WSSA Regatta Called ON

The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta for 2018 has been tentatively called on for January 13 and 14. The site selected is Pewaukee Lake, west end. Final confirmation will be made by 1 PM Thursday, January 11. Check back here or call the Iceboat Hotline at 608-204-9876. Conditions are 15″ of ice with two ramps available. There is still some snow on the lake but it is expected to melt this week.

Andy Gratton

WSSA Secretary/Treasurer

Looking Back While We Wait

From the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections: “Lake Mendota ice rink” Photographer: Meuer, William Date: 1919-02 , 

While we wait for the Great Zamboni and for the big Wisconsin lakes of Green and Geneva to come online, enjoy these images Peter Fauerbach found in the University of Wisconsin Digital Collection.
The forecast looks encouraging for iceboating in Wisconsin.

Throw Back Thursday: The Day ROSEMARY Tipped Over

Many thanks to stern-steerer skipper Michael Kroll for posting a link to Andy Gratton’s story from this website on his Facebook page. Andy’s story about the legendary Oshkosh stern-steerer skipper, Don Ward, gets better with every reading. Michael writes, “I have read it many times, and when I see it, I can’t help but read it again because I’ve been in the back cockpit of this iceboat.”

The Day Rosemary Tipped Over.
© 2009 Andy Gratton
The 1992 NWIYA race was called on for Oshkosh. We had beautiful hard ice, except for
the typical crack in the bay. Nubs Salzsieder and I were discussing the upcoming
weekend, who was coming, etc. The usual plan for hard ice was that I would sail the
Timber Boat and he would sail Rosemary IV. We talked more about the boats, how Don
Ward had built so many, including the Rosemary boats, and how Don was always
interested in what was going on in Oshkosh, his home town. So Nubs called Don Ward
and told him to get on a plane and get back here from Washington State so he can sail on
his home ice. We didn’t really expect Don to do that, but a day or two later Nubs
informed me that Don would be sailing his old boat, Rosemary IV, and Nubs would be
sailing the Timber Boat. I was bummed because I had no other boat to race, so instead I
would help wherever needed.

2018 WSSA Regatta Update

Via Andy Gratton, WSSA Secretary:

Happy New Years, iceboaters!
The Wisconsin Stern Steering Association regatta has been postponed to January 13 and 14.  The next update will be Sunday, January 7.  Check back here or call the Iceboat Hotline 608-204-9876.  Lake Winnebago has more than 12″ of ice but the snow drifts are rock hard.

Pictures of the Year

The fine folks at the Toledo Ice Yacht Club were out in force yesterday on Maumee Bay. Wayne Mckinney was there and shot these eye catching photos.  That’s the KAY E BARKER, an 11,948 ton “bulk discharging carrier.” But wait, that’s not just any Great Lakes Freighter, she’s captained by none other than Eric Sawyer, who also skippers the Class A stern steerer, MICHIGANDER.
UPDATE: Yes, according to Eric’s dad, Chip, he was at the helm yesterday and that “he watched the boats sailing as he entered Toledo.”

Photo by Gretchen Dorian. Eric Sawyer’s MICHIGANDER at the 2016 Northwest Regatta on Lake Monona, Madison, WI