4LIYC Scores Posted
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing scores are now posted, thanks to our tabulator Damien Luyet.
4LIYC Scores
Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club racing scores are now posted, thanks to our tabulator Damien Luyet.
4LIYC Scores
In his search to learn more about a Ray Ruge built Skeeter he is restoring, Maine iceboater Bill Buchholz has inadvertently discovered some historic 16mm film in the archives of the Cohasset, MA Historical Society Francis Hagerty collection. The footage centers around the Fox Lake, Illinois Skeeters of the early 1940s. It’s possible that the films are from the 1941 and 1942 International Skeeter Association regattas. Considering the ISA was first sailed in 1940, these are very early films that show the early development of the Skeeter class. Some things to look for in the video below: