayed to competitors that have been lapped. Those individuals will accept their place and withdraw off the race course. The race committee can withdraw its use of the Grand Prix Rule for further races at any time if the conditions have improved, however races that have been sailed under the Grand Prix Rule may not be rescinded as long as all time limits and laps criteria have been met.


3. Scoring for boats that have been lapped shall be as follows see addendum 1.


We look forward to future events and the use of the Grand Prix Rule at Nite Nationals and also Nite Regattas. We hope this improves the already great events we have and allows for the enjoyment of sailors in all skill levels.


Nite BOD